patch-2.4.2 linux/arch/cris/lib/usercopy.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.1/linux/arch/cris/lib/usercopy.c linux/arch/cris/lib/usercopy.c
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+ * User address space access functions.
+ * The non-inlined parts of asm-cris/uaccess.h are here.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000, Axis Communications AB.
+ *
+ * Written by Hans-Peter Nilsson.
+ * Pieces used from memcpy, originally by Kenny Ranerup long time ago.
+ */
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+/* Asm:s have been tweaked (within the domain of correctness) to give
+   satisfactory results for "gcc version 2.96 20000427 (experimental)".
+   Check regularly...
+   Note that the PC saved at a bus-fault is the address *after* the
+   faulting instruction, which means the branch-target for instructions in
+   delay-slots for taken branches.  Note also that the postincrement in
+   the instruction is performed regardless of bus-fault; the register is
+   seen updated in fault handlers.
+   Oh, and on the code formatting issue, to whomever feels like "fixing
+   it" to Conformity: I'm too "lazy", but why don't you go ahead and "fix"
+   string.c too.  I just don't think too many people will hack this file
+   for the code format to be an issue.  */
+/* Copy to userspace.  This is based on the memcpy used for
+   kernel-to-kernel copying; see "string.c".  */
+unsigned long
+__copy_user (void *pdst, const void *psrc, unsigned long pn)
+  /* We want the parameters put in special registers.
+     Make sure the compiler is able to make something useful of this.
+     As it is now: r10 -> r13; r11 -> r11 (nop); r12 -> r12 (nop).
+     FIXME: Comment for old gcc version.  Check.
+     If gcc was allright, it really would need no temporaries, and no
+     stack space to save stuff on. */
+  register char *dst __asm__ ("r13") = pdst;
+  register const char *src __asm__ ("r11") = psrc;
+  register int n __asm__ ("r12") = pn;
+  register int retn __asm__ ("r10") = 0;
+  /* When src is aligned but not dst, this makes a few extra needless
+     cycles.  I believe it would take as many to check that the
+     re-alignment was unnecessary.  */
+  if (((unsigned long) dst & 3) != 0
+      /* Don't align if we wouldn't copy more than a few bytes; so we
+	 don't have to check further for overflows.  */
+      && n >= 3)
+  {
+    if ((unsigned long) dst & 1)
+    {
+      __asm_copy_to_user_1 (dst, src, retn);
+      n--;
+    }
+    if ((unsigned long) dst & 2)
+    {
+      __asm_copy_to_user_2 (dst, src, retn);
+      n -= 2;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Decide which copying method to use. */
+  if (n >= 44*2)		/* Break even between movem and
+				   move16 is at 38.7*2, but modulo 44. */
+  {
+    /* For large copies we use 'movem'.  */
+    /* It is not optimal to tell the compiler about clobbering any
+       registers; that will move the saving/restoring of those registers
+       to the function prologue/epilogue, and make non-movem sizes
+       suboptimal.
+       This method is not foolproof; it assumes that the "asm reg"
+       declarations at the beginning of the function really are used
+       here (beware: they may be moved to temporary registers).
+       This way, we do not have to save/move the registers around into
+       temporaries; we can safely use them straight away.
+       If you want to check that the allocation was right; then
+       check the equalities in the first comment.  It should say
+       "r13=r13, r11=r11, r12=r12".  */
+    __asm__ volatile ("
+	;; Check that the following is true (same register names on
+	;; both sides of equal sign, as in r8=r8):
+	;; %0=r13, %1=r11, %2=r12 %3=r10
+	;;
+	;; Save the registers we'll use in the movem process
+	;; on the stack.
+	subq	11*4,sp
+	movem	r10,[sp]
+	;; Now we've got this:
+	;; r11 - src
+	;; r13 - dst
+	;; r12 - n
+	;; Update n for the first loop
+	subq	44,r12
+; Since the noted PC of a faulting instruction in a delay-slot of a taken
+; branch, is that of the branch target, we actually point at the from-movem
+; for this case.  There is no ambiguity here; if there was a fault in that
+; instruction (meaning a kernel oops), the faulted PC would be the address
+; after *that* movem.
+	movem	[r11+],r10
+	subq   44,r12
+	bge	0b
+	movem	r10,[r13+]
+	addq   44,r12  ;; compensate for last loop underflowing n
+	;; Restore registers from stack
+	movem [sp+],r10
+	.section .fixup,\"ax\"
+; To provide a correct count in r10 of bytes that failed to be copied,
+; we jump back into the loop if the loop-branch was taken.  There is no
+; performance penalty for sany use; the program will segfault soon enough.
+	move.d [sp],r10
+	addq 44,r10
+	move.d r10,[sp]
+	jump 0b
+	movem [sp+],r10
+	addq 44,r10
+	addq 44,r12
+	jump 2b
+	.previous
+	.section __ex_table,\"a\"
+	.dword 0b,3b
+	.dword 1b,4b
+	.previous"
+     /* Outputs */ : "=r" (dst), "=r" (src), "=r" (n), "=r" (retn)
+     /* Inputs */ : "0" (dst), "1" (src), "2" (n), "3" (retn));
+  }
+  /* Either we directly start copying, using dword copying in a loop, or
+     we copy as much as possible with 'movem' and then the last block (<44
+     bytes) is copied here.  This will work since 'movem' will have
+     updated SRC, DST and N.  */
+  while (n >= 16)
+  {
+    __asm_copy_to_user_16 (dst, src, retn);
+    n -= 16;
+  }
+  /* Having a separate by-four loops cuts down on cache footprint.
+     FIXME:  Test with and without; increasing switch to be 0..15.  */
+  while (n >= 4)
+  {
+    __asm_copy_to_user_4 (dst, src, retn);
+    n -= 4;
+  }
+  switch (n)
+  {
+    case 0:
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      __asm_copy_to_user_1 (dst, src, retn);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      __asm_copy_to_user_2 (dst, src, retn);
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      __asm_copy_to_user_3 (dst, src, retn);
+      break;
+  }
+  return retn;
+/* Copy from user to kernel, zeroing the bytes that were inaccessible in
+   userland.  */
+unsigned long
+__copy_user_zeroing (void *pdst, const void *psrc, unsigned long pn)
+  /* We want the parameters put in special registers.
+     Make sure the compiler is able to make something useful of this.
+     As it is now: r10 -> r13; r11 -> r11 (nop); r12 -> r12 (nop).
+     FIXME: Comment for old gcc version.  Check.
+     If gcc was allright, it really would need no temporaries, and no
+     stack space to save stuff on.  */
+  register char *dst __asm__ ("r13") = pdst;
+  register const char *src __asm__ ("r11") = psrc;
+  register int n __asm__ ("r12") = pn;
+  register int retn __asm__ ("r10") = 0;
+  /* When src is aligned but not dst, this makes a few extra needless
+     cycles.  I believe it would take as many to check that the
+     re-alignment was unnecessary.  */
+  if (((unsigned long) dst & 3) != 0
+      /* Don't align if we wouldn't copy more than a few bytes; so we
+	 don't have to check further for overflows.  */
+      && n >= 3)
+  {
+    if ((unsigned long) dst & 1)
+    {
+      __asm_copy_from_user_1 (dst, src, retn);
+      n--;
+    }
+    if ((unsigned long) dst & 2)
+    {
+      __asm_copy_from_user_2 (dst, src, retn);
+      n -= 2;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Decide which copying method to use. */
+  if (n >= 44*2)		/* Break even between movem and
+				   move16 is at 38.7*2, but modulo 44. */
+  {
+    /* For large copies we use 'movem' */
+    /* It is not optimal to tell the compiler about clobbering any
+       registers; that will move the saving/restoring of those registers
+       to the function prologue/epilogue, and make non-movem sizes
+       suboptimal.
+       This method is not foolproof; it assumes that the "asm reg"
+       declarations at the beginning of the function really are used
+       here (beware: they may be moved to temporary registers).
+       This way, we do not have to save/move the registers around into
+       temporaries; we can safely use them straight away.
+       If you want to check that the allocation was right; then
+       check the equalities in the first comment.  It should say
+       "r13=r13, r11=r11, r12=r12" */
+    __asm__ volatile ("
+	;; Check that the following is true (same register names on
+	;; both sides of equal sign, as in r8=r8):
+	;; %0=r13, %1=r11, %2=r12 %3=r10
+	;;
+	;; Save the registers we'll use in the movem process
+	;; on the stack.
+	subq	11*4,sp
+	movem	r10,[sp]
+	;; Now we've got this:
+	;; r11 - src
+	;; r13 - dst
+	;; r12 - n
+	;; Update n for the first loop
+	subq	44,r12
+	movem	[r11+],r10
+	subq   44,r12
+	bge	0b
+	movem	r10,[r13+]
+	addq   44,r12  ;; compensate for last loop underflowing n
+	;; Restore registers from stack
+	movem [sp+],r10
+	.section .fixup,\"ax\"
+; To provide a correct count in r10 of bytes that failed to be copied,
+; we jump back into the loop if the loop-branch was taken.
+;  There is no performance penalty; the program will segfault soon
+; enough.
+	move.d [sp],r10
+	addq 44,r10
+	move.d r10,[sp]
+	clear.d r0
+	clear.d r1
+	clear.d r2
+	clear.d r3
+	clear.d r4
+	clear.d r5
+	clear.d r6
+	clear.d r7
+	clear.d r8
+	clear.d r9
+	clear.d r10
+	jump 1b
+	.previous
+	.section __ex_table,\"a\"
+	.dword 1b,3b
+	.previous"
+     /* Outputs */ : "=r" (dst), "=r" (src), "=r" (n), "=r" (retn)
+     /* Inputs */ : "0" (dst), "1" (src), "2" (n), "3" (retn));
+  }
+  /* Either we directly start copying here, using dword copying in a loop,
+     or we copy as much as possible with 'movem' and then the last block
+     (<44 bytes) is copied here.  This will work since 'movem' will have
+     updated src, dst and n. */
+  while (n >= 16)
+  {
+    __asm_copy_from_user_16 (dst, src, retn);
+    n -= 16;
+  }
+  /* Having a separate by-four loops cuts down on cache footprint.
+     FIXME:  Test with and without; increasing switch to be 0..15.  */
+  while (n >= 4)
+  {
+    __asm_copy_from_user_4 (dst, src, retn);
+    n -= 4;
+  }
+  switch (n)
+  {
+    case 0:
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      __asm_copy_from_user_1 (dst, src, retn);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      __asm_copy_from_user_2 (dst, src, retn);
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      __asm_copy_from_user_3 (dst, src, retn);
+      break;
+  }
+  return retn;
+/* Zero userspace.  */
+unsigned long
+__do_clear_user (void *pto, unsigned long pn)
+  /* We want the parameters put in special registers.
+     Make sure the compiler is able to make something useful of this.
+      As it is now: r10 -> r13; r11 -> r11 (nop); r12 -> r12 (nop).
+     FIXME: Comment for old gcc version.  Check.
+     If gcc was allright, it really would need no temporaries, and no
+     stack space to save stuff on. */
+  register char *dst __asm__ ("r13") = pto;
+  register int n __asm__ ("r12") = pn;
+  register int retn __asm__ ("r10") = 0;
+  if (((unsigned long) dst & 3) != 0
+     /* Don't align if we wouldn't copy more than a few bytes.  */
+      && n >= 3)
+  {
+    if ((unsigned long) dst & 1)
+    {
+      __asm_clear_1 (dst, retn);
+      n--;
+    }
+    if ((unsigned long) dst & 2)
+    {
+      __asm_clear_2 (dst, retn);
+      n -= 2;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Decide which copying method to use.
+     FIXME: This number is from the "ordinary" kernel memset.  */
+  if (n >= (1*48))
+  {
+    /* For large clears we use 'movem' */
+    /* It is not optimal to tell the compiler about clobbering any
+       call-saved registers; that will move the saving/restoring of
+       those registers to the function prologue/epilogue, and make
+       non-movem sizes suboptimal.
+       This method is not foolproof; it assumes that the "asm reg"
+       declarations at the beginning of the function really are used
+       here (beware: they may be moved to temporary registers).
+       This way, we do not have to save/move the registers around into
+       temporaries; we can safely use them straight away.
+      If you want to check that the allocation was right; then
+      check the equalities in the first comment.  It should say
+      something like "r13=r13, r11=r11, r12=r12". */
+    __asm__ volatile ("
+	;; Check that the following is true (same register names on
+	;; both sides of equal sign, as in r8=r8):
+	;; %0=r13, %1=r12 %2=r10
+	;;
+	;; Save the registers we'll clobber in the movem process
+	;; on the stack.  Don't mention them to gcc, it will only be
+	;; upset.
+	subq	11*4,sp
+	movem	r10,[sp]
+	clear.d r0
+	clear.d r1
+	clear.d r2
+	clear.d r3
+	clear.d r4
+	clear.d r5
+	clear.d r6
+	clear.d r7
+	clear.d r8
+	clear.d r9
+	clear.d r10
+	clear.d r11
+	;; Now we've got this:
+	;; r13 - dst
+	;; r12 - n
+	;; Update n for the first loop
+	subq	12*4,r12
+	subq   12*4,r12
+	bge	0b
+	movem	r11,[r13+]
+	addq   12*4,r12	 ;; compensate for last loop underflowing n
+	;; Restore registers from stack
+	movem [sp+],r10
+	.section .fixup,\"ax\"
+	move.d [sp],r10
+	addq 12*4,r10
+	move.d r10,[sp]
+	clear.d r10
+	jump 0b
+	movem [sp+],r10
+	addq 12*4,r10
+	addq 12*4,r12
+	jump 2b
+	.previous
+	.section __ex_table,\"a\"
+	.dword 0b,3b
+	.dword 1b,4b
+	.previous"
+     /* Outputs */ : "=r" (dst), "=r" (n), "=r" (retn)
+     /* Inputs */ : "0" (dst), "1" (n), "2" (retn)
+     /* Clobber */ : "r11");
+  }
+  while (n >= 16)
+  {
+    __asm_clear_16 (dst, retn);
+    n -= 16;
+  }
+  /* Having a separate by-four loops cuts down on cache footprint.
+     FIXME:  Test with and without; increasing switch to be 0..15.  */
+  while (n >= 4)
+  {
+    __asm_clear_4 (dst, retn);
+    n -= 4;
+  }
+  switch (n)
+  {
+    case 0:
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      __asm_clear_1 (dst, retn);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      __asm_clear_2 (dst, retn);
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      __asm_clear_3 (dst, retn);
+      break;
+  }
+  return retn;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: