patch-2.4.23 linux-2.4.23/arch/ia64/kernel/minstate.h

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diff -urN linux-2.4.22/arch/ia64/kernel/minstate.h linux-2.4.23/arch/ia64/kernel/minstate.h
@@ -3,43 +3,25 @@
 #include "entry.h"
- * A couple of convenience macros that make writing and reading
- * SAVE_MIN and SAVE_REST easier.
- */
-#define rARPR		r31
-#define rCRIFS		r30
-#define rCRIPSR		r29
-#define rCRIIP		r28
-#define rARRSC		r27
-#define rARPFS		r26
-#define rARUNAT		r25
-#define rARRNAT		r24
-#define rARBSPSTORE	r23
-#define rKRBS		r22
-#define rB6		r21
-#define rR1		r20
- * Here start the source dependent macros.
- */
- * For ivt.s we want to access the stack virtually so we dont have to disable translation
+ * For ivt.s we want to access the stack virtually so we don't have to disable translation
  * on interrupts.
+ *
+ *  On entry:
+ *	r1:	pointer to current task (ar.k6)
 	dep r1=-1,r1,61,3;				/* r1 = current (virtual) */		\
 (pUser)	mov ar.rsc=0;		/* set enforced lazy mode, pl 0, little-endian, loadrs=0 */	\
 	;;											\
-(pUser)	addl rKRBS=IA64_RBS_OFFSET,r1;			/* compute base of RBS */		\
-(pUser)	mov rARRNAT=ar.rnat;									\
+(pUser)	addl r22=IA64_RBS_OFFSET,r1;			/* compute base of RBS */		\
+(pUser)	mov r24=ar.rnat;									\
 (pKern) mov r1=sp;					/* get sp  */				\
 	;;											\
 (pUser)	addl r1=IA64_STK_OFFSET-IA64_PT_REGS_SIZE,r1;	/* compute base of memory stack */	\
-(pUser)	mov rARBSPSTORE=ar.bspstore;			/* save ar.bspstore */			\
+(pUser)	mov r23=ar.bspstore;				/* save ar.bspstore */			\
 	;;											\
 (pKern) addl r1=-IA64_PT_REGS_SIZE,r1;			/* if in kernel mode, use sp (r12) */	\
-(pUser)	mov ar.bspstore=rKRBS;				/* switch to kernel RBS */		\
+(pUser)	mov ar.bspstore=r22;				/* switch to kernel RBS */		\
 	;;											\
 (pUser)	mov r18=ar.bsp;										\
 (pUser)	mov ar.rsc=0x3;		/* set eager mode, pl 0, little-endian, loadrs=0 */		\
@@ -51,21 +33,21 @@
  * For mca_asm.S we want to access the stack physically since the state is saved before we
- * go virtual and dont want to destroy the iip or ipsr.
+ * go virtual and don't want to destroy the iip or ipsr.
 (pKern) movl sp=ia64_init_stack+IA64_STK_OFFSET-IA64_PT_REGS_SIZE;				\
 (pUser)	mov ar.rsc=0;		/* set enforced lazy mode, pl 0, little-endian, loadrs=0 */	\
-(pUser)	addl rKRBS=IA64_RBS_OFFSET,r1;		/* compute base of register backing store */	\
+(pUser)	addl r22=IA64_RBS_OFFSET,r1;		/* compute base of register backing store */	\
 	;;											\
-(pUser)	mov rARRNAT=ar.rnat;									\
+(pUser)	mov r24=ar.rnat;									\
 (pKern) dep r1=0,sp,61,3;				/* compute physical addr of sp	*/	\
 (pUser)	addl r1=IA64_STK_OFFSET-IA64_PT_REGS_SIZE,r1;	/* compute base of memory stack */	\
-(pUser)	mov rARBSPSTORE=ar.bspstore;			/* save ar.bspstore */			\
-(pUser)	dep rKRBS=-1,rKRBS,61,3;			/* compute kernel virtual addr of RBS */\
+(pUser)	mov r23=ar.bspstore;				/* save ar.bspstore */			\
+(pUser)	dep r22=-1,r22,61,3;				/* compute kernel virtual addr of RBS */\
 	;;											\
 (pKern) addl r1=-IA64_PT_REGS_SIZE,r1;		/* if in kernel mode, use sp (r12) */		\
-(pUser)	mov ar.bspstore=rKRBS;			/* switch to kernel RBS */			\
+(pUser)	mov ar.bspstore=r22;			/* switch to kernel RBS */			\
 	;;											\
 (pUser)	mov r18=ar.bsp;										\
 (pUser)	mov ar.rsc=0x3;		/* set eager mode, pl 0, little-endian, loadrs=0 */		\
@@ -96,143 +78,168 @@
  * Upon exit, the state is as follows:
  *	psr.ic: off
- *	r2 = points to &pt_regs.r16
+ *	 r2 = points to &pt_regs.r16
+ *	 r8 = contents of ar.ccv
+ *	 r9 = contents of ar.csd
+ *	r10 = contents of ar.ssd
+ *	r11 = FPSR_DEFAULT
  *	r12 = kernel sp (kernel virtual address)
  *	r13 = points to current task_struct (kernel virtual address)
  *	p15 = TRUE if psr.i is set in cr.ipsr
- *	predicate registers (other than p2, p3, and p15), b6, r3, r8, r9, r10, r11, r14, r15:
+ *	predicate registers (other than p2, p3, and p15), b6, r3, r14, r15:
  *		preserved
  * Note that psr.ic is NOT turned on by this macro.  This is so that
  * we can pass interruption state as arguments to a handler.
-#define DO_SAVE_MIN(COVER,SAVE_IFS,EXTRA)							  \
-	mov rARRSC=ar.rsc;									  \
-	mov rARPFS=ar.pfs;									  \
-	mov rR1=r1;										  \
-	mov rARUNAT=ar.unat;									  \
-	mov rCRIPSR=cr.ipsr;									  \
-	mov rB6=b6;				/* rB6 = branch reg 6 */			  \
-	mov rCRIIP=cr.iip;									  \
-	mov r1=IA64_KR(CURRENT);		/* r1 = current (physical) */			  \
-	COVER;											  \
-	;;											  \
-	invala;											  \
-	extr.u r16=rCRIPSR,32,2;		/* extract psr.cpl */				  \
-	;;											  \
-	cmp.eq pKern,pUser=r0,r16;		/* are we in kernel mode already? (psr.cpl==0) */ \
-	/* switch from user to kernel RBS: */							  \
-	;;											  \
-	SAVE_IFS;										  \
-	;;											  \
-	mov r16=r1;					/* initialize first base pointer */	  \
-	adds r17=8,r1;					/* initialize second base pointer */	  \
-	;;											  \
-	st8 [r16]=rCRIPSR,16;	/* save cr.ipsr */						  \
-	st8 [r17]=rCRIIP,16;	/* save cr.iip */						  \
-(pKern)	mov r18=r0;		/* make sure r18 isn't NaT */					  \
-	;;											  \
-	st8 [r16]=rCRIFS,16;	/* save cr.ifs */						  \
-	st8 [r17]=rARUNAT,16;	/* save ar.unat */						  \
-(pUser)	sub r18=r18,rKRBS;	/* r18=RSE.ndirty*8 */						  \
-	;;											  \
-	st8 [r16]=rARPFS,16;	/* save ar.pfs */						  \
-	st8 [r17]=rARRSC,16;	/* save ar.rsc */						  \
- p15,p0=rCRIPSR,IA64_PSR_I_BIT							  \
-	;;			/* avoid RAW on r16 & r17 */					  \
-(pKern)	adds r16=16,r16;	/* skip over ar_rnat field */					  \
-(pKern)	adds r17=16,r17;	/* skip over ar_bspstore field */				  \
-(pUser)	st8 [r16]=rARRNAT,16;	/* save ar.rnat */						  \
-(pUser)	st8 [r17]=rARBSPSTORE,16;	/* save ar.bspstore */					  \
-	;;											  \
-	st8 [r16]=rARPR,16;	/* save predicates */						  \
-	st8 [r17]=rB6,16;	/* save b6 */							  \
-	shl r18=r18,16;		/* compute ar.rsc to be used for "loadrs" */			  \
-	;;											  \
-	st8 [r16]=r18,16;	/* save ar.rsc value for "loadrs" */				  \
-	st8.spill [r17]=rR1,16;	/* save original r1 */						  \
-	;;											  \
-.mem.offset 0,0;	st8.spill [r16]=r2,16;							  \
-.mem.offset 8,0;	st8.spill [r17]=r3,16;							  \
-	adds r2=IA64_PT_REGS_R16_OFFSET,r1;							  \
-	;;											  \
-.mem.offset 0,0;		st8.spill [r16]=r12,16;						  \
-.mem.offset 8,0;		st8.spill [r17]=r13,16;						  \
-	cmp.eq pNonSys,pSys=r0,r0	/* initialize pSys=0, pNonSys=1 */			  \
-	;;											  \
-.mem.offset 0,0;		st8.spill [r16]=r14,16;						  \
-.mem.offset 8,0;		st8.spill [r17]=r15,16;						  \
-	dep r14=-1,r0,61,3;									  \
-	;;											  \
-.mem.offset 0,0;		st8.spill [r16]=r8,16;						  \
-.mem.offset 8,0;		st8.spill [r17]=r9,16;						  \
-	adds r12=-16,r1;	/* switch to kernel memory stack (with 16 bytes of scratch) */	  \
-	;;											  \
-.mem.offset 0,0;		st8.spill [r16]=r10,16;						  \
-.mem.offset 8,0;		st8.spill [r17]=r11,16;						  \
-	mov r13=IA64_KR(CURRENT);	/* establish `current' */				  \
-	;;											  \
-	EXTRA;											  \
-	movl r1=__gp;		/* establish kernel global pointer */				  \
-	;;											  \
+	mov r29=cr.ipsr;									\
+	mov r17=IA64_KR(CURRENT);		/* r1 = current (physical) */			\
+	mov r20=r1;										\
+	mov r27=ar.rsc;										\
+	mov r25=ar.unat;									\
+	mov r26=ar.pfs;										\
+	mov r21=ar.fpsr;									\
+	mov r28=cr.iip;										\
+	COVER;											\
+	;;											\
+	invala;											\
+	extr.u r16=r29,32,2;		/* extract psr.cpl */					\
+	;;											\
+	cmp.eq pKern,pUser=r0,r16;	/* are we in kernel mode already? (psr.cpl==0) */	\
+	mov r1=r17; 										\
+	/* switch from user to kernel RBS: */							\
+	;;											\
+	SAVE_IFS;										\
+	adds r17=2*L1_CACHE_BYTES,r1;		/* really: biggest cache-line size */		\
+	adds r16=PT(CR_IPSR),r1;								\
+	;;											\
+	lfetch.fault.excl.nt1 [r17],L1_CACHE_BYTES;						\
+	st8 [r16]=r29;		/* save cr.ipsr */						\
+	;;											\
+	lfetch.fault.excl.nt1 [r17];								\
+	;;											\
+	adds r16=PT(R8),r1;	/* initialize first base pointer */				\
+	adds r17=PT(R9),r1;	/* initialize second base pointer */				\
+	;;											\
+.mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r16]=r8,16;								\
+.mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r17]=r9,16;								\
+	;;											\
+.mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r16]=r10,24;							\
+.mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r17]=r11,32;							\
+	;;											\
+	st8 [r16]=r28,8;	/* save cr.iip */						\
+	mov r28=b0;          	/* rCRIIP=branch reg b0 */					\
+(pKern)	mov r18=r0;		/* make sure r18 isn't NaT */					\
+	mov r8=ar.ccv;                                                                          \
+	mov r9=ar.csd;                                                                          \
+	mov r10=ar.ssd;                                                                         \
+	movl r11=FPSR_DEFAULT;   /* L-unit */                                                   \
+	;;											\
+	st8 [r16]=r30,16;	/* save cr.ifs */						\
+	st8 [r17]=r25,16;	/* save ar.unat */						\
+(pUser)	sub r18=r18,r22;	/* r18=RSE.ndirty*8 */						\
+	;;											\
+	st8 [r16]=r26,16;	/* save ar.pfs */						\
+	st8 [r17]=r27,16;	/* save ar.rsc */						\
+ p15,p0=r29,IA64_PSR_I_BIT							\
+	;;			/* avoid RAW on r16 & r17 */					\
+(pKern)	adds r16=16,r16;	/* skip over ar_rnat field */					\
+(pKern)	adds r17=16,r17;	/* skip over ar_bspstore field */				\
+(pUser)	st8 [r16]=r24,16;	/* save ar.rnat */						\
+(pUser)	st8 [r17]=r23,16;	/* save ar.bspstore */					  	\
+	;;											\
+	st8 [r16]=r31,16;	/* save predicates */						\
+	st8 [r17]=r28,16;	/* save b0 */							\
+	shl r18=r18,16;		/* compute ar.rsc to be used for "loadrs" */			\
+	;;											\
+	st8 [r16]=r18,16;	/* save ar.rsc value for "loadrs" */				\
+	st8.spill [r17]=r20,16;	/* save original r1 */						\
+	;;											\
+.mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r16]=r12,16;							\
+.mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r17]=r13,16;							\
+	cmp.eq pNonSys,pSys=r0,r0	/* initialize pSys=0, pNonSys=1 */			\
+	;;											\
+.mem.offset 0,0; st8 [r16]=r21,PT(R14)-PT(AR_FPSR); 	/* ar.fpsr */				\
+.mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r17]=r15,PT(R3)-PT(R15);						\
+	adds r12=-16,r1;	/* switch to kernel memory stack (with 16 bytes of scratch) */	\
+	;;											\
+	mov r13=IA64_KR(CURRENT);	/* establish `current' */				\
+.mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r16]=r14,8;								\
+	dep r14=-1,r0,61,3;									\
+	;;											\
+.mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r16]=r2,16;								\
+.mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r17]=r3,16;								\
+	adds r2=IA64_PT_REGS_R16_OFFSET,r1;							\
+	;;											\
+	EXTRA;											\
+	movl r1=__gp;		/* establish kernel global pointer */				\
+	;;											\
- * SAVE_REST saves the remainder of pt_regs (with psr.ic on).  This
- * macro guarantees to preserve all predicate registers, r8, r9, r10,
- * r11, r14, and r15.
+ * SAVE_REST saves the remainder of pt_regs (with psr.ic on).
  * Assumed state upon entry:
  *	psr.ic: on
  *	r2:	points to &pt_regs.r16
  *	r3:	points to &pt_regs.r17
+ *	r8:	contents of ar.ccv
+ *	r9:	contents of ar.csd
+ *	r10:	contents of ar.ssd
+ *
+ * Registers r14 and r15 are guaranteed not to be touched by SAVE_REST.
 #define SAVE_REST				\
-.mem.offset 0,0;	st8.spill [r2]=r16,16;	\
-.mem.offset 8,0;	st8.spill [r3]=r17,16;	\
-	;;					\
-.mem.offset 0,0;	st8.spill [r2]=r18,16;	\
-.mem.offset 8,0;	st8.spill [r3]=r19,16;	\
+.mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r2]=r16,16;		\
+.mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r3]=r17,16;		\
 	;;					\
-	mov r16=ar.ccv;		/* M-unit */	\
-	movl r18=FPSR_DEFAULT	/* L-unit */	\
+.mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r2]=r18,16;		\
+.mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r3]=r19,16;		\
 	;;					\
-	mov r17=ar.fpsr;	/* M-unit */	\
-	mov ar.fpsr=r18;	/* M-unit */	\
+.mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r2]=r20,16;		\
+.mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r3]=r21,16;		\
+	mov r18=b6;				\
 	;;					\
-.mem.offset 0,0;	st8.spill [r2]=r20,16;	\
-.mem.offset 8,0;	st8.spill [r3]=r21,16;	\
-	mov r18=b0;				\
-	;;					\
-.mem.offset 0,0;	st8.spill [r2]=r22,16;	\
-.mem.offset 8,0;	st8.spill [r3]=r23,16;	\
+.mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r2]=r22,16;		\
+.mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r3]=r23,16;		\
 	mov r19=b7;				\
 	;;					\
-.mem.offset 0,0;	st8.spill [r2]=r24,16;	\
-.mem.offset 8,0;	st8.spill [r3]=r25,16;	\
-	;;					\
-.mem.offset 0,0;	st8.spill [r2]=r26,16;	\
-.mem.offset 8,0;	st8.spill [r3]=r27,16;	\
+.mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r2]=r24,16;		\
+.mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r3]=r25,16;		\
 	;;					\
-.mem.offset 0,0;	st8.spill [r2]=r28,16;	\
-.mem.offset 8,0;	st8.spill [r3]=r29,16;	\
+.mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r2]=r26,16;		\
+.mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r3]=r27,16;		\
 	;;					\
-.mem.offset 0,0;	st8.spill [r2]=r30,16;	\
-.mem.offset 8,0;	st8.spill [r3]=r31,16;	\
+.mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r2]=r28,16;		\
+.mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r3]=r29,16;		\
 	;;					\
-	st8 [r2]=r16,16;	/* ar.ccv */	\
-	st8 [r3]=r17,16;	/* ar.fpsr */	\
+.mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r2]=r30,16;		\
+.mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r3]=r31,32;		\
 	;;					\
-	st8 [r2]=r18,16;	/* b0 */	\
-	st8 [r3]=r19,16+8;	/* b7 */	\
+	mov ar.fpsr=r11;	/* M-unit */	\
+	st8 [r2]=r8,8;		/* ar.ccv */	\
+	adds r24=PT(B6)-PT(F7),r3;		\
 	;;					\
 	stf.spill [r2]=f6,32;			\
 	stf.spill [r3]=f7,32;			\
 	;;					\
 	stf.spill [r2]=f8,32;			\
-	stf.spill [r3]=f9,32
+	stf.spill [r3]=f9,32;			\
+	;;					\
+	stf.spill [r2]=f10;			\
+	stf.spill [r3]=f11;			\
+	adds r25=PT(B7)-PT(F11),r3;		\
+	;;					\
+	st8 [r24]=r18,16;	/* b6 */	\
+	st8 [r25]=r19,16;	/* b7 */	\
+	;;					\
+	st8 [r24]=r9;		/* ar.csd */	\
+	st8 [r25]=r10;		/* ar.ssd */	\
+	;;
-#define SAVE_MIN_WITH_COVER	DO_SAVE_MIN(cover, mov rCRIFS=cr.ifs,)
-#define SAVE_MIN_WITH_COVER_R19	DO_SAVE_MIN(cover, mov rCRIFS=cr.ifs, mov r15=r19)
-#define SAVE_MIN		DO_SAVE_MIN(     , mov rCRIFS=r0, )
+#define SAVE_MIN_WITH_COVER	DO_SAVE_MIN(cover, mov r30=cr.ifs,)
+#define SAVE_MIN_WITH_COVER_R19	DO_SAVE_MIN(cover, mov r30=cr.ifs, mov r15=r19)
+#define SAVE_MIN		DO_SAVE_MIN(     , mov r30=r0, )

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: