patch-2.4.22 linux-2.4.22/arch/arm/boot/compressed/head-netwinder.S

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diff -urN linux-2.4.21/arch/arm/boot/compressed/head-netwinder.S linux-2.4.22/arch/arm/boot/compressed/head-netwinder.S
@@ -1,50 +1,13 @@
  *  linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed/head-netwinder.S
- *  Copyright (C) 2000 Russell King
+ *  Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Russell King
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
-#define K(a,b,c)	((a) << 24 | (b) << 12 | (c))
+		.section	".start", "ax"
-		.section	".start", #alloc, #execinstr
-		/*
-		 * check to see if we are running from the correct address.
-		 * If not, we move ourselves in a two stage process.  Firstly,
-		 * we copy the start of the kernel (which includes this code)
-		 * to 0x8000, and then jump to this code to continue with the
-		 * rest (since this code will get overwritten).
-		 */
-		adr	r2, 1f
-		ldmdb	r2, {r9, r10}
-		and	r3, r2, #0xc000
-		teq	r3, #0x8000	@ correctly located?
-		beq	2f		@ skip this code
-		bic	r3, r2, #0xc000
-		orr	r3, r3, #0x8000
-		mov	r0, r3		@ new address if '1'
-		mov	r4, #64		@ number of bytes to copy
-		sub	r5, r10, r9	@ total number of bytes to copy
-		b	1f
-		.word	_start
-		.word	__bss_start
-		.rept	4
-		ldmia	r2!, {r6, r9, r10, r11}
-		stmia	r3!, {r6, r9, r10, r11}
-		.endr
-		subs	r4, r4, #64
-		bcs	1b
-		movs	r4, r5		@ remaining length
-		mov	r5, #0		@ no more to copy
-		movne	pc, r0		@ jump back to 1 (in the newly copied
-					@ code)
-		mov	r7, #5		@ only here to fix NeTTroms which dont
-		mov	r8, #2 << 24		@ scheduled for removal in 2.5.xx
-		orr	r8, r8, #5 << 12
+/*		mov	r7, #5*/
+/*		mov	r8, #0*/

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: