patch-2.4.2 linux/arch/cris/lib/checksum.S
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- Lines: 115
- Date:
Thu Feb 8 16:32:44 2001
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.1/linux/arch/cris/lib/checksum.S linux/arch/cris/lib/checksum.S
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ ;; $Id: checksum.S,v 1.1 2000/07/10 16:25:21 bjornw Exp $
+ ;; A fast checksum routine using movem
+ ;; Copyright (c) 1998 Bjorn Wesen/Axis Communications AB
+ ;; csum_partial(const unsigned char * buff, int len, unsigned int sum)
+ .globl _csum_partial
+ ;; check for breakeven length between movem and normal word looping versions
+ cmpu.w 80,r11
+ bcs no_movem
+ nop
+ ;; need to save the registers we use below in the movem loop
+ ;; this overhead is why we have a check above for breakeven length
+ subq 9*4,sp
+ movem r8,[sp]
+ ;; do a movem checksum
+ ;; r10 - src
+ ;; r11 - length
+ ;; r12 - checksum
+ subq 10*4,r11 ; update length for the first loop
+mloop: movem [r10+],r9 ; read 10 longwords
+ ;; perform dword checksumming on the 10 longwords
+ add.d r0,r12
+ ax
+ add.d r1,r12
+ ax
+ add.d r2,r12
+ ax
+ add.d r3,r12
+ ax
+ add.d r4,r12
+ ax
+ add.d r5,r12
+ ax
+ add.d r6,r12
+ ax
+ add.d r7,r12
+ ax
+ add.d r8,r12
+ ax
+ add.d r9,r12
+ ;; fold the carry into the checksum, to avoid having to loop the carry
+ ;; back into the top
+ ax
+ addq 0,r12
+ ax ; do it again, since we might have generated a carry
+ addq 0,r12
+ subq 10*4,r11
+ bge mloop
+ nop
+ addq 10*4,r11 ; compensate for last loop underflowing length
+ ;; fold 32-bit checksum into a 16-bit checksum, to avoid carries below
+ moveq -1,r1 ; put 0xffff in r1, faster than move.d 0xffff,r1
+ lsrq 16,r1
+ move.d r12,r0
+ lsrq 16,r0 ; r0 = checksum >> 16
+ and.d r1,r12 ; checksum = checksum & 0xffff
+ add.d r0,r12 ; checksum += r0
+ move.d r12,r0 ; do the same again, maybe we got a carry last add
+ lsrq 16,r0
+ and.d r1,r12
+ add.d r0,r12
+ movem [sp+],r8 ; restore regs
+ cmpq 2,r11
+ blt no_words
+ nop
+ ;; checksum the rest of the words
+ subq 2,r11
+wloop: subq 2,r11
+ bge wloop
+ addu.w [r10+],r12
+ addq 2,r11
+ ;; see if we have one odd byte more
+ cmpq 1,r11
+ beq do_byte
+ nop
+ ret
+ move.d r12, r10
+ ;; copy and checksum the last byte
+ addu.b [r10],r12
+ ret
+ move.d r12, r10
\ No newline at end of file
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: