patch-2.4.5 linux/arch/ppc/boot/kbd.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.4/linux/arch/ppc/boot/kbd.c linux/arch/ppc/boot/kbd.c
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-#include <linux/keyboard.h>
-#include <../drivers/char/defkeymap.c>	/* yeah I know it's bad -- Cort */
-unsigned char shfts, ctls, alts, caps;
-#define	KBDATAP		0x60	/* kbd data port */
-#define	KBSTATUSPORT	0x61	/* kbd status */
-#define	KBSTATP		0x64	/* kbd status port */
-#define	KBINRDY		0x01
-#define	KBOUTRDY	0x02
-static int kbd(int noblock)
-	unsigned char dt, brk, val;
-	unsigned code;
-	if (noblock) {
-	    if ((inb(KBSTATP) & KBINRDY) == 0)
-		return (-1);
-	} else while((inb(KBSTATP) & KBINRDY) == 0) ;
-	dt = inb(KBDATAP);
-	brk = dt & 0x80;	/* brk == 1 on key release */
-	dt = dt & 0x7f;		/* keycode */
-	if (shfts)
-	    code = shift_map[dt];
-	else if (ctls)
-	    code = ctrl_map[dt];
-	else
-	    code = plain_map[dt];
-	val = KVAL(code);
-	switch (KTYP(code) & 0x0f) {
-	    case KT_LATIN:
-		if (brk)
-		    break;
-		if (alts)
-		    val |= 0x80;
-		if (val == 0x7f)	/* map delete to backspace */
-		    val = '\b';
-		return val;
-	    case KT_LETTER:
-		if (brk)
-		    break;
-		if (caps)
-		    val -= 'a'-'A';
-		return val;
-	    case KT_SPEC:
-		if (brk)
-		    break;
-		if (val == KVAL(K_CAPS))
-		    caps = !caps;
-		else if (val == KVAL(K_ENTER)) {
-enter:		    /* Wait for key up */
-		    while (1) {
-			while((inb(KBSTATP) & KBINRDY) == 0) ;
-			dt = inb(KBDATAP);
-			if (dt & 0x80) /* key up */ break;
-		    }
-		    return 10;
-		}
-		break;
-	    case KT_PAD:
-		if (brk)
-		    break;
-		if (val < 10)
-		    return val;
-		if (val == KVAL(K_PENTER))
-		    goto enter;
-		break;
-	    case KT_SHIFT:
-		switch (val) {
-		    case KG_SHIFT:
-		    case KG_SHIFTL:
-		    case KG_SHIFTR:
-			shfts = brk ? 0 : 1;
-			break;
-		    case KG_ALT:
-		    case KG_ALTGR:
-			alts = brk ? 0 : 1;
-			break;
-		    case KG_CTRL:
-		    case KG_CTRLL:
-		    case KG_CTRLR:
-			ctls = brk ? 0 : 1;
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-	    case KT_LOCK:
-		switch (val) {
-		    case KG_SHIFT:
-		    case KG_SHIFTL:
-		    case KG_SHIFTR:
-			if (brk)
-			    shfts = !shfts;
-			break;
-		    case KG_ALT:
-		    case KG_ALTGR:
-			if (brk)
-			    alts = !alts;
-			break;
-		    case KG_CTRL:
-		    case KG_CTRLL:
-		    case KG_CTRLR:
-			if (brk)
-			    ctls = !ctls;
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	if (brk) return (-1);  /* Ignore initial 'key up' codes */
-	goto loop;
-static void kbdreset(void)
-	unsigned char c;
-	int i;
-	/* flush input queue */
-	while ((inb(KBSTATP) & KBINRDY))
-	{
-		(void)inb(KBDATAP);
-	}
-	/* Send self-test */
-	while (inb(KBSTATP) & KBOUTRDY) ;
-	outb(KBSTATP,0xAA);
-	while ((inb(KBSTATP) & KBINRDY) == 0) ;	/* wait input ready */
-	if ((c = inb(KBDATAP)) != 0x55)
-	{
-		puts("Keyboard self test failed - result:");
-		puthex(c);
-		puts("\n");
-	}
-	/* Enable interrupts and keyboard controller */
-	while (inb(KBSTATP) & KBOUTRDY) ;
-	outb(KBSTATP,0x60);	
-	while (inb(KBSTATP) & KBOUTRDY) ;
-	outb(KBDATAP,0x45);
-	for (i = 0;  i < 10000;  i++) udelay(1);
-	while (inb(KBSTATP) & KBOUTRDY) ;
-	outb(KBSTATP,0x20);
-	while ((inb(KBSTATP) & KBINRDY) == 0) ; /* wait input ready */
-	if (! (inb(KBDATAP) & 0x40)) {
-		/*
-		 * Quote from PS/2 System Reference Manual:
-		 *
-		 * "Address hex 0060 and address hex 0064 should be
-		 * written only when the input-buffer-full bit and
-		 * output-buffer-full bit in the Controller Status
-		 * register are set 0." (KBINRDY and KBOUTRDY)
-		 */
-		while (inb(KBSTATP) & (KBINRDY | KBOUTRDY)) ;
-		outb(KBDATAP,0xF0);
-		while (inb(KBSTATP) & (KBINRDY | KBOUTRDY)) ;
-		outb(KBDATAP,0x01);
-	}
-	while (inb(KBSTATP) & KBOUTRDY) ;
-	outb(KBSTATP,0xAE);
-/* We have to actually read the keyboard when CRT_tstc is called,
- * since the pending data might be a key release code, and therefore
- * not valid data.  In this case, kbd() will return -1, even though there's
- * data to be read.  Of course, we might actually read a valid key press,
- * in which case it gets queued into key_pending for use by CRT_getc.
- */
-static int kbd_reset = 0;
-static int key_pending = -1;
-int CRT_getc(void)
-	int c;
-	if (!kbd_reset) {kbdreset(); kbd_reset++; }
-        if (key_pending != -1) {
-                c = key_pending;
-                key_pending = -1;
-                return c;
-        } else {
-	while ((c = kbd(0)) == 0) ;
-                return c;
-        }
-int CRT_tstc(void)
-	if (!kbd_reset) {kbdreset(); kbd_reset++; }
-        while (key_pending == -1 && ((inb(KBSTATP) & KBINRDY) != 0)) {
-                key_pending = kbd(1);
-        }
-        return (key_pending != -1);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: