patch-2.1.80 linux/arch/arm/mm/proc-sa110.S

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.79/linux/arch/arm/mm/proc-sa110.S linux/arch/arm/mm/proc-sa110.S
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ * linux/arch/arm/mm/sa110.S: MMU functions for SA110
+ *
+ * (C) 1997 Russell King
+ *
+ * These are the low level assembler for performing cache and TLB
+ * functions on the sa110.
+ */
+#include <linux/linkage.h>
+#include <asm/assembler.h>
+#include "../lib/constants.h"
+		.data
+Lclean_switch:	.long	0
+		.text
+ * Function: sa110_flush_cache_all (void)
+ *
+ * Purpose : Flush all cache lines
+ */
+		.align	5
+_sa110_flush_cache_all:					@ preserves r0
+		ldr	r3, =Lclean_switch
+		ldr	r2, [r3]
+		ands	r2, r2, #1
+		eor	r2, r2, #1
+		str	r2, [r3]
+		ldr	ip, =0xdf000000
+		addne	ip, ip, #32768
+		add	r1, ip, #16384			@ only necessary for 16k
+1:		ldr	r2, [ip], #32
+		teq	r1, ip
+		bne	1b
+		mov	ip, #0
+		mcr	p15, 0, ip, c7, c5, 0		@ flush I cache
+		mcr	p15, 0, ip, c7, c10, 4		@ drain WB
+		mov	pc, lr
+ * Function: sa110_flush_cache_area (unsigned long address, int end, int flags)
+ *
+ * Params  : address	Area start address
+ *	   : end	Area end address
+ *	   : flags	b0 = I cache as well
+ *
+ * Purpose : clean & flush all cache lines associated with this area of memory
+ */
+		.align	5
+		sub	r3, r1, r0
+		cmp	r3, #32768
+		bgt	_sa110_flush_cache_all
+1:		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 1		@ clean D entry
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c6, 1		@ flush D entry
+		add	r0, r0, #32
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 1		@ clean D entry
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c6, 1		@ flush D entry
+		add	r0, r0, #32
+		cmp	r0, r1
+		blt	1b
+		tst	r2, #1
+		movne	r0, #0
+		mcrne	p15, 0, r0, c7, c5, 0		@ flush I cache
+		mov	pc, lr
+ * Function: sa110_flush_cache_entry (unsigned long address)
+ *
+ * Params  : address	Address of cache line to flush
+ *
+ * Purpose : clean & flush an entry
+ */
+		.align	5
+		mov	r1, #0
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 1		@ clean D entry
+		mcr	p15, 0, r1, c7, c10, 4		@ drain WB
+		mcr	p15, 0, r1, c7, c5, 0		@ flush I cache
+		mov	pc, lr
+ * Function: sa110_flush_cache_pte (unsigned long address)
+ *
+ * Params  : address	Address of cache line to clean
+ *
+ * Purpose : Ensure that physical memory reflects cache at this location
+ *	     for page table purposes.
+ */
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 1		@ clean D entry	 (drain is done by TLB fns)
+		mov	pc, lr
+ * Function: sa110_flush_ram_page (unsigned long page)
+ *
+ * Params  : address	Area start address
+ *	   : size	size of area
+ *	   : flags	b0 = I cache as well
+ *
+ * Purpose : clean & flush all cache lines associated with this area of memory
+ */
+		.align	5
+		mov	r1, #4096
+1:		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 1		@ clean D entry
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c6, 1		@ flush D entry
+		add	r0, r0, #32
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 1		@ clean D entry
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c6, 1		@ flush D entry
+		add	r0, r0, #32
+		subs	r1, r1, #64
+		bne	1b
+		mov	r0, #0
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 4		@ drain WB
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c5, 0		@ flush I cache
+		mov	pc, lr
+ * Function: sa110_flush_tlb_all (void)
+ *
+ * Purpose : flush all TLB entries in all caches
+ */
+		.align	5
+		mov	r0, #0
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 4		@ drain WB
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c8, c7, 0		@ flush I & D tlbs
+		mov	pc, lr
+ * Function: sa110_flush_tlb_area (unsigned long address, int end, int flags)
+ *
+ * Params  : address	Area start address
+ *	   : end	Area end address
+ *	   : flags	b0 = I cache as well
+ *
+ * Purpose : flush a TLB entry
+ */
+		.align	5
+		mov	r3, #0
+		mcr	p15, 0, r3, c7, c10, 4		@ drain WB
+1:		cmp	r0, r1
+		mcrlt	p15, 0, r0, c8, c6, 1		@ flush D TLB entry
+		addlt	r0, r0, #4096
+		cmp	r0, r1
+		mcrlt	p15, 0, r0, c8, c6, 1		@ flush D TLB entry
+		addlt	r0, r0, #4096
+		blt	1b
+		tst	r2, #1
+		mcrne	p15, 0, r3, c8, c5, 0		@ flush I TLB
+		mov	pc, lr
+		.align	5
+		mov	r3, #0
+1:		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 1		@ Clean D entry
+		add	r0, r0, #32
+		cmp	r0, r1
+		blt	1b
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c5, 0		@ flush I cache
+		mov	pc, lr
+@LC0:		.word	_current
+ * Function: sa110_switch_to (struct task_struct *prev, struct task_struct *next)
+ *
+ * Params  : prev	Old task structure
+ *	   : next	New task structure for process to run
+ *
+ * Purpose : Perform a task switch, saving the old processes state, and restoring
+ *	     the new.
+ *
+ * Notes   : We don't fiddle with the FP registers here - we postpone this until
+ *	     the new task actually uses FP.  This way, we don't swap FP for tasks
+ *	     that do not require it.
+ */
+		.align	5
+		stmfd	sp!, {r4 - r9, fp, lr}		@ Store most regs on stack
+		mrs	ip, cpsr
+		stmfd	sp!, {ip}			@ Save cpsr_SVC
+		str	sp, [r0, #TSS_SAVE]		@ Save sp_SVC
+		ldr	sp, [r1, #TSS_SAVE]		@ Get saved sp_SVC
+		ldr	r0, [r1, #ADDR_LIMIT]
+		teq	r0, #0
+		moveq	r0, #KERNEL_DOMAIN
+		movne	r0, #USER_DOMAIN
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c3, c0		@ Set segment
+		ldr	r0, [r1, #TSS_MEMMAP]		@ Page table pointer
+		ldr	r3, =Lclean_switch
+		ldr	r2, [r3]
+		ands	r2, r2, #1
+		eor	r2, r2, #1
+		str	r2, [r3]
+		ldr	r2, =0xdf000000
+		addne	r2, r2, #32768
+		add	r1, r2, #16384			@ only necessary for 16k
+1:		ldr	r3, [r2], #32
+		teq	r1, r2
+		bne	1b
+		mov	r1, #0
+		mcr	p15, 0, r1, c7, c5, 0		@ flush I cache
+		mcr	p15, 0, r1, c7, c10, 4		@ drain WB
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c2, c0, 0		@ load page table pointer
+		mcr	p15, 0, r1, c8, c7, 0		@ flush TLBs
+		ldmfd	sp!, {ip}
+		msr	spsr, ip			@ Save tasks CPSR into SPSR for this return
+		ldmfd	sp!, {r4 - r9, fp, pc}^		@ Load all regs saved previously
+ * Function: sa110_data_abort ()
+ *
+ * Params  : r0 = address of aborted instruction
+ *
+ * Purpose : obtain information about current aborted instruction
+ *
+ * Returns : r0 = address of abort
+ *	   : r1 = FSR
+ *	   : r2 != 0 if writing
+ */
+		.align	5
+		ldr	r2, [r0]			@ read instruction causing problem
+		mrc	p15, 0, r0, c6, c0, 0		@ get FAR
+		mov	r2, r2, lsr #19			@ b1 = L
+		and	r3, r2, #0x69 << 2
+		and	r2, r2, #2
+//		teq	r3, #0x21 << 2
+//		orreq	r2, r2, #1			@ b0 = {LD,ST}RT
+		mrc	p15, 0, r1, c5, c0, 0		@ get FSR
+		and	r1, r1, #255
+		mov	pc, lr
+ * Function: sa110_set_pmd ()
+ *
+ * Params  : r0 = Address to set
+ *	   : r1 = value to set
+ *
+ * Purpose : Set a PMD and flush it out of any WB cache
+ */
+		.align	5
+_sa110_set_pmd:	str	r1, [r0]
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 1		@ clean D entry	 (drain is done by TLB fns)
+		mov	pc, lr
+ * Function: sa110_check_bugs (void)
+ *	   : sa110_proc_init (void)
+ *	   : sa110_proc_fin (void)
+ *
+ * Notes   : This processor does not require these
+ */
+		mrs	ip, cpsr
+		bic	ip, ip, #F_BIT
+		msr	cpsr, ip
+		mov	pc, lr
+ * Function: sa110_reset
+ *
+ * Notes   : This sets up everything for a reset
+ */
+_sa110_reset:	mrs	r1, cpsr
+		orr	r1, r1, #F_BIT | I_BIT
+		msr	cpsr, r1
+		stmfd	sp!, {r1, lr}
+		bl	_sa110_flush_cache_all
+		bl	_sa110_flush_tlb_all
+		mcr	p15, 0, ip, c7, c7, 0		@ flush I,D caches
+		mrc	p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0		@ ctrl register
+		bic	r0, r0, #0x1800
+		bic	r0, r0, #0x000f
+		ldmfd	sp!, {r1, pc}
+ * Purpose : Function pointers used to access above functions - all calls
+ *	     come through these
+ */
+_sa110_name:	.ascii	"sa110\0"
+		.align
+		.word	_sa110_name			@  0
+		.word	_sa110_switch_to		@  4
+		.word	_sa110_data_abort		@  8
+		.word	_sa110_check_bugs		@ 12
+		.word	_sa110_proc_init		@ 16
+		.word	_sa110_proc_fin			@ 20
+		.word	_sa110_flush_cache_all		@ 24
+		.word	_sa110_flush_cache_area		@ 28
+		.word	_sa110_flush_cache_entry	@ 32
+		.word	_sa110_flush_cache_pte		@ 36
+		.word	_sa110_flush_ram_page		@ 40
+		.word	_sa110_flush_tlb_all		@ 44
+		.word	_sa110_flush_tlb_area		@ 48
+		.word	_sa110_set_pmd			@ 52
+		.word	_sa110_reset			@ 54
+		.word	_sa110_flush_icache_area	@ 58

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,