patch-2.4.2 linux/drivers/s390/block/dasd_eckd.h
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- Lines: 309
- Date:
Tue Feb 13 14:13:44 2001
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.1/linux/drivers/s390/block/dasd_eckd.h linux/drivers/s390/block/dasd_eckd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#ifndef DASD_ECKD_H
+#define DASD_ECKD_H
+#include "dasd_3990_erp.h"
+struct eckd_count_t {
+ __u16 cyl;
+ __u16 head;
+ __u8 record;
+ __u8 kl;
+ __u16 dl;
+} __attribute__ ((packed))
+struct ch_t {
+ __u16 cyl;
+ __u16 head;
+} __attribute__ ((packed))
+struct chs_t {
+ __u16 cyl;
+ __u16 head;
+ __u32 sector;
+} __attribute__ ((packed))
+struct chr_t {
+ __u16 cyl;
+ __u16 head;
+ __u8 record;
+} __attribute__ ((packed))
+struct geom_t {
+ __u16 cyl;
+ __u16 head;
+ __u32 sector;
+} __attribute__ ((packed))
+typedef struct eckd_home_t {
+ __u8 skip_control[14];
+ __u16 cell_number;
+ __u8 physical_addr[3];
+ __u8 flag;
+ ch_t track_addr;
+ __u8 reserved;
+ __u8 key_length;
+ __u8 reserved2[2];
+} __attribute__ ((packed))
+struct DE_eckd_data_t {
+ struct {
+ unsigned char perm:2; /* Permissions on this extent */
+ unsigned char reserved:1;
+ unsigned char seek:2; /* Seek control */
+ unsigned char auth:2; /* Access authorization */
+ unsigned char pci:1; /* PCI Fetch mode */
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) mask;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char mode:2; /* Architecture mode */
+ unsigned char ckd:1; /* CKD Conversion */
+ unsigned char operation:3; /* Operation mode */
+ unsigned char cfw:1; /* Cache fast write */
+ unsigned char dfw:1; /* DASD fast write */
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) attributes;
+ __u16 short blk_size; /* Blocksize */
+ __u16 fast_write_id;
+ __u8 unused;
+ __u8 reserved;
+ ch_t beg_ext;
+ ch_t end_ext;
+} __attribute__ ((packed))
+struct LO_eckd_data_t {
+ struct {
+ unsigned char orientation:2;
+ unsigned char operation:6;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) operation;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char last_bytes_used:1;
+ unsigned char reserved:6;
+ unsigned char read_count_suffix:1;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) auxiliary;
+ __u8 unused;
+ __u8 count;
+ ch_t seek_addr;
+ chr_t search_arg;
+ __u8 sector;
+ __u16 length;
+} __attribute__ ((packed))
+struct dasd_eckd_characteristics_t {
+ __u16 cu_type;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char support:2;
+ unsigned char async:1;
+ unsigned char reserved:1;
+ unsigned char cache_info:1;
+ unsigned char model:3;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) cu_model;
+ __u16 dev_type;
+ __u8 dev_model;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char mult_burst:1;
+ unsigned char RT_in_LR:1;
+ unsigned char reserved1:1;
+ unsigned char RD_IN_LR:1;
+ unsigned char reserved2:4;
+ unsigned char reserved3:8;
+ unsigned char defect_wr:1;
+ unsigned char reserved4:2;
+ unsigned char striping:1;
+ unsigned char reserved5:4;
+ unsigned char cfw:1;
+ unsigned char reserved6:2;
+ unsigned char cache:1;
+ unsigned char dual_copy:1;
+ unsigned char dfw:1;
+ unsigned char reset_alleg:1;
+ unsigned char sense_down:1;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) facilities;
+ __u8 dev_class;
+ __u8 unit_type;
+ __u16 no_cyl;
+ __u16 trk_per_cyl;
+ __u8 sec_per_trk;
+ __u8 byte_per_track[3];
+ __u16 home_bytes;
+ __u8 formula;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ __u8 f1;
+ __u16 f2;
+ __u16 f3;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) f_0x01;
+ struct {
+ __u8 f1;
+ __u8 f2;
+ __u8 f3;
+ __u8 f4;
+ __u8 f5;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) f_0x02;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) factors;
+ __u16 first_alt_trk;
+ __u16 no_alt_trk;
+ __u16 first_dia_trk;
+ __u16 no_dia_trk;
+ __u16 first_sup_trk;
+ __u16 no_sup_trk;
+ __u8 MDR_ID;
+ __u8 OBR_ID;
+ __u8 director;
+ __u8 rd_trk_set;
+ __u16 max_rec_zero;
+ __u8 reserved1;
+ __u8 RWANY_in_LR;
+ __u8 factor6;
+ __u8 factor7;
+ __u8 factor8;
+ __u8 reserved2[3];
+ __u8 reserved3[10];
+} __attribute__ ((packed))
+typedef struct dasd_eckd_confdata_t {
+ struct {
+ struct {
+ unsigned char identifier:2;
+ unsigned char token_id:1;
+ unsigned char sno_valid:1;
+ unsigned char subst_sno:1;
+ unsigned char recNED:1;
+ unsigned char emuNED:1;
+ unsigned char reserved:1;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) flags;
+ __u8 descriptor;
+ __u8 dev_class;
+ __u8 reserved;
+ unsigned char dev_type[6];
+ unsigned char dev_model[3];
+ unsigned char HDA_manufacturer[3];
+ unsigned char HDA_location[2];
+ unsigned char HDA_seqno[12];
+ __u16 ID;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) ned1;
+ struct {
+ struct {
+ unsigned char identifier:2;
+ unsigned char token_id:1;
+ unsigned char sno_valid:1;
+ unsigned char subst_sno:1;
+ unsigned char recNED:1;
+ unsigned char emuNED:1;
+ unsigned char reserved:1;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) flags;
+ __u8 descriptor;
+ __u8 reserved[2];
+ unsigned char dev_type[6];
+ unsigned char dev_model[3];
+ unsigned char DASD_manufacturer[3];
+ unsigned char DASD_location[2];
+ unsigned char DASD_seqno[12];
+ __u16 ID;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) ned2;
+ struct {
+ struct {
+ unsigned char identifier:2;
+ unsigned char token_id:1;
+ unsigned char sno_valid:1;
+ unsigned char subst_sno:1;
+ unsigned char recNED:1;
+ unsigned char emuNED:1;
+ unsigned char reserved:1;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) flags;
+ __u8 descriptor;
+ __u8 reserved[2];
+ unsigned char cont_type[6];
+ unsigned char cont_model[3];
+ unsigned char cont_manufacturer[3];
+ unsigned char cont_location[2];
+ unsigned char cont_seqno[12];
+ __u16 ID;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) ned3;
+ struct {
+ struct {
+ unsigned char identifier:2;
+ unsigned char token_id:1;
+ unsigned char sno_valid:1;
+ unsigned char subst_sno:1;
+ unsigned char recNED:1;
+ unsigned char emuNED:1;
+ unsigned char reserved:1;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) flags;
+ __u8 descriptor;
+ __u8 reserved[2];
+ unsigned char cont_type[6];
+ unsigned char empty[3];
+ unsigned char cont_manufacturer[3];
+ unsigned char cont_location[2];
+ unsigned char cont_seqno[12];
+ __u16 ID;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) ned4;
+ unsigned char ned5[32];
+ unsigned char ned6[32];
+ unsigned char ned7[32];
+ struct {
+ struct {
+ unsigned char identifier:2;
+ unsigned char reserved:6;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) flags;
+ __u8 selector;
+ __u16 interfaceID;
+ __u32 reserved;
+ __u16 subsystemID;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char sp0:1;
+ unsigned char sp1:1;
+ unsigned char reserved:5;
+ unsigned char scluster:1;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) spathID;
+ __u8 unit_address;
+ __u8 dev_ID;
+ __u8 dev_address;
+ __u8 adapterID;
+ __u16 link_address;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char parallel:1;
+ unsigned char escon:1;
+ unsigned char reserved:1;
+ unsigned char ficon:1;
+ unsigned char reserved2:4;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) protocol_type;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char PID_in_236:1;
+ unsigned char reserved:7;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) format_flags;
+ __u8 log_dev_address;
+ unsigned char reserved2[12];
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) neq;
+} __attribute__ ((packed))
+int dasd_eckd_init (void);
+void dasd_eckd_cleanup(void);
+#endif /* DASD_ECKD_H */
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: