patch-2.4.2 linux/include/asm-cris/system.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.1/linux/include/asm-cris/system.h linux/include/asm-cris/system.h
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+/* $Id: system.h,v 1.3 2000/10/17 14:56:27 bjornw Exp $ */
+#ifndef __ASM_CRIS_SYSTEM_H
+#define __ASM_CRIS_SYSTEM_H
+#include <asm/segment.h>
+/* I need a task-specific debug struct (and the define for #ifdef
+   RELOC_DEBUG) to kludge into task_struct. */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <asm/eshlibld.h>
+/* the switch_to macro calls resume, an asm function in entry.S which does the actual
+ * task switching.
+ */
+extern struct task_struct *resume(struct task_struct *prev, struct task_struct *next, int);
+#define prepare_to_switch()     do { } while(0)
+#define switch_to(prev,next,last) last = resume(prev,next, \
+					 (int)&((struct task_struct *)0)->thread)
+/* read/write the user-mode stackpointer */
+extern inline unsigned long rdusp(void) {
+	unsigned long usp;
+	__asm__ __volatile__("move usp,%0" : "=rm" (usp));
+	return usp;
+#define wrusp(usp) \
+	__asm__ __volatile__("move %0,usp" : /* no outputs */ : "rm" (usp))
+/* read the current stackpointer */
+extern inline unsigned long rdsp(void) {
+	unsigned long sp;
+	__asm__ __volatile__("move.d sp,%0" : "=rm" (sp));
+	return sp;
+static inline unsigned long _get_base(char * addr)
+  return 0;
+#define nop() __asm__ __volatile__ ("nop");
+#define xchg(ptr,x) ((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__xchg((unsigned long)(x),(ptr),sizeof(*(ptr))))
+#define tas(ptr) (xchg((ptr),1))
+struct __xchg_dummy { unsigned long a[100]; };
+#define __xg(x) ((struct __xchg_dummy *)(x))
+#if 0
+/* use these and an oscilloscope to see the fraction of time we're running with IRQ's disabled */
+/* it assumes the LED's are on port 0x90000000 of course. */
+#define sti() __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ei\n\tpush r0\n\tmoveq 0,r0\n\tmove.d r0,[0x90000000]\n\tpop r0" );
+#define cli() __asm__ __volatile__ ( "di\n\tpush r0\n\tmove.d 0x40000,r0\n\tmove.d r0,[0x90000000]\n\tpop r0");
+#define save_flags(x) __asm__ __volatile__ ("move ccr,%0" : "=rm" (x) : : "memory");
+#define restore_flags(x) __asm__ __volatile__ ("move %0,ccr\n\tbtstq 5,%0\n\tbpl 1f\n\tnop\n\tpush r0\n\tmoveq 0,r0\n\tmove.d r0,[0x90000000]\n\tpop r0\n1:\n" : : "r" (x) : "memory");
+#define __cli() __asm__ __volatile__ ( "di");
+#define __sti() __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ei" );
+#define __save_flags(x) __asm__ __volatile__ ("move ccr,%0" : "=rm" (x) : : "memory");
+#define __restore_flags(x) __asm__ __volatile__ ("move %0,ccr" : : "rm" (x) : "memory");
+/* For spinlocks etc */
+#define local_irq_save(x) __asm__ __volatile__ ("move ccr,%0\n\tdi" : "=rm" (x) : : "memory"); 
+#define local_irq_restore(x) restore_flags(x)
+#define local_irq_disable()  cli()
+#define local_irq_enable()   sti()
+#define cli() __cli()
+#define sti() __sti()
+#define save_flags(x) __save_flags(x)
+#define restore_flags(x) __restore_flags(x)
+#define save_and_cli(x) do { __save_flags(x); cli(); } while(0)
+static inline unsigned long __xchg(unsigned long x, void * ptr, int size)
+  /* since Etrax doesn't have any atomic xchg instructions, we need to disable
+     irq's (if enabled) and do it with move.d's */
+#if 0
+  unsigned int flags;
+  save_flags(flags); /* save flags, including irq enable bit */
+  cli();             /* shut off irq's */
+  switch (size) {
+  case 1:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ (
+       "move.b %0,r0\n\t"
+       "move.b %1,%0\n\t"
+       "move.b r0,%1\n\t"
+       : "=r" (x)
+       : "m" (*__xg(ptr)), "r" (x)
+       : "memory","r0");    
+    break;
+  case 2:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ (
+       "move.w %0,r0\n\t"
+       "move.w %1,%0\n\t"
+       "move.w r0,%1\n\t"
+       : "=r" (x)
+       : "m" (*__xg(ptr)), "r" (x)
+       : "memory","r0");
+    break;
+  case 4:
+    __asm__ __volatile__ (
+       "move.d %0,r0\n\t"
+       "move.d %1,%0\n\t"
+       "move.d r0,%1\n\t"
+       : "=r" (x)
+       : "m" (*__xg(ptr)), "r" (x)
+       : "memory","r0");
+    break;
+  }
+  restore_flags(flags); /* restore irq enable bit */
+  return x;
+  unsigned long flags,temp;
+  save_flags(flags); /* save flags, including irq enable bit */
+  cli();             /* shut off irq's */
+  switch (size) {
+  case 1:
+    *((unsigned char *)&temp) = x;
+    x = *(unsigned char *)ptr;
+    *(unsigned char *)ptr = *((unsigned char *)&temp);
+    break;
+  case 2:
+    *((unsigned short *)&temp) = x;
+    x = *(unsigned short *)ptr;
+    *(unsigned short *)ptr = *((unsigned short *)&temp);
+    break;
+  case 4:
+    temp = x;
+    x = *(unsigned long *)ptr;
+    *(unsigned long *)ptr = temp;
+    break;
+  }
+  restore_flags(flags); /* restore irq enable bit */
+  return x;
+#define mb() __asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory")
+#define rmb() mb()
+#define wmb() mb()
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+#define smp_mb()        mb()
+#define smp_rmb()       rmb()
+#define smp_wmb()       wmb()
+#define smp_mb()        barrier()
+#define smp_rmb()       barrier()
+#define smp_wmb()       barrier()
+#define iret()
+ * disable hlt during certain critical i/o operations
+ */
+void disable_hlt(void);
+void enable_hlt(void);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: