patch-2.1.77 linux/drivers/block/paride/paride.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.76/linux/drivers/block/paride/paride.c linux/drivers/block/paride/paride.c
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+        paride.c  (c) 1997  Grant R. Guenther <>
+                            Under the terms of the GNU public license.
+	This is the base module for the family of device drivers
+        that support parallel port IDE devices.  
+#define PI_VERSION      "1.0"
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/parport.h>
+#include "paride.h"
+#define MAX_PROTOS	32
+static struct pi_protocol	*protocols[MAX_PROTOS];
+void pi_write_regr( PIA *pi, int cont, int regr, int val)
+{	pi->proto->write_regr(pi,cont,regr,val);
+int pi_read_regr( PIA *pi, int cont, int regr)
+{	return pi->proto->read_regr(pi,cont,regr);
+void pi_write_block( PIA *pi, char * buf, int count)
+{	pi->proto->write_block(pi,buf,count);
+void pi_read_block( PIA *pi, char * buf, int count)
+{       pi->proto->read_block(pi,buf,count);
+static void pi_wake_up( void *p)
+{       PIA  *pi = (PIA *) p;
+	long flags;
+	void (*cont)(void) = NULL;
+	save_flags(flags);
+	cli();
+	if (pi->claim_cont && !parport_claim(pi->pardev)) {
+		cont = pi->claim_cont;
+		pi->claim_cont = NULL;
+		pi->claimed = 1;
+	}
+	restore_flags(flags);	
+	wake_up(&(pi->parq));
+	if (cont) cont();
+void pi_do_claimed( PIA *pi, void(*cont)(void))
+{	long flags;
+	save_flags(flags);
+	cli();
+	if (!pi->pardev || !parport_claim(pi->pardev)) {
+		pi->claimed = 1;
+		restore_flags(flags);
+		cont();
+	} else {
+		pi->claim_cont = cont;
+		restore_flags(flags);
+	}
+{	cont();
+static void pi_claim( PIA *pi)
+{	if (pi->claimed) return;
+	pi->claimed = 1;
+        if (pi->pardev)
+          while (parport_claim((struct pardevice *)(pi->pardev)))
+            sleep_on(&(pi->parq));
+static void pi_unclaim( PIA *pi)
+{	pi->claimed = 0;
+        if (pi->pardev) parport_release((struct pardevice *)(pi->pardev));
+void pi_connect( PIA *pi)
+{	pi_claim(pi);
+	pi->proto->connect(pi);
+void pi_disconnect( PIA *pi)
+{	pi->proto->disconnect(pi);
+	pi_unclaim(pi);
+static void pi_unregister_parport( PIA *pi)
+        if (pi->pardev) {
+           parport_unregister_device((struct pardevice *)(pi->pardev));
+	   pi->pardev = NULL;
+	}
+void pi_release( PIA *pi)
+{	pi_unregister_parport(pi);
+	if ((!pi->pardev)&&(pi->reserved)) 
+		release_region(pi->port,pi->reserved);
+	pi->proto->dec_use();
+#define WR(r,v)         pi_write_regr(pi,0,r,v)
+#define RR(r)           (pi_read_regr(pi,0,r))
+static int pi_test_proto( PIA *pi, char * scratch, int verbose )
+{       int     j, k;
+        int     e[2] = {0,0};
+	if (pi->proto->test_proto) {
+		pi_claim(pi);
+		j = pi->proto->test_proto(pi,scratch,verbose);
+		pi_unclaim(pi);
+		return j;
+	}
+        pi_connect(pi);
+        for (j=0;j<2;j++) {
+                WR(6,0xa0+j*0x10);
+                for (k=0;k<256;k++) {
+                        WR(2,k^0xaa);
+                        WR(3,k^0x55);
+                        if (RR(2) != (k^0xaa)) e[j]++;
+                        }
+                }
+        pi_disconnect(pi);
+        if (verbose)
+                printk("%s: %s: port 0x%x, mode  %d, test=(%d,%d)\n",
+                        pi->device,pi->proto->name,pi->port,
+			pi->mode,e[0],e[1]);
+        return (e[0] && e[1]);  /* not here if both > 0 */
+int  pi_register( PIP *pr)
+{	int k;
+	for (k=0;k<MAX_PROTOS;k++) 
+	   if (protocols[k] && !strcmp(pr->name,protocols[k]->name)) {
+		printk("paride: %s protocol already registered\n",pr->name);
+		return 0;
+	   }
+	k = 0;
+	while((k<MAX_PROTOS) && (protocols[k])) k++;
+	if (k == MAX_PROTOS) {
+		printk("paride: protocol table full\n");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	protocols[k] = pr;
+	pr->index = k;
+	printk("paride: %s registered as protocol %d\n",pr->name,k);
+	return 1;
+void pi_unregister( PIP *pr)
+{	if (!pr) return;
+	if (protocols[pr->index] != pr) {
+		printk("paride: %s not registered\n",pr->name);
+		return;
+	} 
+	protocols[pr->index] = 0;
+static void pi_register_parport( PIA *pi, int verbose)
+	struct parport	*pp;
+	pp = parport_enumerate();
+	while((pp)&&(pp->base != pi->port)) pp = pp->next;
+	if (!pp) return;
+	pi->pardev = (void *) parport_register_device(
+	      pp,pi->device,NULL,pi_wake_up,NULL,0,(void *)pi);
+	pi->parq = NULL;
+	if (verbose) printk("%s: 0x%x is %s\n",pi->device,pi->port,pp->name);
+	pi->parname = pp->name;
+static int pi_probe_mode( PIA *pi, int max, char * scratch, int verbose)
+{	int	best, range;
+	if (pi->mode != -1) {
+		if (pi->mode >= max) return 0;
+		range = 3;
+		if (pi->mode >= pi->proto->epp_first) range = 8;
+		if ((range == 8) && (pi->port % 8)) return 0;
+		if ((!pi->pardev) && check_region(pi->port,range)) return 0;
+		pi->reserved = range;
+		return (!pi_test_proto(pi,scratch,verbose));
+	}
+	best = -1;
+	for(pi->mode=0;pi->mode<max;pi->mode++) {
+		range = 3;
+		if (pi->mode >= pi->proto->epp_first) range = 8;
+		if ((range == 8) && (pi->port % 8)) break;
+		if ((!pi->pardev) && check_region(pi->port,range)) break;
+		pi->reserved = range;
+		if (!pi_test_proto(pi,scratch,verbose)) best = pi->mode;
+	}
+	pi->mode = best;
+	return (best > -1);
+static int pi_probe_unit( PIA *pi, int unit, char * scratch, int verbose)
+{	int max,s,e;
+	s = unit; e = s+1;
+	if (s == -1) { 
+		s = 0; 
+		e = pi->proto->max_units; 
+	}
+	pi_register_parport(pi,verbose);
+	if ((!pi->pardev) && check_region(pi->port,3)) return 0;
+	if (pi->proto->test_port) {
+		pi_claim(pi);
+		max = pi->proto->test_port(pi);
+		pi_unclaim(pi);
+	}
+	else max = pi->proto->max_mode;
+	if (pi->proto->probe_unit) {
+	   pi_claim(pi);
+	   for (pi->unit=s;pi->unit<e;pi->unit++)
+	      if (pi->proto->probe_unit(pi)) {
+		 pi_unclaim(pi);
+		 if (pi_probe_mode(pi,max,scratch,verbose)) return 1;
+	         pi_unregister_parport(pi); 
+		 return 0;
+	         }
+	   pi_unclaim(pi);
+	   pi_unregister_parport(pi); 
+	   return 0;
+	   }
+	if (!pi_probe_mode(pi,max,scratch,verbose)) {
+	   pi_unregister_parport(pi); 
+	   return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+int pi_init(PIA *pi, int autoprobe, int port, int mode, 
+	    int unit, int protocol, int delay, char * scratch, 
+	    int devtype, int verbose, char *device )
+{	int p,k,s,e;
+	int lpts[7] = {0x3bc,0x378,0x278,0x268,0x27c,0x26c,0};
+	s = protocol; e = s+1;
+	if (autoprobe) {
+		s = 0; 
+		e = MAX_PROTOS;
+	} else if ((s < 0) || (s >= MAX_PROTOS) || (port <= 0) ||
+		    (!protocols[s]) || (unit < 0) || 
+		    (unit >= protocols[s]->max_units)) {
+			printk("%s: Invalid parameters\n",device);
+			return 0;
+		        }
+	for (p=s;p<e;p++) {
+	  if (protocols[p]) {
+		pi->proto = protocols[p];
+		pi->proto->inc_use();
+		if (delay == -1) pi->delay = pi->proto->default_delay;
+		  else pi->delay = delay;
+		pi->devtype = devtype;
+		pi->device = device;
+		pi->private = 0;
+		pi->parname = NULL;
+		pi->pardev = NULL;
+		pi->parq = NULL;
+		pi->claimed = 0;
+		pi->claim_cont = NULL;
+		pi->mode = mode;
+		if (port != -1) {
+			pi->port = port;
+			if (pi_probe_unit(pi,unit,scratch,verbose)) break;
+			pi->port = 0;
+		} else { 
+			k = 0;
+			while ((pi->port = lpts[k++]))
+			   if (pi_probe_unit(pi,unit,scratch,verbose)) break;
+      			if (pi->port) break;
+		}
+		pi->proto->dec_use();
+	  }
+	}
+	if (!pi->port) {
+		if (autoprobe) printk("%s: Autoprobe failed\n",device);
+		else printk("%s: Adapter not found\n",device);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (!pi->pardev)
+	   request_region(pi->port,pi->reserved,pi->device);
+	if (pi->parname)
+	   printk("%s: Sharing %s at 0x%x\n",pi->device,
+			pi->parname,pi->port);
+	pi->proto->log_adapter(pi,scratch,verbose);
+	return 1;
+#ifdef MODULE
+int	init_module(void)
+{	int k;
+	for (k=0;k<MAX_PROTOS;k++) protocols[k] = 0;
+	printk("paride: version %s installed\n",PI_VERSION);
+	return 0;
+void	cleanup_module(void)
+void	paride_init( void )
+	{ extern struct pi_protocol aten;
+	  pi_register(&aten);
+	};
+        { extern struct pi_protocol bpck;
+          pi_register(&bpck);
+        };
+        { extern struct pi_protocol comm;
+          pi_register(&comm);
+        };
+        { extern struct pi_protocol dstr;
+          pi_register(&dstr);
+        };
+        { extern struct pi_protocol epat;
+          pi_register(&epat);
+        };
+        { extern struct pi_protocol epia;
+          pi_register(&epia);
+        };
+        { extern struct pi_protocol frpw;
+          pi_register(&frpw);
+        };
+        { extern struct pi_protocol k951;
+          extern struct pi_protocol k971;
+          pi_register(&k951);
+          pi_register(&k971);
+        };
+        { extern struct pi_protocol on20;
+          pi_register(&on20);
+        };
+        { extern struct pi_protocol on26;
+          pi_register(&on26);
+        };
+	{ extern int pd_init(void);
+	  pd_init();
+	};
+        { extern int pcd_init(void);
+          pcd_init();
+        };
+        { extern int pf_init(void);
+          pf_init();
+        };
+/* end of paride.c */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,