patch-2.4.5 linux/arch/ppc/boot/common/crt0.S

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.4/linux/arch/ppc/boot/common/crt0.S linux/arch/ppc/boot/common/crt0.S
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * BK Id: SCCS/s.crt0.S 1.10 05/21/01 00:49:49 cort
+ */
+/*    Copyright (c) 1997 Paul Mackerras <>
+ *      Initial Power Macintosh COFF version.
+ *    Copyright (c) 1999 Grant Erickson <>
+ *      Modifications for IBM PowerPC 400-class processor evaluation
+ *      boards.
+ *
+ *    Module name: crt0.S
+ *
+ *    Description:
+ *      Boot loader execution entry point. Clears out .bss section as per
+ *      ANSI C requirements. Invalidates and flushes the caches over the
+ *      range covered by the boot loader's .text section. Sets up a stack
+ *      below the .text section entry point.
+ *
+ *    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ *    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ *    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+ *    2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include "../../kernel/ppc_asm.tmpl"
+	.text
+	.globl	_start
+#ifdef XCOFF
+	.long	__start,0,0
+	.globl	__start
+#ifdef CONFIG_4xx
+	## Clear out the BSS as per ANSI C requirements
+	lis	r7,_end@ha
+	addi	r7,r7,_end@l		# r7 = &_end
+	lis	r8,__bss_start@ha	# 
+	addi	r8,r8,__bss_start@l	# r8 = &_bss_start
+	## Determine how large an area, in number of words, to clear
+	subf	r7,r8,r7		# r7 = &_end - &_bss_start + 1 
+	addi	r7,r7,3			# r7 += 3
+	srwi.	r7,r7,2			# r7 = size in words.
+	beq	2f			# If the size is zero, do not bother
+	addi	r8,r8,-4		# r8 -= 4
+	mtctr	r7			# SPRN_CTR = number of words to clear
+	li	r0,0			# r0 = 0
+1:	stwu	r0,4(r8)		# Clear out a word
+	bdnz	1b			# If we are not done yet, keep clearing
+	## Flush and invalidate the caches for the range in memory covering
+	## the .text section of the boot loader
+2:	lis	r9,_start@h		# r9 = &_start
+	lis	r8,_etext@ha		# 
+	addi	r8,r8,_etext@l		# r8 = &_etext
+3:	dcbf	r0,r9			# Flush the data cache
+	icbi	r0,r9			# Invalidate the instruction cache
+	addi	r9,r9,0x10		# Increment by one cache line
+	cmplw	cr0,r9,r8		# Are we at the end yet?
+	blt	3b			# No, keep flushing and invalidating
+	sync				# sync ; isync after flushing the icache
+	isync
+#ifdef CONFIG_4xx
+	## Set up the stack
+	lis	r9,_start@h		# r9 = &_start (text section entry)
+	addi	r9,r9,_start@l
+	subi	r1,r9,64		# Start the stack 64 bytes below _start
+	clrrwi	r1,r1,4			# Make sure it is aligned on 16 bytes.
+	li	r0,0
+	stwu	r0,-16(r1)
+	mtlr	r9
+	b	start			# All done, start the real work.

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: