patch-2.4.18 linux/drivers/s390/sysinfo.c

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diff -Naur -X /home/marcelo/lib/dontdiff linux.orig/drivers/s390/sysinfo.c linux/drivers/s390/sysinfo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+ *  drivers/s390/sysinfo.c
+ *
+ *    Copyright (C) 2001 IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, IBM Corporation
+ *    Author(s): Ulrich Weigand (
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <asm/ebcdic.h>
+struct sysinfo_1_1_1
+	char reserved_0[32];
+	char manufacturer[16];
+	char type[4];
+	char reserved_1[12];
+	char model[16];
+	char sequence[16];
+	char plant[4];
+struct sysinfo_1_2_1
+	char reserved_0[80];
+	char sequence[16];
+	char plant[4];
+	char reserved_1[2];
+	unsigned short cpu_address;
+struct sysinfo_1_2_2
+	char reserved_0[32];
+	unsigned int capability;
+	unsigned short cpus_total;
+	unsigned short cpus_configured;
+	unsigned short cpus_standby;
+	unsigned short cpus_reserved;
+	unsigned short adjustment[0];
+struct sysinfo_2_2_1
+	char reserved_0[80];
+	char sequence[16];
+	char plant[4];
+	unsigned short cpu_id;
+	unsigned short cpu_address;
+struct sysinfo_2_2_2
+	char reserved_0[32];
+	unsigned short lpar_number;
+	char reserved_1;
+	unsigned char characteristics;
+	#define LPAR_CHAR_DEDICATED	(1 << 7)
+	#define LPAR_CHAR_SHARED	(1 << 6)
+	#define LPAR_CHAR_LIMITED	(1 << 5)
+	unsigned short cpus_total;
+	unsigned short cpus_configured;
+	unsigned short cpus_standby;
+	unsigned short cpus_reserved;
+	char name[8];
+	unsigned int caf;
+	char reserved_2[16];
+	unsigned short cpus_dedicated;
+	unsigned short cpus_shared;
+struct sysinfo_3_2_2
+	char reserved_0[31];
+	unsigned char count;
+	struct
+	{
+		char reserved_0[4];
+		unsigned short cpus_total;
+		unsigned short cpus_configured;
+		unsigned short cpus_standby;
+		unsigned short cpus_reserved;
+		char name[8];
+		unsigned int caf;
+		char cpi[16];
+		char reserved_1[24];
+	} vm[8];
+union s390_sysinfo
+	struct sysinfo_1_1_1 sysinfo_1_1_1;
+	struct sysinfo_1_2_1 sysinfo_1_2_1;
+	struct sysinfo_1_2_2 sysinfo_1_2_2;
+	struct sysinfo_2_2_1 sysinfo_2_2_1;
+	struct sysinfo_2_2_2 sysinfo_2_2_2;
+	struct sysinfo_3_2_2 sysinfo_3_2_2;
+static inline int stsi (void *sysinfo, 
+                        int fc, int sel1, int sel2)
+	int cc, retv;
+#ifndef CONFIG_ARCH_S390X
+	__asm__ __volatile__ (	"lr\t0,%2\n"
+				"\tlr\t1,%3\n"
+				"\tstsi\t0(%4)\n"
+				"0:\tipm\t%0\n"
+				"\tsrl\t%0,28\n"
+				"1:lr\t%1,0\n"
+				".section .fixup,\"ax\"\n"
+				"2:\tlhi\t%0,3\n"
+				"\tbras\t1,3f\n"
+				"\t.long 1b\n"
+				"3:\tl\t1,0(1)\n"
+				"\tbr\t1\n"
+				".previous\n"
+				".section __ex_table,\"a\"\n"
+				"\t.align 4\n"
+				"\t.long 0b,2b\n"
+				".previous\n"
+				: "=d" (cc), "=d" (retv)
+				: "d" ((fc << 28) | sel1), "d" (sel2), "a" (sysinfo) 
+				: "cc", "memory", "0", "1" );
+	__asm__ __volatile__ (	"lr\t0,%2\n"
+				"lr\t1,%3\n"
+				"\tstsi\t0(%4)\n"
+				"0:\tipm\t%0\n"
+				"\tsrl\t%0,28\n"
+				"1:lr\t%1,0\n"
+				".section .fixup,\"ax\"\n"
+				"2:\tlhi\t%0,3\n"
+				"\tjg\t1b\n"
+				".previous\n"
+				".section __ex_table,\"a\"\n"
+				"\t.align 8\n"
+				"\t.quad 0b,2b\n"
+				".previous\n"
+				: "=d" (cc), "=d" (retv)
+				: "d" ((fc << 28) | sel1), "d" (sel2), "a" (sysinfo) 
+				: "cc", "memory", "0", "1" );
+	return cc? -1 : retv;
+static inline int stsi_0 (void)
+	int rc = stsi (NULL, 0, 0, 0);
+	return rc == -1 ? rc : (((unsigned int)rc) >> 28);
+static inline int stsi_1_1_1 (struct sysinfo_1_1_1 *info)
+	int rc = stsi (info, 1, 1, 1);
+	if (rc != -1)
+	{
+		EBCASC (info->manufacturer, sizeof(info->manufacturer));
+		EBCASC (info->type, sizeof(info->type));
+		EBCASC (info->model, sizeof(info->model));
+		EBCASC (info->sequence, sizeof(info->sequence));
+		EBCASC (info->plant, sizeof(info->plant));
+	}
+	return rc == -1 ? rc : 0;
+static inline int stsi_1_2_1 (struct sysinfo_1_2_1 *info)
+	int rc = stsi (info, 1, 2, 1);
+	if (rc != -1)
+	{
+		EBCASC (info->sequence, sizeof(info->sequence));
+		EBCASC (info->plant, sizeof(info->plant));
+	}
+	return rc == -1 ? rc : 0;
+static inline int stsi_1_2_2 (struct sysinfo_1_2_2 *info)
+	int rc = stsi (info, 1, 2, 2);
+	return rc == -1 ? rc : 0;
+static inline int stsi_2_2_1 (struct sysinfo_2_2_1 *info)
+	int rc = stsi (info, 2, 2, 1);
+	if (rc != -1)
+	{
+		EBCASC (info->sequence, sizeof(info->sequence));
+		EBCASC (info->plant, sizeof(info->plant));
+	}
+	return rc == -1 ? rc : 0;
+static inline int stsi_2_2_2 (struct sysinfo_2_2_2 *info)
+	int rc = stsi (info, 2, 2, 2);
+	if (rc != -1)
+	{
+		EBCASC (info->name, sizeof(info->name));
+  	}
+	return rc == -1 ? rc : 0;
+static inline int stsi_3_2_2 (struct sysinfo_3_2_2 *info)
+	int rc = stsi (info, 3, 2, 2);
+	if (rc != -1)
+	{
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; i < info->count; i++)
+		{
+			EBCASC (info->vm[i].name, sizeof(info->vm[i].name));
+			EBCASC (info->vm[i].cpi, sizeof(info->vm[i].cpi));
+		}
+	}
+	return rc == -1 ? rc : 0;
+static int proc_read_sysinfo(char *page, char **start,
+                             off_t off, int count,
+                             int *eof, void *data)
+	unsigned long info_page = get_free_page (GFP_KERNEL); 
+	union s390_sysinfo *info = (union s390_sysinfo *) info_page;
+	int len = 0;
+	int level;
+	int i;
+	if (!info)
+		return 0;
+	level = stsi_0 ();
+	if (level < 1)
+		goto out;
+	if (stsi_1_1_1 (&info->sysinfo_1_1_1))
+		goto out;
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "Manufacturer:         %-16.16s\n",
+			info->sysinfo_1_1_1.manufacturer);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "Type:                 %-4.4s\n",
+			info->sysinfo_1_1_1.type);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "Model:                %-16.16s\n",
+			info->sysinfo_1_1_1.model);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "Sequence Code:        %-16.16s\n",
+			info->sysinfo_1_1_1.sequence);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "Plant:                %-4.4s\n",
+			info->sysinfo_1_1_1.plant);
+	if (stsi_1_2_2 (&info->sysinfo_1_2_2))
+		goto out;
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "\n");
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "CPUs Total:           %d\n",
+			info->sysinfo_1_2_2.cpus_total);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "CPUs Configured:      %d\n",
+			info->sysinfo_1_2_2.cpus_configured);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "CPUs Standby:         %d\n",
+			info->sysinfo_1_2_2.cpus_standby);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "CPUs Reserved:        %d\n",
+			info->sysinfo_1_2_2.cpus_reserved);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "Capability:           %d\n",
+			info->sysinfo_1_2_2.capability);
+	for (i = 2; i <= info->sysinfo_1_2_2.cpus_total; i++)
+		len += sprintf (page+len, "Adjustment %02d-way:    %d\n",
+				i, info->sysinfo_1_2_2.adjustment[i-2]);
+	if (level < 2)
+		goto out;
+	if (stsi_2_2_2 (&info->sysinfo_2_2_2))
+		goto out;
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "\n");
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "LPAR Number:          %d\n",
+			info->sysinfo_2_2_2.lpar_number);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "LPAR Characteristics: ");
+	if (info->sysinfo_2_2_2.characteristics & LPAR_CHAR_DEDICATED)
+		len += sprintf (page+len, "Dedicated ");
+	if (info->sysinfo_2_2_2.characteristics & LPAR_CHAR_SHARED)
+		len += sprintf (page+len, "Shared ");
+	if (info->sysinfo_2_2_2.characteristics & LPAR_CHAR_LIMITED)
+		len += sprintf (page+len, "Limited ");
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "\n");
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "LPAR Name:            %-8.8s\n",
+			info->;
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "LPAR Adjustment:      %d\n",
+			info->sysinfo_2_2_2.caf);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "LPAR CPUs Total:      %d\n",
+			info->sysinfo_2_2_2.cpus_total);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "LPAR CPUs Configured: %d\n",
+			info->sysinfo_2_2_2.cpus_configured);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "LPAR CPUs Standby:    %d\n",
+			info->sysinfo_2_2_2.cpus_standby);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "LPAR CPUs Reserved:   %d\n",
+			info->sysinfo_2_2_2.cpus_reserved);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "LPAR CPUs Dedicated:  %d\n",
+			info->sysinfo_2_2_2.cpus_dedicated);
+	len += sprintf (page+len, "LPAR CPUs Shared:     %d\n",
+			info->sysinfo_2_2_2.cpus_shared);
+	if (level < 3)
+		goto out;
+	if (stsi_3_2_2 (&info->sysinfo_3_2_2))
+		goto out;
+	for (i = 0; i < info->sysinfo_3_2_2.count; i++)
+	{
+		len += sprintf (page+len, "\n");
+		len += sprintf (page+len, "VM%02d Name:            %-8.8s\n",
+				i, info->sysinfo_3_2_2.vm[i].name);
+		len += sprintf (page+len, "VM%02d Control Program: %-16.16s\n",
+				i, info->sysinfo_3_2_2.vm[i].cpi);
+		len += sprintf (page+len, "VM%02d Adjustment:      %d\n",
+				i, info->sysinfo_3_2_2.vm[i].caf);
+		len += sprintf (page+len, "VM%02d CPUs Total:      %d\n",
+				i, info->sysinfo_3_2_2.vm[i].cpus_total);
+		len += sprintf (page+len, "VM%02d CPUs Configured: %d\n",
+				i, info->sysinfo_3_2_2.vm[i].cpus_configured);
+		len += sprintf (page+len, "VM%02d CPUs Standby:    %d\n",
+				i, info->sysinfo_3_2_2.vm[i].cpus_standby);
+		len += sprintf (page+len, "VM%02d CPUs Reserved:   %d\n",
+				i, info->sysinfo_3_2_2.vm[i].cpus_reserved);
+	}
+	free_page (info_page);
+        return len;
+static __init int create_proc_sysinfo(void)
+	create_proc_read_entry ("sysinfo", 0444, NULL, 
+				proc_read_sysinfo, NULL);
+	return 0;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: