patch-2.4.22 linux-2.4.22/drivers/tc/lk201.h
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- Lines: 38
- Date:
2003-08-25 04:44:42.000000000 -0700
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
2002-11-28 15:53:14.000000000 -0800
diff -urN linux-2.4.21/drivers/tc/lk201.h linux-2.4.22/drivers/tc/lk201.h
@@ -68,22 +68,24 @@
* Mappings between key groups and keycodes are as follows:
- * 1: 0xbf - 0xfb -- alphanumeric,
- * 2: 0x92 - 0xa4 -- numeric keypad,
+ * 1: 0xbf - 0xff -- alphanumeric,
+ * 2: 0x91 - 0xa5 -- numeric keypad,
* 3: 0xbc -- Backspace,
* 4: 0xbd - 0xbe -- Tab, Return,
- * 5: 0xb0 - 0xb1 -- Lock, Compose Character,
- * 6: 0xae - 0xaf -- Ctrl, Shift,
- * 7: 0xa7 - 0xa8 -- Left Arrow, Right Arrow,
- * 8: 0xa9 - 0xab -- Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Right Shift,
- * 9: 0x8a - 0x8f -- editor keypad,
- * 10: 0x56 - 0x5a -- F1 - F5,
- * 11: 0x64 - 0x68 -- F6 - F10,
- * 12: 0x71 - 0x74 -- F11 - F14,
- * 13: 0x7c - 0x7d -- Help, Do,
- * 14: 0x80 - 0x83 -- F17 - F20.
+ * 5: 0xb0 - 0xb2 -- Lock, Compose Character,
+ * 6: 0xad - 0xaf -- Ctrl, Shift,
+ * 7: 0xa6 - 0xa8 -- Left Arrow, Right Arrow,
+ * 8: 0xa9 - 0xac -- Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Right Shift,
+ * 9: 0x88 - 0x90 -- editor keypad,
+ * 10: 0x56 - 0x62 -- F1 - F5,
+ * 11: 0x63 - 0x6e -- F6 - F10,
+ * 12: 0x6f - 0x7a -- F11 - F14,
+ * 13: 0x7b - 0x7d -- Help, Do,
+ * 14: 0x7e - 0x87 -- F17 - F20.
- * Others, i.e. 0x55, 0xac, 0xad, 0xb2, are undiscovered.
+ * Notes:
+ * 1. Codes in the 0x00 - 0x40 range are reserved.
+ * 2. The assignment of the 0x41 - 0x55 range is undiscovered, probably 10.
/* delay is 5 - 630 ms; 0x00 and 0x7f are reserved */
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: