patch-2.1.92 linux/Documentation/isdn/README.act2000

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.91/linux/Documentation/isdn/README.act2000 linux/Documentation/isdn/README.act2000
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+$Id: README.act2000,v 1.1 1997/09/24 23:50:16 fritz Exp $
+This document describes the ACT2000 driver for the
+IBM Active 2000 ISDN card.
+There are 3 Types of this card available. A ISA-, MCA-, and PCMCIA-Bus
+Version. Currently, only the ISA-Bus version of the card is supported.
+However MCA and PCMCIA will follow soon.
+The ISA-Bus Version uses 8 IO-ports. The base port adress has to be set
+manually using the DIP switches.
+Setting up the DIP switches for the IBM Active 2000 ISDN card:
+	 Note: S5 and S6 always set off!
+     S1  S2  S3  S4  Base-port
+     on  on  on  on  0x0200 (Factory default)
+     off on  on  on  0x0240 
+     on  off on  on  0x0280 
+     off off on  on  0x02c0 
+     on  on  off on  0x0300 
+     off on  off on  0x0340 
+     on  off off on  0x0380 
+     on  on  on  off 0xcfe0
+     off on  on  off 0xcfa0 
+     on  off on  off 0xcf60 
+     off off on  off 0xcf20 
+     on  on  off off 0xcee0 
+     off on  off off 0xcea0 
+     on  off off off 0xce60 
+     off off off off Card disabled 
+IRQ is configured by software. Possible values are:
+  3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15 and none (polled mode)
+The ACT2000 driver either may be build into kernel or as a module.
+Initialization depends on how the driver is built:
+Driver built into the kernel:
+  The ACT2000 driver can be configured using the commandline-feature while
+  loading the kernel with LILO or LOADLIN. It accepts the following syntax:
+  act2000=b,p,i[,idstring]
+  where
+    b = Bus-Type      (1=ISA, 2=MCA, 3=PCMCIA)
+    p = portbase      (-1 means autoprobe)
+    i = Interrupt     (-1 means use next free IRQ, 0 means polled mode)
+  The idstring is an arbitrary string used for referencing the card
+  by the actctrl tool later.
+  Defaults used, when no parameters given at all:
+    1,-1,-1,""
+  which means: Autoprobe for an ISA card, use next free IRQ, let the
+  ISDN linklevel fill the IdString (usually "line0" for the first card).
+  If you like to use more than one card, you can use the program
+  "actctrl" from the utility-package to configure additional cards.
+  Using the "actctrl"-utility, portbase and irq can also be changed
+  during runtime. The D-channel protocol is configured by the "dproto"
+  option of the "actctrl"-utility after loading the firmware into the
+  card's memory using the "actctrl"-utility.
+Driver built as module:
+  The module act2000.o can be configured during modprobe (insmod) by
+  appending its parameters to the modprobe resp. insmod commandline.
+  The following syntax is accepted:
+    act_bus=b act_port=p act_irq=i act_id=idstring
+  where b, p, i and idstring have the same meanings like parameters
+  described for the builtin version above.
+  Using the "actctrl"-utility, the same features apply to the modularized
+  version like to the kernel-builtin one. (i.e. loading of firmware and
+  configuring the D-channel protocol)
+Loading the firmware into the card:
+  The firmware is supplied together with the isdn4k-utils package. It
+  can be found in the subdirectory act2000/firmware/
+  Assumed you have installed the utility-package correctly, the firmware
+  will be downloaded into the card using the following command:
+    actctrl -d idstring load /etc/isdn/bip11.btl
+  where idstring is the Name of the card, given during insmod-time or
+  (for kernel-builtin driver) on the kernel commandline. If only one
+  ISDN card is used, the -d isdstrin may be omitted.
+  For further documentation (adding more IBM Active 2000 cards), refer to
+  the manpage actctrl.8 which is included in the isdn4k-utils package.

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,