patch-2.4.4 linux/include/asm-arm/arch-l7200/gpio.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.3/linux/include/asm-arm/arch-l7200/gpio.h linux/include/asm-arm/arch-l7200/gpio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ *      linux/include/asm-arm/arch-l7200/gpio.h
+ *
+ *      Registers and  helper functions for the L7200 Link-Up Systems
+ *      GPIO.
+ *
+ *      (C) Copyright 2000, S A McConnell  (
+ *
+ *  This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
+ *  License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive for
+ *  more details.
+ */
+#define GPIO_OFF   0x00005000  /* Offset from IO_START to the GPIO reg's. */
+/* IO_START and IO_BASE are defined in hardware.h */
+#define GPIO_START (IO_START_2 + GPIO_OFF) /* Physical addr of the GPIO reg. */
+#define GPIO_BASE  (IO_BASE_2  + GPIO_OFF) /* Virtual addr of the GPIO reg. */
+/* Offsets from the start of the GPIO for all the registers. */
+#define PADR_OFF     0x000
+#define PADDR_OFF    0x004
+#define PASBSR_OFF   0x008
+#define PAEENR_OFF   0x00c
+#define PAESNR_OFF   0x010
+#define PAESTR_OFF   0x014
+#define PAIMR_OFF    0x018
+#define PAINT_OFF    0x01c
+#define PBDR_OFF     0x020
+#define PBDDR_OFF    0x024
+#define PBSBSR_OFF   0x028
+#define PBIMR_OFF    0x038
+#define PBINT_OFF    0x03c
+#define PCDR_OFF     0x040
+#define PCDDR_OFF    0x044
+#define PCSBSR_OFF   0x048
+#define PCIMR_OFF    0x058
+#define PCINT_OFF    0x05c
+#define PDDR_OFF     0x060
+#define PDDDR_OFF    0x064
+#define PDSBSR_OFF   0x068
+#define PDEENR_OFF   0x06c
+#define PDESNR_OFF   0x070
+#define PDESTR_OFF   0x074
+#define PDIMR_OFF    0x078
+#define PDINT_OFF    0x07c
+#define PEDR_OFF     0x080
+#define PEDDR_OFF    0x084
+#define PESBSR_OFF   0x088
+#define PEEENR_OFF   0x08c
+#define PEESNR_OFF   0x090
+#define PEESTR_OFF   0x094
+#define PEIMR_OFF    0x098
+#define PEINT_OFF    0x09c
+/* Define the GPIO registers for use by device drivers and the kernel. */
+#define PADR   (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PADR_OFF))
+#define PADDR  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PADDR_OFF))
+#define PASBSR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PASBSR_OFF))
+#define PAEENR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PAEENR_OFF))
+#define PAESNR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PAESNR_OFF))
+#define PAESTR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PAESTR_OFF))
+#define PAIMR  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PAIMR_OFF))
+#define PAINT  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PAINT_OFF))
+#define PBDR   (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PBDR_OFF))
+#define PBDDR  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PBDDR_OFF))
+#define PBSBSR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PBSBSR_OFF))
+#define PBIMR  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PBIMR_OFF))
+#define PBINT  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PBINT_OFF))
+#define PCDR   (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PCDR_OFF))
+#define PCDDR  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PCDDR_OFF))
+#define PCSBSR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PCSBSR_OFF))
+#define PCIMR  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PCIMR_OFF))
+#define PCINT  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PCINT_OFF))
+#define PDDR   (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PDDR_OFF))
+#define PDDDR  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PDDDR_OFF))
+#define PDSBSR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PDSBSR_OFF))
+#define PDEENR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PDEENR_OFF))
+#define PDESNR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PDESNR_OFF))
+#define PDESTR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PDESTR_OFF))
+#define PDIMR  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PDIMR_OFF))
+#define PDINT  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PDINT_OFF))
+#define PEDR   (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PEDR_OFF))
+#define PEDDR  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PEDDR_OFF))
+#define PESBSR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PESBSR_OFF))
+#define PEEENR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PEEENR_OFF))
+#define PEESNR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PEESNR_OFF))
+#define PEESTR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PEESTR_OFF))
+#define PEIMR  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PEIMR_OFF))
+#define PEINT  (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE+PEINT_OFF))
+#define VEE_EN         0x02
+#define BACKLIGHT_EN   0x04

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: