patch-2.4.2 linux/include/asm-cris/ptrace.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.1/linux/include/asm-cris/ptrace.h linux/include/asm-cris/ptrace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#ifndef _CRIS_PTRACE_H
+#define _CRIS_PTRACE_H
+/* Register numbers in the ptrace system call interface */
+#define PT_FRAMETYPE 0
+#define PT_ORIG_R10  1
+#define PT_R13       2
+#define PT_R12       3
+#define PT_R11       4
+#define PT_R10       5
+#define PT_R9        6
+#define PT_R8        7
+#define PT_R7        8
+#define PT_R6        9
+#define PT_R5        10
+#define PT_R4        11
+#define PT_R3        12
+#define PT_R2        13
+#define PT_R1        14
+#define PT_R0        15
+#define PT_MOF       16
+#define PT_DCCR      17
+#define PT_SRP       18
+#define PT_IRP       19
+#define PT_MAX       19
+#define PT_USP       42    /* special case - USP is not in the pt_regs */
+/* Frame types */
+#define CRIS_FRAME_NORMAL   0  /* normal frame like pt_regs struct */
+#define CRIS_FRAME_BUSFAULT 1  /* SBFS frame of 4 longwords on top, including irp */
+#define CRIS_FRAME_FIXUP    2  /* SBFS frame which should do a normal return, not RBF */
+/* Arbitrarily choose the same ptrace numbers as used by the Sparc code. */
+#define PTRACE_GETREGS            12
+#define PTRACE_SETREGS            13
+/* pt_regs not only specifices the format in the user-struct during
+ * ptrace but is also the frame format used in the kernel prologue/epilogues 
+ * themselves
+ */
+struct pt_regs {
+	unsigned long frametype;  /* type of stackframe */
+	unsigned long orig_r10;
+	/* pushed by movem r13, [sp] in SAVE_ALL, movem pushes backwards */
+	unsigned long r13; /* 8 */
+	unsigned long r12; /* 12 */
+	unsigned long r11; /* 16 */
+	unsigned long r10; /* 20 */
+	unsigned long r9;
+	unsigned long r8;
+	unsigned long r7;
+	unsigned long r6;
+	unsigned long r5;
+	unsigned long r4;
+	unsigned long r3;
+	unsigned long r2;
+	unsigned long r1;
+	unsigned long r0;
+	unsigned long mof;
+	unsigned long dccr;
+	unsigned long srp;
+	unsigned long irp;
+/* switch_stack is the extra stuff pushed onto the stack in _resume (entry.S) when
+   doing a context-switch. it is used (apart from in resume) when a new thread is made 
+   and we need to make _resume (which is starting it for the first time) realise what
+   is going on. 
+   actually, the use is very close to the thread struct (TSS) in that both the switch_stack
+   and the TSS are used to keep thread stuff when switching in _resume.
+struct switch_stack {
+	unsigned long r9;
+	unsigned long r8;
+	unsigned long r7;
+	unsigned long r6;
+	unsigned long r5;
+	unsigned long r4;
+	unsigned long r3;
+	unsigned long r2;
+	unsigned long r1;
+	unsigned long r0;
+	unsigned long return_ip; /* ip that _resume will return to */
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+/* bit 8 is user-mode flag */
+#define user_mode(regs) ((regs)->dccr & 0x100)
+#define instruction_pointer(regs) ((regs)->irp)
+extern void show_regs(struct pt_regs *);
+#endif /* _CRIS_PTRACE_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: