patch-2.4.21 linux-2.4.21/drivers/usb/konicawc.c

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diff -urN linux-2.4.20/drivers/usb/konicawc.c linux-2.4.21/drivers/usb/konicawc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+ * konicawc.c - konica webcam driver
+ *
+ * Author: Simon Evans <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Simon Evans
+ *
+ * Licence: GPL
+ *
+ * Driver for USB webcams based on Konica chipset. This
+ * chipset is used in Intel YC76 camera.
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/input.h>
+#include "usbvideo.h"
+#define MAX_BRIGHTNESS	108
+#define MAX_CONTRAST	108
+#define MAX_SATURATION	108
+#define MAX_SHARPNESS	108
+#define MAX_WHITEBAL	372
+#define MAX_SPEED	6
+#define MAX_CAMERAS	1
+#define DRIVER_VERSION	"v1.4"
+#define DRIVER_DESC	"Konica Webcam driver"
+enum ctrl_req {
+	SetWhitebal	= 0x01,
+	SetBrightness	= 0x02,
+        SetSharpness	= 0x03,
+	SetContrast	= 0x04,
+	SetSaturation	= 0x05,
+enum frame_sizes {
+	SIZE_160X120	= 0,
+	SIZE_160X136	= 1,
+	SIZE_176X144	= 2,
+	SIZE_320X240	= 3,
+#define MAX_FRAME_SIZE	SIZE_320X240
+static struct usbvideo *cams;
+static int debug;
+#define DEBUG(n, format, arg...) \
+	if (n <= debug) {	 \
+		printk(KERN_DEBUG __FILE__ ":%s(): " format "\n", __FUNCTION__ , ## arg); \
+	}
+#define DEBUG(n, arg...)
+static const int debug = 0;
+/* Some default values for inital camera settings,
+   can be set by modprobe */
+static enum frame_sizes size;	
+static int speed = 6;		/* Speed (fps) 0 (slowest) to 6 (fastest) */
+static int brightness =	MAX_BRIGHTNESS/2;
+static int contrast =	MAX_CONTRAST/2;
+static int saturation =	MAX_SATURATION/2;
+static int sharpness =	MAX_SHARPNESS/2;
+static int whitebal =	3*(MAX_WHITEBAL/4);
+static int spd_to_iface[] = { 1, 0, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6 };
+/* These FPS speeds are from the windows config box. They are
+ * indexed on size (0-3) and speed (0-6). Divide by 3 to get the
+ * real fps.
+ */
+static int spd_to_fps[][7] = { { 24, 40, 48, 60, 72, 80, 100 },
+			       { 24, 40, 48, 60, 72, 80, 100 },
+			       { 18, 30, 36, 45, 54, 60, 75  },
+			       { 6,  10, 12, 15, 18, 21, 25  } };
+struct cam_size {
+	u16	width;
+	u16	height;
+	u8	cmd;
+static struct cam_size camera_sizes[] = { { 160, 120, 0x7 },
+					  { 160, 136, 0xa },
+					  { 176, 144, 0x4 },
+					  { 320, 240, 0x5 } };
+struct konicawc {
+	u8 brightness;		/* camera uses 0 - 9, x11 for real value */
+	u8 contrast;		/* as above */
+	u8 saturation;		/* as above */
+	u8 sharpness;		/* as above */
+	u8 white_bal;		/* 0 - 33, x11 for real value */
+	u8 speed;		/* Stored as 0 - 6, used as index in spd_to_* (above) */
+	u8 size;		/* Frame Size */
+	int height;
+	int width;
+	struct urb *sts_urb[USBVIDEO_NUMSBUF];
+	struct urb *last_data_urb, *last_sts_urb;
+	int lastframe;
+	int cur_frame_size;	/* number of bytes in current frame size */
+	int maxline;		/* number of lines per frame */
+	int yplanesz;		/* Number of bytes in the Y plane */
+	unsigned int buttonsts:1;
+	struct input_dev input;
+#define konicawc_set_misc(uvd, req, value, index)		konicawc_ctrl_msg(uvd, USB_DIR_OUT, req, value, index, NULL, 0)
+#define konicawc_get_misc(uvd, req, value, index, buf, sz)	konicawc_ctrl_msg(uvd, USB_DIR_IN, req, value, index, buf, sz)
+#define konicawc_set_value(uvd, value, index)			konicawc_ctrl_msg(uvd, USB_DIR_OUT, 2, value, index, NULL, 0)
+static int konicawc_ctrl_msg(struct uvd *uvd, u8 dir, u8 request, u16 value, u16 index, void *buf, int len)
+        int retval = usb_control_msg(uvd->dev,
+		dir ? usb_rcvctrlpipe(uvd->dev, 0) : usb_sndctrlpipe(uvd->dev, 0),
+		    request, 0x40 | dir, value, index, buf, len, HZ);
+        return retval < 0 ? retval : 0;
+static inline void konicawc_camera_on(struct uvd *uvd)
+        DEBUG(0, "camera on");
+        konicawc_set_misc(uvd, 0x2, 1, 0x0b);
+static inline void konicawc_camera_off(struct uvd *uvd)
+        DEBUG(0, "camera off");
+        konicawc_set_misc(uvd, 0x2, 0, 0x0b);
+static void konicawc_set_camera_size(struct uvd *uvd)
+	struct konicawc *cam = (struct konicawc *)uvd->user_data;
+	konicawc_set_misc(uvd, 0x2, camera_sizes[cam->size].cmd, 0x08);
+	cam->width = camera_sizes[cam->size].width;
+	cam->height = camera_sizes[cam->size].height;
+	cam->yplanesz = cam->height * cam->width;
+	cam->cur_frame_size = (cam->yplanesz * 3) / 2;
+	cam->maxline = cam->yplanesz / 256;
+	uvd->videosize = VIDEOSIZE(cam->width, cam->height);
+static int konicawc_setup_on_open(struct uvd *uvd)
+	struct konicawc *cam = (struct konicawc *)uvd->user_data;
+	DEBUG(1, "setting brightness to %d (%d)", cam->brightness,
+	    cam->brightness * 11);
+	konicawc_set_value(uvd, cam->brightness, SetBrightness);
+	DEBUG(1, "setting white balance to %d (%d)", cam->white_bal,
+	    cam->white_bal * 11);
+	konicawc_set_value(uvd, cam->white_bal, SetWhitebal);
+	DEBUG(1, "setting contrast to %d (%d)", cam->contrast,
+	    cam->contrast * 11);
+	konicawc_set_value(uvd, cam->contrast, SetContrast);
+	DEBUG(1, "setting saturation to %d (%d)", cam->saturation,
+	    cam->saturation * 11);
+	konicawc_set_value(uvd, cam->saturation, SetSaturation);
+	DEBUG(1, "setting sharpness to %d (%d)", cam->sharpness,
+	    cam->sharpness * 11);
+	konicawc_set_value(uvd, cam->sharpness, SetSharpness);
+	konicawc_set_camera_size(uvd);
+	cam->lastframe = -2;
+	cam->buttonsts = 0;
+	return 0;
+static void konicawc_adjust_picture(struct uvd *uvd)
+	struct konicawc *cam = (struct konicawc *)uvd->user_data;
+	konicawc_camera_off(uvd);
+	DEBUG(1, "new brightness: %d", uvd->vpic.brightness);
+	uvd->vpic.brightness = (uvd->vpic.brightness > MAX_BRIGHTNESS) ? MAX_BRIGHTNESS : uvd->vpic.brightness;
+	if(cam->brightness != uvd->vpic.brightness / 11) {
+	   cam->brightness = uvd->vpic.brightness / 11;
+	   DEBUG(1, "setting brightness to %d (%d)", cam->brightness,
+	       cam->brightness * 11);
+	   konicawc_set_value(uvd, cam->brightness, SetBrightness);
+	}
+	DEBUG(1, "new contrast: %d", uvd->vpic.contrast);
+	uvd->vpic.contrast = (uvd->vpic.contrast > MAX_CONTRAST) ? MAX_CONTRAST : uvd->vpic.contrast;
+	if(cam->contrast != uvd->vpic.contrast / 11) {
+		cam->contrast = uvd->vpic.contrast / 11;
+		DEBUG(1, "setting contrast to %d (%d)", cam->contrast,
+		    cam->contrast * 11);
+		konicawc_set_value(uvd, cam->contrast, SetContrast);
+	}
+	konicawc_camera_on(uvd);
+static int konicawc_compress_iso(struct uvd *uvd, struct urb *dataurb, struct urb *stsurb)
+	char *cdata;
+	int i, totlen = 0;
+	unsigned char *status = stsurb->transfer_buffer;
+	int keep = 0, discard = 0, bad = 0;
+	struct konicawc *cam = (struct konicawc *)uvd->user_data;
+	for (i = 0; i < dataurb->number_of_packets; i++) {
+		int button = cam->buttonsts;
+		unsigned char sts;
+		int n = dataurb->iso_frame_desc[i].actual_length;
+		int st = dataurb->iso_frame_desc[i].status;
+		cdata = dataurb->transfer_buffer +
+			dataurb->iso_frame_desc[i].offset;
+		/* Detect and ignore errored packets */
+		if (st < 0) {
+			DEBUG(1, "Data error: packet=%d. len=%d. status=%d.",
+			      i, n, st);
+			uvd->stats.iso_err_count++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* Detect and ignore empty packets */
+		if (n <= 0) {
+			uvd->stats.iso_skip_count++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* See what the status data said about the packet */
+		sts = *(status+stsurb->iso_frame_desc[i].offset);
+		/* sts: 0x80-0xff: frame start with frame number (ie 0-7f)
+		 * otherwise:
+		 * bit 0 0: keep packet
+		 *	 1: drop packet (padding data)
+		 *
+		 * bit 4 0 button not clicked
+		 *       1 button clicked
+		 * button is used to `take a picture' (in software)
+		 */
+		if(sts < 0x80) {
+			button = !!(sts & 0x40);
+			sts &= ~0x40;
+		}
+		/* work out the button status, but dont do
+		   anything with it for now */
+		if(button != cam->buttonsts) {
+			DEBUG(2, "button: %sclicked", button ? "" : "un");
+			cam->buttonsts = button;
+			input_report_key(&cam->input, BTN_0, cam->buttonsts);
+		}
+		if(sts == 0x01) { /* drop frame */
+			discard++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if((sts > 0x01) && (sts < 0x80)) {
+			info("unknown status %2.2x", sts);
+			bad++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(!sts && cam->lastframe == -2) {
+			DEBUG(2, "dropping frame looking for image start");
+			continue;
+		}
+		keep++;
+		if(sts & 0x80) { /* frame start */
+			unsigned char marker[] = { 0, 0xff, 0, 0x00 };
+			if(cam->lastframe == -2) {
+				DEBUG(2, "found initial image");
+				cam->lastframe = -1;
+			}
+			marker[3] = sts & 0x7F;
+			RingQueue_Enqueue(&uvd->dp, marker, 4);
+			totlen += 4;
+		}
+		totlen += n;	/* Little local accounting */
+		RingQueue_Enqueue(&uvd->dp, cdata, n);
+	}
+	DEBUG(8, "finished: keep = %d discard = %d bad = %d added %d bytes",
+		    keep, discard, bad, totlen);
+	return totlen;
+static void resubmit_urb(struct uvd *uvd, struct urb *urb)
+        int i, ret;
+        for (i = 0; i < FRAMES_PER_DESC; i++) {
+                urb->iso_frame_desc[i].status = 0;
+        }
+        urb->dev = uvd->dev;
+        urb->status = 0;
+        ret = usb_submit_urb(urb);
+	DEBUG(3, "submitting urb of length %d", urb->transfer_buffer_length);
+        if(ret)
+                err("usb_submit_urb error (%d)", ret);
+static void konicawc_isoc_irq(struct urb *urb)
+	struct uvd *uvd = urb->context;
+	struct konicawc *cam = (struct konicawc *)uvd->user_data;
+	/* We don't want to do anything if we are about to be removed! */
+		return;
+	if (!uvd->streaming) {
+		DEBUG(1, "Not streaming, but interrupt!");
+		return;
+	}
+	DEBUG(3, "got frame %d len = %d buflen =%d", urb->start_frame, urb->actual_length, urb->transfer_buffer_length);
+	uvd->stats.urb_count++;
+	if (urb->transfer_buffer_length > 32) {
+		cam->last_data_urb = urb;
+	} else {
+		cam->last_sts_urb = urb;
+	}
+	/* Copy the data received into ring queue */
+	if(cam->last_data_urb && cam->last_sts_urb) {
+		int len = 0;
+		if(cam->last_sts_urb->start_frame != cam->last_data_urb->start_frame)
+			err("Lost sync on frames (%d != %d)",
+			    cam->last_sts_urb->start_frame, cam->last_data_urb->start_frame);
+		else if (!cam->last_sts_urb->status && !cam->last_data_urb->status)
+			len = konicawc_compress_iso(uvd, cam->last_data_urb,
+						    cam->last_sts_urb);
+		resubmit_urb(uvd, cam->last_sts_urb);
+		resubmit_urb(uvd, cam->last_data_urb);
+		cam->last_data_urb = NULL;
+		cam->last_sts_urb = NULL;
+		uvd->stats.urb_length = len;
+		uvd->stats.data_count += len;
+		if(len)
+			RingQueue_WakeUpInterruptible(&uvd->dp);
+		return;
+	}
+	return;
+static int konicawc_start_data(struct uvd *uvd)
+	struct usb_device *dev = uvd->dev;
+	int i, errFlag;
+	struct konicawc *cam = (struct konicawc *)uvd->user_data;
+	int pktsz;
+	struct usb_interface_descriptor *interface;
+	interface = &dev->actconfig->interface[uvd->iface].altsetting[spd_to_iface[cam->speed]];
+	pktsz = interface->endpoint[1].wMaxPacketSize;
+	DEBUG(1, "pktsz = %d", pktsz);
+		err("Camera is not operational");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	uvd->curframe = -1;
+	konicawc_camera_on(uvd);
+	/* Alternate interface 1 is is the biggest frame size */
+	i = usb_set_interface(dev, uvd->iface, uvd->ifaceAltActive);
+	if (i < 0) {
+		err("usb_set_interface error");
+		uvd->last_error = i;
+		return -EBUSY;
+	}
+	/* We double buffer the Iso lists */
+	for (i=0; i < USBVIDEO_NUMSBUF; i++) {
+		int j, k;
+		struct urb *urb = uvd->sbuf[i].urb;
+		urb->dev = dev;
+		urb->context = uvd;
+		urb->pipe = usb_rcvisocpipe(dev, uvd->video_endp);
+		urb->interval = 1;
+		urb->transfer_flags = USB_ISO_ASAP;
+		urb->transfer_buffer = uvd->sbuf[i].data;
+		urb->complete = konicawc_isoc_irq;
+		urb->number_of_packets = FRAMES_PER_DESC;
+		urb->transfer_buffer_length = pktsz * FRAMES_PER_DESC;
+		for (j=k=0; j < FRAMES_PER_DESC; j++, k += pktsz) {
+			urb->iso_frame_desc[j].offset = k;
+			urb->iso_frame_desc[j].length = pktsz;
+		}
+		urb = cam->sts_urb[i];
+		urb->dev = dev;
+		urb->context = uvd;
+		urb->pipe = usb_rcvisocpipe(dev, uvd->video_endp-1);
+		urb->interval = 1;
+		urb->transfer_flags = USB_ISO_ASAP;
+		urb->transfer_buffer = cam->sts_buf[i];
+		urb->complete = konicawc_isoc_irq;
+		urb->number_of_packets = FRAMES_PER_DESC;
+		urb->transfer_buffer_length = FRAMES_PER_DESC;
+		for (j=0; j < FRAMES_PER_DESC; j++) {
+			urb->iso_frame_desc[j].offset = j;
+			urb->iso_frame_desc[j].length = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	cam->last_data_urb = NULL;
+	cam->last_sts_urb = NULL;
+	/* Submit all URBs */
+	for (i=0; i < USBVIDEO_NUMSBUF; i++) {
+		errFlag = usb_submit_urb(cam->sts_urb[i]);
+		if (errFlag)
+			err("usb_submit_isoc(%d) ret %d", i, errFlag);
+		errFlag = usb_submit_urb(uvd->sbuf[i].urb);
+		if (errFlag)
+			err ("usb_submit_isoc(%d) ret %d", i, errFlag);
+	}
+	uvd->streaming = 1;
+	DEBUG(1, "streaming=1 video_endp=$%02x", uvd->video_endp);
+	return 0;
+static void konicawc_stop_data(struct uvd *uvd)
+	int i, j;
+	struct konicawc *cam;
+	if ((uvd == NULL) || (!uvd->streaming) || (uvd->dev == NULL))
+		return;
+	konicawc_camera_off(uvd);
+	uvd->streaming = 0;
+	cam = (struct konicawc *)uvd->user_data;
+	cam->last_data_urb = NULL;
+	cam->last_sts_urb = NULL;
+	/* Unschedule all of the iso td's */
+	for (i=0; i < USBVIDEO_NUMSBUF; i++) {
+		j = usb_unlink_urb(uvd->sbuf[i].urb);
+		if (j < 0)
+			err("usb_unlink_urb() error %d.", j);
+		j = usb_unlink_urb(cam->sts_urb[i]);
+		if (j < 0)
+			err("usb_unlink_urb() error %d.", j);
+	}
+	if (!uvd->remove_pending) {
+		/* Set packet size to 0 */
+		j = usb_set_interface(uvd->dev, uvd->iface, uvd->ifaceAltInactive);
+		if (j < 0) {
+			err("usb_set_interface() error %d.", j);
+			uvd->last_error = j;
+		}
+	}
+static void konicawc_process_isoc(struct uvd *uvd, struct usbvideo_frame *frame)
+	struct konicawc *cam = (struct konicawc *)uvd->user_data;
+	int maxline = cam->maxline;
+	int yplanesz = cam->yplanesz;
+	assert(frame != NULL);
+	DEBUG(5, "maxline = %d yplanesz = %d", maxline, yplanesz);
+	DEBUG(3, "Frame state = %d", frame->scanstate);
+	if(frame->scanstate == ScanState_Scanning) {
+		int drop = 0;
+		int curframe;
+		int fdrops = 0;
+		DEBUG(3, "Searching for marker, queue len = %d", RingQueue_GetLength(&uvd->dp));
+		while(RingQueue_GetLength(&uvd->dp) >= 4) {
+			if ((RING_QUEUE_PEEK(&uvd->dp, 0) == 0x00) &&
+			    (RING_QUEUE_PEEK(&uvd->dp, 1) == 0xff) &&
+			    (RING_QUEUE_PEEK(&uvd->dp, 2) == 0x00) &&
+			    (RING_QUEUE_PEEK(&uvd->dp, 3) < 0x80)) {
+				curframe = RING_QUEUE_PEEK(&uvd->dp, 3);
+				if(cam->lastframe >= 0) {
+					fdrops = (0x80 + curframe - cam->lastframe) & 0x7F;
+					fdrops--;
+					if(fdrops) {
+						info("Dropped %d frames (%d -> %d)", fdrops,
+						     cam->lastframe, curframe);
+					}
+				}
+				cam->lastframe = curframe;
+				frame->curline = 0;
+				frame->scanstate = ScanState_Lines;
+				RING_QUEUE_DEQUEUE_BYTES(&uvd->dp, 4);
+				break;
+			}
+			RING_QUEUE_DEQUEUE_BYTES(&uvd->dp, 1);
+			drop++;
+		}
+		if(drop)
+			DEBUG(2, "dropped %d bytes looking for new frame", drop);
+	}
+	if(frame->scanstate == ScanState_Scanning)
+		return;
+	/* Try to move data from queue into frame buffer
+	 * We get data in blocks of 384 bytes made up of:
+	 * 256 Y, 64 U, 64 V.
+	 * This needs to be written out as a Y plane, a U plane and a V plane.
+	 */
+	while ( frame->curline < maxline && (RingQueue_GetLength(&uvd->dp) >= 384)) {
+		/* Y */
+		RingQueue_Dequeue(&uvd->dp, frame->data + (frame->curline * 256), 256);
+		/* U */
+		RingQueue_Dequeue(&uvd->dp, frame->data + yplanesz + (frame->curline * 64), 64);
+		/* V */
+		RingQueue_Dequeue(&uvd->dp, frame->data + (5 * yplanesz)/4 + (frame->curline * 64), 64);
+		frame->seqRead_Length += 384;
+		frame->curline++;
+	}
+	/* See if we filled the frame */
+	if (frame->curline == maxline) {
+		DEBUG(5, "got whole frame");
+		frame->frameState = FrameState_Done_Hold;
+		frame->curline = 0;
+		uvd->curframe = -1;
+		uvd->stats.frame_num++;
+	}
+static int konicawc_find_fps(int size, int fps)
+	int i;
+	fps *= 3;
+	DEBUG(1, "konica_find_fps: size = %d fps = %d", size, fps);
+	if(fps <= spd_to_fps[size][0])
+		return 0;
+	if(fps >= spd_to_fps[size][MAX_SPEED])
+		return MAX_SPEED;
+	for(i = 0; i < MAX_SPEED; i++) {
+		if((fps >= spd_to_fps[size][i]) && (fps <= spd_to_fps[size][i+1])) {
+			DEBUG(2, "fps %d between %d and %d", fps, i, i+1);
+			if( (fps - spd_to_fps[size][i]) < (spd_to_fps[size][i+1] - fps))
+				return i;
+			else
+				return i+1;
+		}
+	}
+	return MAX_SPEED+1;
+static int konicawc_set_video_mode(struct uvd *uvd, struct video_window *vw)
+	struct konicawc *cam = (struct konicawc *)uvd->user_data;
+	int newspeed = cam->speed;
+	int newsize;
+	int x = vw->width;
+	int y = vw->height;
+	int fps = vw->flags;
+	if(x > 0 && y > 0) {
+		DEBUG(2, "trying to find size %d,%d", x, y);
+		for(newsize = 0; newsize <= MAX_FRAME_SIZE; newsize++) {
+			if((camera_sizes[newsize].width == x) && (camera_sizes[newsize].height == y))
+				break;
+		}
+	} else {
+		newsize = cam->size;
+	}
+	if(newsize > MAX_FRAME_SIZE) {
+		DEBUG(1, "couldnt find size %d,%d", x, y);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if(fps > 0) {
+		DEBUG(1, "trying to set fps to %d", fps);
+		newspeed = konicawc_find_fps(newsize, fps);
+		DEBUG(1, "find_fps returned %d (%d)", newspeed, spd_to_fps[newsize][newspeed]);
+	}
+	if(newspeed > MAX_SPEED)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	DEBUG(1, "setting size to %d speed to %d", newsize, newspeed);
+	if((newsize == cam->size) && (newspeed == cam->speed)) {
+		DEBUG(1, "Nothing to do");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	DEBUG(0, "setting to  %dx%d @ %d fps", camera_sizes[newsize].width,
+	     camera_sizes[newsize].height, spd_to_fps[newsize][newspeed]/3);
+	konicawc_stop_data(uvd);
+	uvd->ifaceAltActive = spd_to_iface[newspeed];
+	DEBUG(1, "new interface = %d", uvd->ifaceAltActive);
+	cam->speed = newspeed;
+	if(cam->size != newsize) {
+		cam->size = newsize;
+		konicawc_set_camera_size(uvd);
+	}
+	/* Flush the input queue and clear any current frame in progress */
+	RingQueue_Flush(&uvd->dp);
+	cam->lastframe = -2;
+	if(uvd->curframe != -1) {
+	  uvd->frame[uvd->curframe].curline = 0;
+	  uvd->frame[uvd->curframe].seqRead_Length = 0;
+	  uvd->frame[uvd->curframe].seqRead_Index = 0;
+	}
+	konicawc_start_data(uvd);
+	return 0;
+static int konicawc_calculate_fps(struct uvd *uvd)
+	struct konicawc *cam = uvd->user_data;
+	return spd_to_fps[cam->size][cam->speed]/3;
+static void konicawc_configure_video(struct uvd *uvd)
+	struct konicawc *cam = (struct konicawc *)uvd->user_data;
+	u8 buf[2];
+	memset(&uvd->vpic, 0, sizeof(uvd->vpic));
+	memset(&uvd->vpic_old, 0x55, sizeof(uvd->vpic_old));
+	cam->brightness = brightness / 11;
+	cam->contrast = contrast / 11;
+	cam->saturation = saturation / 11;
+	cam->sharpness = sharpness / 11;
+	cam->white_bal = whitebal / 11;
+	uvd->vpic.colour = 108;
+	uvd->vpic.hue = 108;
+	uvd->vpic.brightness = brightness;
+	uvd->vpic.contrast = contrast;
+	uvd->vpic.whiteness = whitebal;
+	uvd->vpic.depth = 6;
+	uvd->vpic.palette = VIDEO_PALETTE_YUV420P;
+	memset(&uvd->vcap, 0, sizeof(uvd->vcap));
+	strcpy(uvd->, "Konica Webcam");
+	uvd->vcap.type = VID_TYPE_CAPTURE;
+	uvd->vcap.channels = 1;
+	uvd->vcap.audios = 0;
+	uvd->vcap.minwidth = camera_sizes[SIZE_160X120].width;
+	uvd->vcap.minheight = camera_sizes[SIZE_160X120].height;
+	uvd->vcap.maxwidth = camera_sizes[SIZE_320X240].width;
+	uvd->vcap.maxheight = camera_sizes[SIZE_320X240].height;
+	memset(&uvd->vchan, 0, sizeof(uvd->vchan));
+	uvd->vchan.flags = 0 ;
+	uvd->vchan.tuners = 0;
+	uvd-> = 0;
+	uvd->vchan.type = VIDEO_TYPE_CAMERA;
+	strcpy(uvd->, "Camera");
+	/* Talk to device */
+	DEBUG(1, "device init");
+	if(!konicawc_get_misc(uvd, 0x3, 0, 0x10, buf, 2))
+		DEBUG(2, "3,10 -> %2.2x %2.2x", buf[0], buf[1]);
+	if(!konicawc_get_misc(uvd, 0x3, 0, 0x10, buf, 2))
+		DEBUG(2, "3,10 -> %2.2x %2.2x", buf[0], buf[1]);
+	if(konicawc_set_misc(uvd, 0x2, 0, 0xd))
+		DEBUG(2, "2,0,d failed");
+	DEBUG(1, "setting initial values");
+static void *konicawc_probe(struct usb_device *dev, unsigned int ifnum, const struct usb_device_id *devid)
+	struct uvd *uvd = NULL;
+	int i, nas;
+	int actInterface=-1, inactInterface=-1, maxPS=0;
+	unsigned char video_ep = 0;
+	DEBUG(1, "konicawc_probe(%p,%u.)", dev, ifnum);
+	/* We don't handle multi-config cameras */
+	if (dev->descriptor.bNumConfigurations != 1)
+		return NULL;
+	info("Konica Webcam (rev. 0x%04x)", dev->descriptor.bcdDevice);
+	/* Validate found interface: must have one ISO endpoint */
+	nas = dev->actconfig->interface[ifnum].num_altsetting;
+	if (nas != 8) {
+		err("Incorrect number of alternate settings (%d) for this camera!", nas);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	/* Validate all alternate settings */
+	for (i=0; i < nas; i++) {
+		const struct usb_interface_descriptor *interface;
+		const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *endpoint;
+		interface = &dev->actconfig->interface[ifnum].altsetting[i];
+		if (interface->bNumEndpoints != 2) {
+			err("Interface %d. has %u. endpoints!",
+			    ifnum, (unsigned)(interface->bNumEndpoints));
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		endpoint = &interface->endpoint[1];
+		DEBUG(1, "found endpoint: addr: 0x%2.2x maxps = 0x%4.4x",
+		    endpoint->bEndpointAddress, endpoint->wMaxPacketSize);
+		if (video_ep == 0)
+			video_ep = endpoint->bEndpointAddress;
+		else if (video_ep != endpoint->bEndpointAddress) {
+			err("Alternate settings have different endpoint addresses!");
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		if ((endpoint->bmAttributes & 0x03) != 0x01) {
+			err("Interface %d. has non-ISO endpoint!", ifnum);
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		if ((endpoint->bEndpointAddress & 0x80) == 0) {
+			err("Interface %d. has ISO OUT endpoint!", ifnum);
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		if (endpoint->wMaxPacketSize == 0) {
+			if (inactInterface < 0)
+				inactInterface = i;
+			else {
+				err("More than one inactive alt. setting!");
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (i == spd_to_iface[speed]) {
+				/* This one is the requested one */
+				actInterface = i;
+			}
+		}
+		if(endpoint->wMaxPacketSize > maxPS)
+			maxPS = endpoint->wMaxPacketSize;
+	}
+	if(actInterface == -1) {
+		err("Cant find required endpoint");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	DEBUG(1, "Selecting requested active setting=%d. maxPS=%d.", actInterface, maxPS);
+	/* Code below may sleep, need to lock module while we are here */
+	uvd = usbvideo_AllocateDevice(cams);
+	if (uvd != NULL) {
+		struct konicawc *cam = (struct konicawc *)(uvd->user_data);
+		/* Here uvd is a fully allocated uvd object */
+		for(i = 0; i < USBVIDEO_NUMSBUF; i++) {
+			cam->sts_urb[i] = usb_alloc_urb(FRAMES_PER_DESC);
+			if(cam->sts_urb[i] == NULL) {
+				while(i--) {
+					usb_free_urb(cam->sts_urb[i]);
+				}
+				err("cant allocate urbs");
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		cam->speed = speed;
+		RESTRICT_TO_RANGE(size, SIZE_160X120, SIZE_320X240);
+		cam->width = camera_sizes[size].width;
+		cam->height = camera_sizes[size].height;
+		cam->size = size;
+		uvd->flags = 0;
+		uvd->debug = debug;
+		uvd->dev = dev;
+		uvd->iface = ifnum;
+		uvd->ifaceAltInactive = inactInterface;
+		uvd->ifaceAltActive = actInterface;
+		uvd->video_endp = video_ep;
+		uvd->iso_packet_len = maxPS;
+		uvd->paletteBits = 1L << VIDEO_PALETTE_YUV420P;
+		uvd->defaultPalette = VIDEO_PALETTE_YUV420P;
+		uvd->canvas = VIDEOSIZE(320, 240);
+		uvd->videosize = VIDEOSIZE(cam->width, cam->height);
+		/* Initialize konicawc specific data */
+		konicawc_configure_video(uvd);
+		i = usbvideo_RegisterVideoDevice(uvd);
+		uvd->max_frame_size = (320 * 240 * 3)/2;
+		if (i != 0) {
+			err("usbvideo_RegisterVideoDevice() failed.");
+			uvd = NULL;
+		}
+		/* Register input device for button */
+		memset(&cam->input, 0, sizeof(struct input_dev));
+		cam-> = "Konicawc snapshot button";
+		cam->input.private = cam;
+		cam->input.evbit[0] = BIT(EV_KEY);
+		cam->input.keybit[LONG(BTN_0)] = BIT(BTN_0);
+		cam->input.idbus = BUS_USB;
+		cam->input.idvendor = dev->descriptor.idVendor;
+		cam->input.idproduct = dev->descriptor.idProduct;
+		cam->input.idversion = dev->descriptor.bcdDevice;
+		input_register_device(&cam->input);
+	}
+	return uvd;
+static void konicawc_free_uvd(struct uvd *uvd)
+	int i;
+	struct konicawc *cam = (struct konicawc *)uvd->user_data;
+	input_unregister_device(&cam->input);
+	for (i=0; i < USBVIDEO_NUMSBUF; i++) {
+		usb_free_urb(cam->sts_urb[i]);
+		cam->sts_urb[i] = NULL;
+	}
+static struct usb_device_id id_table[] = {
+	{ USB_DEVICE(0x04c8, 0x0720) }, /* Intel YC 76 */
+	{ }  /* Terminating entry */
+static int __init konicawc_init(void)
+	struct usbvideo_cb cbTbl;
+	memset(&cbTbl, 0, sizeof(cbTbl));
+	cbTbl.probe = konicawc_probe;
+	cbTbl.setupOnOpen = konicawc_setup_on_open;
+	cbTbl.processData = konicawc_process_isoc;
+	cbTbl.getFPS = konicawc_calculate_fps;
+	cbTbl.setVideoMode = konicawc_set_video_mode;
+	cbTbl.startDataPump = konicawc_start_data;
+	cbTbl.stopDataPump = konicawc_stop_data;
+	cbTbl.adjustPicture = konicawc_adjust_picture;
+	cbTbl.userFree = konicawc_free_uvd;
+	return usbvideo_register(
+		&cams,
+		sizeof(struct konicawc),
+		"konicawc",
+		&cbTbl,
+		id_table);
+static void __exit konicawc_cleanup(void)
+	usbvideo_Deregister(&cams);
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, id_table);
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Simon Evans <>");
+MODULE_PARM(speed, "i");
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(speed, "Initial speed: 0 (slowest) - 6 (fastest)");
+MODULE_PARM(size, "i");
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(size, "Initial Size 0: 160x120 1: 160x136 2: 176x144 3: 320x240");
+MODULE_PARM(brightness, "i");
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(brightness, "Initial brightness 0 - 108");
+MODULE_PARM(contrast, "i");
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(contrast, "Initial contrast 0 - 108");
+MODULE_PARM(saturation, "i");
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(saturation, "Initial saturation 0 - 108");
+MODULE_PARM(sharpness, "i");
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(sharpness, "Initial sharpness 0 - 108");
+MODULE_PARM(whitebal, "i");
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(whitebal, "Initial white balance 0 - 363");
+MODULE_PARM(debug, "i");
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "Debug level: 0-9 (default=0)");

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: