patch-2.4.2 linux/include/asm-s390x/bitops.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.1/linux/include/asm-s390x/bitops.h linux/include/asm-s390x/bitops.h
@@ -0,0 +1,884 @@
+ *  include/asm-s390/bitops.h
+ *
+ *  S390 version
+ *    Copyright (C) 1999 IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, IBM Corporation
+ *    Author(s): Martin Schwidefsky (
+ *
+ *  Derived from "include/asm-i386/bitops.h"
+ *    Copyright (C) 1992, Linus Torvalds
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _S390_BITOPS_H
+#define _S390_BITOPS_H
+ * bit 0 is the LSB of *addr; bit 63 is the MSB of *addr;
+ * bit 64 is the LSB of *(addr+8). That combined with the
+ * big endian byte order on S390 give the following bit
+ * order in memory:
+ *    3f 3e 3d 3c 3b 3a 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30
+ *    2f 2e 2d 2c 2b 2a 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
+ *    1f 1e 1d 1c 1b 1a 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
+ *    0f 0e 0d 0c 0b 0a 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
+ * after that follows the next long with bit numbers
+ *    7f 7e 7d 7c 7b 7a 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70
+ *    6f 6e 6d 6c 6b 6a 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60
+ *    5f 5e 5d 5c 5b 5a 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50
+ *    4f 4e 4d 4c 4b 4a 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40
+ * The reason for this bit ordering is the fact that
+ * in the architecture independent code bits operations
+ * of the form "flags |= (1 << bitnr)" are used INTERMIXED
+ * with operation of the form "set_bit(bitnr, flags)".
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+/* set ALIGN_CS to 1 if the SMP safe bit operations should
+ * align the address to 4 byte boundary. It seems to work
+ * without the alignment. 
+ */
+#define ALIGN_CS 0
+/* bitmap tables from arch/S390/kernel/bitmap.S */
+extern const char _oi_bitmap[];
+extern const char _ni_bitmap[];
+extern const char _zb_findmap[];
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ * SMP save set_bit routine based on compare and swap (CS)
+ */
+static __inline__ void set_bit_cs(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+        unsigned long bits, mask;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+#if ALIGN_CS == 1
+             "   lghi  %2,3\n"         /* CS must be aligned on 4 byte b. */
+             "   ngr   %2,%1\n"        /* isolate last 2 bits of address */
+             "   xgr   %1,%2\n"        /* make addr % 4 == 0 */
+             "   sllg  %2,%2,3\n"
+             "   agr   %0,%2\n"        /* add alignement to bitnr */
+             "   lghi  %2,63\n"
+             "   nr    %2,%0\n"        /* make shift value */
+             "   xr    %0,%2\n"
+             "   srlg  %0,%0,3\n"
+             "   lghi  %3,1\n"
+             "   la    %1,0(%0,%1)\n"  /* calc. address for CS */
+             "   sllg  %3,%3,0(%2)\n"  /* make OR mask */
+             "   lg    %0,0(%1)\n"
+             "0: lgr   %2,%0\n"        /* CS loop starts here */
+             "   ogr   %2,%3\n"        /* set bit */
+             "   csg   %0,%2,0(%1)\n"
+             "   jl    0b"
+             : "+a" (nr), "+a" (addr), "=a" (bits), "=d" (mask) :
+             : "cc", "memory" );
+ * SMP save clear_bit routine based on compare and swap (CS)
+ */
+static __inline__ void clear_bit_cs(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+        unsigned long bits, mask;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+#if ALIGN_CS == 1
+             "   lghi  %2,3\n"         /* CS must be aligned on 4 byte b. */
+             "   ngr   %2,%1\n"        /* isolate last 2 bits of address */
+             "   xgr   %1,%2\n"        /* make addr % 4 == 0 */
+             "   sllg  %2,%2,3\n"
+             "   agr   %0,%2\n"        /* add alignement to bitnr */
+             "   lghi  %2,63\n"
+             "   nr    %2,%0\n"        /* make shift value */
+             "   xr    %0,%2\n"
+             "   srlg  %0,%0,3\n"
+             "   lghi  %3,-2\n"
+             "   la    %1,0(%0,%1)\n"  /* calc. address for CS */
+             "   lghi  %3,-2\n"
+             "   rllg  %3,%3,0(%2)\n"  /* make AND mask */
+             "   lg    %0,0(%1)\n"
+             "0: lgr   %2,%0\n"        /* CS loop starts here */
+             "   ngr   %2,%3\n"        /* clear bit */
+             "   csg   %0,%2,0(%1)\n"
+             "   jl    0b"
+             : "+a" (nr), "+a" (addr), "=a" (bits), "=d" (mask) :
+             : "cc", "memory" );
+ * SMP save change_bit routine based on compare and swap (CS)
+ */
+static __inline__ void change_bit_cs(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+        unsigned long bits, mask;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+#if ALIGN_CS == 1
+             "   lghi  %2,3\n"         /* CS must be aligned on 4 byte b. */
+             "   ngr   %2,%1\n"        /* isolate last 2 bits of address */
+             "   xgr   %1,%2\n"        /* make addr % 4 == 0 */
+             "   sllg  %2,%2,3\n"
+             "   agr   %0,%2\n"        /* add alignement to bitnr */
+             "   lghi  %2,63\n"
+             "   nr    %2,%0\n"        /* make shift value */
+             "   xr    %0,%2\n"
+             "   srlg  %0,%0,3\n"
+             "   lghi  %3,1\n"
+             "   la    %1,0(%0,%1)\n"  /* calc. address for CS */
+             "   sllg  %3,%3,0(%2)\n"  /* make XR mask */
+             "   lg    %0,0(%1)\n"
+             "0: lgr   %2,%0\n"        /* CS loop starts here */
+             "   xgr   %2,%3\n"        /* change bit */
+             "   csg   %0,%2,0(%1)\n"
+             "   jl    0b"
+             : "+a" (nr), "+a" (addr), "=a" (bits), "=d" (mask) : 
+             : "cc", "memory" );
+ * SMP save test_and_set_bit routine based on compare and swap (CS)
+ */
+static __inline__ int 
+test_and_set_bit_cs(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+        unsigned long bits, mask;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+#if ALIGN_CS == 1
+             "   lghi  %2,3\n"         /* CS must be aligned on 4 byte b. */
+             "   ngr   %2,%1\n"        /* isolate last 2 bits of address */
+             "   xgr   %1,%2\n"        /* make addr % 4 == 0 */
+             "   sllg  %2,%2,3\n"
+             "   agr   %0,%2\n"        /* add alignement to bitnr */
+             "   lghi  %2,63\n"
+             "   nr    %2,%0\n"        /* make shift value */
+             "   xr    %0,%2\n"
+             "   srlg  %0,%0,3\n"
+             "   lghi  %3,1\n"
+             "   la    %1,0(%0,%1)\n"  /* calc. address for CS */
+             "   sllg  %3,%3,0(%2)\n"  /* make OR mask */
+             "   lg    %0,0(%1)\n"
+             "0: lgr   %2,%0\n"        /* CS loop starts here */
+             "   ogr   %2,%3\n"        /* set bit */
+             "   csg   %0,%2,0(%1)\n"
+             "   jl    0b\n"
+             "   ngr   %0,%3\n"        /* isolate old bit */
+             : "+a" (nr), "+a" (addr), "=a" (bits), "=d" (mask) :
+             : "cc", "memory" );
+        return nr != 0;
+ * SMP save test_and_clear_bit routine based on compare and swap (CS)
+ */
+static __inline__ int
+test_and_clear_bit_cs(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+        unsigned long bits, mask;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+#if ALIGN_CS == 1
+             "   lghi  %2,3\n"         /* CS must be aligned on 4 byte b. */
+             "   ngr   %2,%1\n"        /* isolate last 2 bits of address */
+             "   xgr   %1,%2\n"        /* make addr % 4 == 0 */
+             "   sllg  %2,%2,3\n"
+             "   agr   %0,%2\n"        /* add alignement to bitnr */
+             "   lghi  %2,63\n"
+             "   nr    %2,%0\n"        /* make shift value */
+             "   xr    %0,%2\n"
+             "   srlg  %0,%0,3\n"
+             "   lghi  %3,-2\n"
+             "   la    %1,0(%0,%1)\n"  /* calc. address for CS */
+             "   rllg  %3,%3,0(%2)\n"  /* make AND mask */
+             "   lg    %0,0(%1)\n"
+             "0: lgr   %2,%0\n"        /* CS loop starts here */
+             "   ngr   %2,%3\n"        /* clear bit */
+             "   csg   %0,%2,0(%1)\n"
+             "   jl    0b\n"
+             "   xgr   %0,%2\n"        /* isolate old bit */
+             : "+a" (nr), "+a" (addr), "=a" (bits), "=d" (mask) :
+             : "cc", "memory" );
+        return nr != 0;
+ * SMP save test_and_change_bit routine based on compare and swap (CS) 
+ */
+static __inline__ int
+test_and_change_bit_cs(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+        unsigned long bits, mask;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+#if ALIGN_CS == 1
+             "   lghi  %2,3\n"         /* CS must be aligned on 4 byte b. */
+             "   ngr   %2,%1\n"        /* isolate last 2 bits of address */
+             "   xgr   %1,%2\n"        /* make addr % 4 == 0 */
+             "   sllg  %2,%2,3\n"
+             "   agr   %0,%2\n"        /* add alignement to bitnr */
+             "   lghi  %2,63\n"
+             "   nr    %2,%0\n"        /* make shift value */
+             "   xr    %0,%2\n"
+             "   srlg  %0,%0,3\n"
+             "   lghi  %3,1\n"
+             "   la    %1,0(%0,%1)\n"  /* calc. address for CS */
+             "   sllg  %3,%3,0(%2)\n"  /* make OR mask */
+             "   lg    %0,0(%1)\n"
+             "0: lgr   %2,%0\n"        /* CS loop starts here */
+             "   xgr   %2,%3\n"        /* change bit */
+             "   csg   %0,%2,0(%1)\n"
+             "   jl    0b\n"
+             "   ngr   %0,%3\n"        /* isolate old bit */
+             : "+a" (nr), "+a" (addr), "=a" (bits), "=d" (mask) :
+             : "cc", "memory" );
+        return nr != 0;
+#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
+ * fast, non-SMP set_bit routine
+ */
+static __inline__ void __set_bit(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+             "   lghi  2,56\n"
+             "   lghi  1,7\n"
+             "   xgr   2,%0\n"
+             "   nr    1,%0\n"
+             "   srlg  2,2,3\n"
+             "   la    2,0(2,%1)\n"
+             "   la    1,0(1,%2)\n"
+             "   oc    0(1,2),0(1)"
+             :  : "a" (nr), "a" (addr), "a" (&_oi_bitmap)
+             : "cc", "memory", "1", "2" );
+static __inline__ void 
+__constant_set_bit(const unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+  switch (nr&7) {
+  case 0:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "oi 0(1),0x01"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7))) 
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory");
+    break;
+  case 1:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "oi 0(1),0x02"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 2:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "oi 0(1),0x04"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 3:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "oi 0(1),0x08"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 4:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "oi 0(1),0x10"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 5:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "oi 0(1),0x20"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 6:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "oi 0(1),0x40"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 7:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "oi 0(1),0x80"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  }
+#define set_bit_simple(nr,addr) \
+(__builtin_constant_p((nr)) ? \
+ __constant_set_bit((nr),(addr)) : \
+ __set_bit((nr),(addr)) )
+ * fast, non-SMP clear_bit routine
+ */
+static __inline__ void 
+__clear_bit(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+             "   lghi  2,56\n"
+             "   lghi  1,7\n"
+             "   xgr   2,%0\n"
+             "   nr    1,%0\n"
+             "   srlg  2,2,3\n"
+             "   la    2,0(2,%1)\n"
+             "   la    1,0(1,%2)\n"
+             "   nc    0(1,2),0(1)"
+             :  : "d" (nr), "a" (addr), "a" (&_ni_bitmap)
+             : "cc", "memory", "1", "2" );
+static __inline__ void 
+__constant_clear_bit(const unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+  switch (nr&7) {
+  case 0:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "ni 0(1),0xFE"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 1:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "ni 0(1),0xFD"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 2:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "ni 0(1),0xFB"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 3:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "ni 0(1),0xF7"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 4:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "ni 0(1),0xEF"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 5:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "ni 0(1),0xDF"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 6:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "ni 0(1),0xBF"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 7:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "ni 0(1),0x7F"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  }
+#define clear_bit_simple(nr,addr) \
+(__builtin_constant_p((nr)) ? \
+ __constant_clear_bit((nr),(addr)) : \
+ __clear_bit((nr),(addr)) )
+ * fast, non-SMP change_bit routine 
+ */
+static __inline__ void __change_bit(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+             "   lghi  2,56\n"
+             "   lghi  1,7\n"
+             "   xgr   2,%0\n"
+             "   nr    1,%0\n"
+             "   srlg  2,2,3\n"
+             "   la    2,0(2,%1)\n"
+             "   la    1,0(1,%2)\n"
+             "   xc    0(1,2),0(1)"
+             :  : "d" (nr), "a" (addr), "a" (&_oi_bitmap)
+             : "cc", "memory", "1", "2" );
+static __inline__ void 
+__constant_change_bit(const unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr) 
+  switch (nr&7) {
+  case 0:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "xi 0(1),0x01"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 1:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "xi 0(1),0x02"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 2:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "xi 0(1),0x04"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 3:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "xi 0(1),0x08"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 4:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "xi 0(1),0x10"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 5:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "xi 0(1),0x20"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 6:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "xi 0(1),0x40"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  case 7:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("la 1,%0\n\t"
+                          "xi 0(1),0x80"
+                          : "=m" (*((volatile char *) addr + ((nr>>3)^7)))
+                          : : "1", "cc", "memory" );
+    break;
+  }
+#define change_bit_simple(nr,addr) \
+(__builtin_constant_p((nr)) ? \
+ __constant_change_bit((nr),(addr)) : \
+ __change_bit((nr),(addr)) )
+ * fast, non-SMP test_and_set_bit routine
+ */
+static __inline__ int
+test_and_set_bit_simple(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+        int oldbit;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+             "   lghi  1,56\n"
+             "   lghi  2,7\n"
+             "   xgr   1,%1\n"
+             "   nr    2,%1\n"
+             "   srlg  1,1,3\n"
+             "   la    1,0(1,%2)\n"
+             "   ic    %0,0(1)\n"
+             "   srl   %0,0(2)\n"
+             "   la    2,0(2,%3)\n"
+             "   oc    0(1,1),0(2)"
+             : "=&d" (oldbit) : "d" (nr), "a" (addr), "a" (&_oi_bitmap)
+             : "cc", "memory", "1", "2" );
+        return oldbit & 1;
+ * fast, non-SMP test_and_clear_bit routine
+ */
+static __inline__ int
+test_and_clear_bit_simple(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+        int oldbit;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+             "   lghi  1,56\n"
+             "   lghi  2,7\n"
+             "   xgr   1,%1\n"
+             "   nr    2,%1\n"
+             "   srlg  1,1,3\n"
+             "   la    1,0(1,%2)\n"
+             "   ic    %0,0(1)\n"
+             "   srl   %0,0(2)\n"
+             "   la    2,0(2,%3)\n"
+             "   nc    0(1,1),0(2)"
+             : "=&d" (oldbit) : "d" (nr), "a" (addr), "a" (&_ni_bitmap)
+             : "cc", "memory", "1", "2" );
+        return oldbit & 1;
+ * fast, non-SMP test_and_change_bit routine
+ */
+static __inline__ int
+test_and_change_bit_simple(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+        int oldbit;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+             "   lghi  1,56\n"
+             "   lghi  2,7\n"
+             "   xgr   1,%1\n"
+             "   nr    2,%1\n"
+             "   srlg  1,1,3\n"
+             "   la    1,0(1,%2)\n"
+             "   ic    %0,0(1)\n"
+             "   srl   %0,0(2)\n"
+             "   la    2,0(2,%3)\n"
+             "   xc    0(1,1),0(2)"
+             : "=&d" (oldbit) : "d" (nr), "a" (addr), "a" (&_oi_bitmap)
+             : "cc", "memory", "1", "2" );
+        return oldbit & 1;
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+#define set_bit             set_bit_cs
+#define clear_bit           clear_bit_cs
+#define change_bit          change_bit_cs
+#define test_and_set_bit    test_and_set_bit_cs
+#define test_and_clear_bit  test_and_clear_bit_cs
+#define test_and_change_bit test_and_change_bit_cs
+#define set_bit             set_bit_simple
+#define clear_bit           clear_bit_simple
+#define change_bit          change_bit_simple
+#define test_and_set_bit    test_and_set_bit_simple
+#define test_and_clear_bit  test_and_clear_bit_simple
+#define test_and_change_bit test_and_change_bit_simple
+ * This routine doesn't need to be atomic.
+ */
+static __inline__ int __test_bit(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr)
+        int oldbit;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+             "   lghi  2,56\n"
+             "   lghi  1,7\n"
+             "   xgr   2,%1\n"
+             "   nr    1,%1\n"
+             "   srlg  2,2,3\n"
+             "   ic    %0,0(2,%2)\n"
+             "   srl   %0,0(1)\n"
+             : "=&d" (oldbit) : "d" (nr), "a" (addr)
+             : "cc", "1", "2" );
+        return oldbit & 1;
+static __inline__ int 
+__constant_test_bit(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr) {
+    return (((volatile char *) addr)[(nr>>3)^7] & (1<<(nr&7))) != 0;
+#define test_bit(nr,addr) \
+(__builtin_constant_p((nr)) ? \
+ __constant_test_bit((nr),(addr)) : \
+ __test_bit((nr),(addr)) )
+ * Find-bit routines..
+ */
+static __inline__ unsigned long
+find_first_zero_bit(void * addr, unsigned long size)
+        unsigned long res;
+        if (!size)
+                return 0;
+        __asm__("   lghi  0,-1\n"
+                "   lgr   1,%1\n"
+                "   slgr  %0,%0\n"
+                "   aghi  1,63\n"
+                "   srlg  1,1,6\n"
+                "0: cg    0,0(%0,%2)\n"
+                "   jne   1f\n"
+                "   aghi  %0,8\n"
+                "   brct  1,0b\n"
+                "   lgr   %0,%1\n"
+                "   j     5f\n"
+                "1: lg    1,0(%0,%2)\n"
+                "   sllg  %0,%0,3\n"
+                "   clr   1,0\n"
+		"   jne   2f\n"
+		"   aghi  %0,32\n"
+                "   srlg  1,1,32\n"
+		"2: lghi  0,0xff\n"
+                "   tmll  1,0xffff\n"
+                "   jno   3f\n"
+                "   aghi  %0,16\n"
+                "   srl   1,16\n"
+                "3: tmll  1,0x00ff\n"
+                "   jno   4f\n"
+                "   aghi  %0,8\n"
+                "   srl   1,8\n"
+                "4: ngr   1,0\n"
+                "   ic    1,0(1,%3)\n"
+                "   algr  %0,1\n"
+                "5:"
+                : "=&a" (res) : "a" (size), "a" (addr), "a" (&_zb_findmap)
+                : "cc", "0", "1" );
+        return (res < size) ? res : size;
+static __inline__ unsigned long
+find_next_zero_bit (void * addr, unsigned long size, unsigned long offset)
+        unsigned long * p = ((unsigned long *) addr) + (offset >> 6);
+        unsigned long bitvec;
+        unsigned long set, bit = offset & 63, res;
+        if (bit) {
+                /*
+                 * Look for zero in first word
+                 */
+                bitvec = (*p) >> bit;
+                __asm__("   lhi  0,-1\n"
+                        "   lgr  1,%1\n"
+                        "   slgr %0,%0\n"
+                        "   clr  1,0\n"
+                        "   jne  0f\n"
+                        "   aghi %0,32\n"
+                        "   srlg 1,1,32\n"
+			"0: lghi 0,0xff\n"
+                        "   tmll 1,0xffff\n"
+                        "   jno  1f\n"
+                        "   aghi %0,16\n"
+                        "   srlg 1,1,16\n"
+                        "1: tmll 1,0x00ff\n"
+                        "   jno  2f\n"
+                        "   aghi %0,8\n"
+                        "   srlg 1,1,8\n"
+                        "2: ngr  1,0\n"
+                        "   ic   1,0(1,%2)\n"
+                        "   algr %0,1"
+                        : "=&d" (set) 
+                        : "d" (bitvec), "a" (&_zb_findmap)
+                        : "cc", "0", "1" );
+                if (set < (64 - bit))
+                        return set + offset;
+                offset += 64 - bit;
+                p++;
+        }
+        /*
+         * No zero yet, search remaining full words for a zero
+         */
+        res = find_first_zero_bit (p, size - 64 * (p - (unsigned long *) addr));
+        return (offset + res);
+ * ffz = Find First Zero in word. Undefined if no zero exists,
+ * so code should check against ~0UL first..
+ */
+static __inline__ unsigned long ffz(unsigned long word)
+        int result;
+        __asm__("   lhi  0,-1\n"
+                "   lgr  1,%1\n"
+                "   slgr %0,%0\n"
+                "   clr  1,0\n"
+                "   jne  0f\n"
+                "   aghi %0,32\n"
+                "   srlg 1,1,32\n"
+                "0: lghi 0,0xff\n"
+                "   tmll 1,0xffff\n"
+                "   jno  1f\n"
+                "   aghi %0,16\n"
+                "   srlg 1,1,16\n"
+                "1: tmll 1,0x00ff\n"
+                "   jno  2f\n"
+                "   aghi %0,8\n"
+                "   srlg 1,1,8\n"
+                "2: ngr  1,0\n"
+                "   ic   1,0(1,%2)\n"
+                "   algr %0,1"
+                : "=&d" (result)
+                : "d" (word), "a" (&_zb_findmap)
+                : "cc", "0", "1" );
+        return result;
+ * ffs: find first bit set. This is defined the same way as
+ * the libc and compiler builtin ffs routines, therefore
+ * differs in spirit from the above ffz (man ffs).
+ */
+extern int __inline__ ffs (int x)
+        int r;
+        if (x == 0)
+          return 0;
+        __asm__("    lr   1,%1\n"
+                "    slr  %0,%0\n"
+                "    tml  1,0xFFFF\n"
+                "    jnz  0f\n"
+                "    ahi  %0,16\n"
+                "    srl  1,16\n"
+                "0:  tml  1,0x00FF\n"
+                "    jnz  1f\n"
+                "    ahi  %0,8\n"
+                "    srl  1,8\n"
+                "1:  tml  1,0x000F\n"
+                "    jnz  2f\n"
+                "    ahi  %0,4\n"
+                "    srl  1,4\n"
+                "2:  tml  1,0x0003\n"
+                "    jnz  3f\n"
+                "    ahi  %0,2\n"
+                "    srl  1,2\n"
+                "3:  tml  1,0x0001\n"
+                "    jnz  4f\n"
+                "    ahi  %0,1\n"
+                "4:"
+                : "=&d" (r) : "d" (x) : "cc", "1" );
+        return r+1;
+ * hweightN: returns the hamming weight (i.e. the number
+ * of bits set) of a N-bit word
+ */
+#define hweight32(x) generic_hweight32(x)
+#define hweight16(x) generic_hweight16(x)
+#define hweight8(x) generic_hweight8(x)
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+ * ATTENTION: intel byte ordering convention for ext2 and minix !!
+ * bit 0 is the LSB of addr; bit 31 is the MSB of addr;
+ * bit 32 is the LSB of (addr+4).
+ * That combined with the little endian byte order of Intel gives the
+ * following bit order in memory:
+ *    07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 \
+ *    23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
+ */
+#define ext2_set_bit(nr, addr)       test_and_set_bit((nr)^56, addr)
+#define ext2_clear_bit(nr, addr)     test_and_clear_bit((nr)^56, addr)
+#define ext2_test_bit(nr, addr)      test_bit((nr)^56, addr)
+static __inline__ unsigned long
+ext2_find_first_zero_bit(void *vaddr, unsigned long size)
+        unsigned long res;
+        if (!size)
+                return 0;
+        __asm__("   lghi  0,-1\n"
+                "   lgr   1,%1\n"
+                "   aghi  1,63\n"
+                "   srlg  1,1,6\n"
+                "   slgr  %0,%0\n"
+                "0: clg   0,0(%0,%2)\n"
+                "   jne   1f\n"
+                "   aghi  %0,8\n"
+                "   brct  1,0b\n"
+                "   lgr   %0,%1\n"
+                "   j     5f\n"
+                "1: cl    0,0(%0,%2)\n"
+		"   jne   2f\n"
+		"   aghi  %0,4\n"
+		"2: l     1,0(%0,%2)\n"
+                "   sllg  %0,%0,3\n"
+                "   aghi  %0,24\n"
+                "   lghi  0,0xff\n"
+                "   tmlh  1,0xffff\n"
+                "   jo    3f\n"
+                "   aghi  %0,-16\n"
+                "   srl   1,16\n"
+                "3: tmll  1,0xff00\n"
+                "   jo    4f\n"
+                "   aghi  %0,-8\n"
+                "   srl   1,8\n"
+                "4: ngr   1,0\n"
+                "   ic    1,0(1,%3)\n"
+                "   algr  %0,1\n"
+                "5:"
+                : "=&a" (res) : "a" (size), "a" (vaddr), "a" (&_zb_findmap)
+                : "cc", "0", "1" );
+        return (res < size) ? res : size;
+static __inline__ unsigned long
+ext2_find_next_zero_bit(void *vaddr, unsigned long size, unsigned long offset)
+        unsigned long *addr = vaddr;
+        unsigned long *p = addr + (offset >> 6);
+        unsigned long word;
+        unsigned long bit = offset & 63UL, res;
+        if (offset >= size)
+                return size;
+        if (bit) {
+                __asm__("   lrvg %0,%1" /* load reversed, neat instruction */
+                        : "=a" (word) : "m" (*p) );
+                word >>= bit;
+                res = bit;
+                /* Look for zero in first 8 byte word */
+                __asm__("   lgr  1,%1\n"
+                        "   lghi 0,0xff\n"
+			"   tmll 1,0xffff\n"
+			"   jno  2f\n"
+			"   ahi  %0,16\n"
+			"   srlg 1,1,16\n"
+                	"0: tmll 1,0xffff\n"
+                        "   jno  2f\n"
+                        "   ahi  %0,16\n"
+                        "   srlg 1,1,16\n"
+                        "1: tmll 1,0xffff\n"
+                        "   jno  2f\n"
+                        "   ahi  %0,16\n"
+                        "   srl  1,16\n"
+                        "2: tmll 1,0x00ff\n"
+                	"   jno  3f\n"
+                	"   ahi  %0,8\n"
+                	"   srl  1,8\n"
+                	"3: ngr  1,0\n"
+                	"   ic   1,0(1,%2)\n"
+                	"   alr  %0,1"
+                	: "+&d" (res) 
+                  	: "d" (word), "a" (&_zb_findmap)
+                	: "cc", "0", "1" );
+                if (res < 64)
+			return (p - addr)*64 + res;
+                p++;
+        }
+        /* No zero yet, search remaining full bytes for a zero */
+        res = ext2_find_first_zero_bit (p, size - 64 * (p - addr));
+        return (p - addr) * 64 + res;
+/* Bitmap functions for the minix filesystem.  */
+/* FIXME !!! */
+#define minix_test_and_set_bit(nr,addr) test_and_set_bit(nr,addr)
+#define minix_set_bit(nr,addr) set_bit(nr,addr)
+#define minix_test_and_clear_bit(nr,addr) test_and_clear_bit(nr,addr)
+#define minix_test_bit(nr,addr) test_bit(nr,addr)
+#define minix_find_first_zero_bit(addr,size) find_first_zero_bit(addr,size)
+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+#endif /* _S390_BITOPS_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: