patch-2.1.70 linux/include/linux/cdu31a.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.69/linux/include/linux/cdu31a.h linux/include/linux/cdu31a.h
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
- * Definitions for a Sony interface CDROM drive.
- *
- * Corey Minyard (
- *
- *  Copyright (C) 1993  Corey Minyard
- *
- *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- *  (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *  GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- */
- * General defines.
- */
-#define SONY_XA_DISK_TYPE 0x20
- * Offsets (from the base address) and bits for the various write registers
- * of the drive.
- */
-#define SONY_CMD_REG_OFFSET     0
-#       define SONY_ATTN_CLR_BIT        0x01
-#       define SONY_RES_RDY_CLR_BIT     0x02
-#       define SONY_DATA_RDY_CLR_BIT    0x04
-#       define SONY_ATTN_INT_EN_BIT     0x08
-#       define SONY_RES_RDY_INT_EN_BIT  0x10
-#       define SONY_DATA_RDY_INT_EN_BIT 0x20
-#       define SONY_PARAM_CLR_BIT       0x40
-#       define SONY_DRIVE_RESET_BIT     0x80
- * Offsets (from the base address) and bits for the various read registers
- * of the drive.
- */
-#       define SONY_ATTN_BIT            0x01
-#       define SONY_RES_RDY_BIT         0x02
-#       define SONY_DATA_RDY_BIT        0x04
-#       define SONY_ATTN_INT_ST_BIT     0x08
-#       define SONY_RES_RDY_INT_ST_BIT  0x10
-#       define SONY_DATA_RDY_INT_ST_BIT 0x20
-#       define SONY_DATA_REQUEST_BIT    0x40
-#       define SONY_BUSY_BIT            0x80
-#define SONY_READ_REG_OFFSET    2
-#       define SONY_PARAM_WRITE_RDY_BIT 0x01
-#       define SONY_PARAM_REG_EMPTY_BIT 0x02
-#       define SONY_RES_REG_NOT_EMP_BIT 0x04
-#       define SONY_RES_REG_FULL_BIT    0x08
-#define LOG_START_OFFSET        150     /* Offset of first logical sector */
-#define SONY_DETECT_TIMEOUT	(8*HZ/10) /* Maximum amount of time
-                                           that drive detection code
-                                           will wait for response
-                                           from drive (in 1/100th's
-                                           of seconds). */
-#define SONY_JIFFIES_TIMEOUT    1000	/* Maximum number of times the
-                                           drive will wait/try for an
-                                           operation */
-#define SONY_RESET_TIMEOUT      100	/* Maximum number of times the
-                                           drive will wait/try a reset
-                                           operation */
-#define SONY_READY_RETRIES      20000   /* How many times to retry a
-                                           spin waiting for a register
-                                           to come ready */
-#define MAX_CDU31A_RETRIES      3       /* How many times to retry an
-                                           operation */
-/* Commands to request or set drive control parameters and disc information */
-#define SONY_REQ_DRIVE_CONFIG_CMD       0x00    /* Returns s_sony_drive_config */
-#define SONY_REQ_DRIVE_MODE_CMD         0x01
-#define SONY_REQ_DRIVE_PARAM_CMD        0x02
-#define SONY_REQ_MECH_STATUS_CMD        0x03
-#define SONY_REQ_AUDIO_STATUS_CMD       0x04
-#define SONY_SET_DRIVE_PARAM_CMD        0x10
-#define SONY_REQ_TOC_DATA_CMD           0x20    /* Returns s_sony_toc */
-#define SONY_REQ_SUBCODE_ADDRESS_CMD    0x21    /* Returns s_sony_subcode */
-#define SONY_REQ_UPC_EAN_CMD            0x22
-#define SONY_REQ_ISRC_CMD               0x23
-#define SONY_REQ_TOC_DATA_SPEC_CMD      0x24
-/* Commands to request information from the drive */
-#define SONY_READ_TOC_CMD               0x30
-#define SONY_SEEK_CMD                   0x31
-#define SONY_READ_CMD                   0x32
-#define SONY_READ_BLKERR_STAT_CMD       0x34
-#define SONY_ABORT_CMD                  0x35
-#define SONY_READ_TOC_SPEC_CMD          0x36
-/* Commands to control audio */
-#define SONY_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_CMD         0x40
-#define SONY_AUDIO_STOP_CMD             0x41
-#define SONY_AUDIO_SCAN_CMD             0x42
-/* Miscellaneous control commands */
-#define SONY_EJECT_CMD                  0x50
-#define SONY_SPIN_UP_CMD                0x51
-#define SONY_SPIN_DOWN_CMD              0x52
-/* Diagnostic commands */
-#define SONY_WRITE_BUFFER_CMD           0x60
-#define SONY_READ_BUFFER_CMD            0x61
-#define SONY_DIAGNOSTICS_CMD            0x62
- * The following are command parameters for the set drive parameter command
- */
-#define SONY_SD_DECODE_PARAM            0x00
-#define SONY_SD_INTERFACE_PARAM         0x01
-#define SONY_SD_BUFFERING_PARAM         0x02
-#define SONY_SD_AUDIO_PARAM             0x03
-#define SONY_SD_AUDIO_VOLUME            0x04
-#define SONY_SD_MECH_CONTROL            0x05
-#define SONY_SD_AUTO_SPIN_DOWN_TIME     0x06
- * The following are parameter bits for the mechanical control command
- */
-#define SONY_AUTO_SPIN_UP_BIT           0x01
-#define SONY_AUTO_EJECT_BIT             0x02
-#define SONY_DOUBLE_SPEED_BIT           0x04
- * The following extract information from the drive configuration about
- * the drive itself.
- */
-#define SONY_HWC_GET_LOAD_MECH(c)       (c.hw_config[0] & 0x03)
-#define SONY_HWC_EJECT(c)               (c.hw_config[0] & 0x04)
-#define SONY_HWC_LED_SUPPORT(c)         (c.hw_config[0] & 0x08)
-#define SONY_HWC_DOUBLE_SPEED(c)        (c.hw_config[0] & 0x10)
-#define SONY_HWC_GET_BUF_MEM_SIZE(c)    ((c.hw_config[0] & 0xc0) >> 6)
-#define SONY_HWC_AUDIO_PLAYBACK(c)      (c.hw_config[1] & 0x01)
-#define SONY_HWC_ELECTRIC_VOLUME(c)     (c.hw_config[1] & 0x02)
-#define SONY_HWC_ELECTRIC_VOLUME_CTL(c) (c.hw_config[1] & 0x04)
-#define SONY_HWC_CADDY_LOAD_MECH        0x00
-#define SONY_HWC_TRAY_LOAD_MECH         0x01
-#define SONY_HWC_POPUP_LOAD_MECH        0x02
-#define SONY_HWC_UNKWN_LOAD_MECH        0x03
-#define SONY_HWC_8KB_BUFFER             0x00
-#define SONY_HWC_32KB_BUFFER            0x01
-#define SONY_HWC_64KB_BUFFER            0x02
-#define SONY_HWC_UNKWN_BUFFER           0x03
- * This is the complete status returned from the drive configuration request
- * command.
- */
-struct s_sony_drive_config
-   unsigned char exec_status[2];
-   char vendor_id[8];
-   char product_id[16];
-   char product_rev_level[8];
-   unsigned char hw_config[2];
-/* The following is returned from the request subcode address command */
-struct s_sony_subcode
-   unsigned char exec_status[2];
-   unsigned char address        :4;
-   unsigned char control        :4;
-   unsigned char track_num;
-   unsigned char index_num;
-   unsigned char rel_msf[3];
-   unsigned char reserved1;
-   unsigned char abs_msf[3];
-#define MAX_TRACKS 100	/* The maximum tracks a disk may have. */
- * The following is returned from the request TOC (Table Of Contents) command.
- * (last_track_num-first_track_num+1) values are valid in tracks.
- */
-struct s_sony_toc
-   unsigned char exec_status[2];
-   unsigned char address0       :4;
-   unsigned char control0       :4;
-   unsigned char point0;
-   unsigned char first_track_num;
-   unsigned char disk_type;
-   unsigned char dummy0;
-   unsigned char address1       :4;
-   unsigned char control1       :4;
-   unsigned char point1;
-   unsigned char last_track_num;
-   unsigned char dummy1;
-   unsigned char dummy2;
-   unsigned char address2       :4;
-   unsigned char control2       :4;
-   unsigned char point2;
-   unsigned char lead_out_start_msf[3];
-   struct
-   {
-      unsigned char address     :4;
-      unsigned char control     :4;
-      unsigned char track;
-      unsigned char track_start_msf[3];
-   } tracks[MAX_TRACKS];
-   unsigned int lead_out_start_lba;
-struct s_sony_session_toc
-   unsigned char exec_status[2];
-   unsigned char session_number;
-   unsigned char address0       :4;
-   unsigned char control0       :4;
-   unsigned char point0;
-   unsigned char first_track_num;
-   unsigned char disk_type;
-   unsigned char dummy0;
-   unsigned char address1       :4;
-   unsigned char control1       :4;
-   unsigned char point1;
-   unsigned char last_track_num;
-   unsigned char dummy1;
-   unsigned char dummy2;
-   unsigned char address2       :4;
-   unsigned char control2       :4;
-   unsigned char point2;
-   unsigned char lead_out_start_msf[3];
-   unsigned char addressb0      :4;
-   unsigned char controlb0      :4;
-   unsigned char pointb0;
-   unsigned char next_poss_prog_area_msf[3];
-   unsigned char num_mode_5_pointers;
-   unsigned char max_start_outer_leadout_msf[3];
-   unsigned char addressb1      :4;
-   unsigned char controlb1      :4;
-   unsigned char pointb1;
-   unsigned char dummyb0_1[4];
-   unsigned char num_skip_interval_pointers;
-   unsigned char num_skip_track_assignments;
-   unsigned char dummyb0_2;
-   unsigned char addressb2      :4;
-   unsigned char controlb2      :4;
-   unsigned char pointb2;
-   unsigned char tracksb2[7];
-   unsigned char addressb3      :4;
-   unsigned char controlb3      :4;
-   unsigned char pointb3;
-   unsigned char tracksb3[7];
-   unsigned char addressb4      :4;
-   unsigned char controlb4      :4;
-   unsigned char pointb4;
-   unsigned char tracksb4[7];
-   unsigned char addressc0      :4;
-   unsigned char controlc0      :4;
-   unsigned char pointc0;
-   unsigned char dummyc0[7];
-   struct
-   {
-      unsigned char address     :4;
-      unsigned char control     :4;
-      unsigned char track;
-      unsigned char track_start_msf[3];
-   } tracks[MAX_TRACKS];
-   unsigned int start_track_lba;
-   unsigned int lead_out_start_lba;
- * The following are errors returned from the drive.
- */
-/* Command error group */
-#define SONY_ILL_CMD_ERR                0x10
-#define SONY_ILL_PARAM_ERR              0x11
-/* Mechanism group */
-#define SONY_NOT_LOAD_ERR               0x20
-#define SONY_NO_DISK_ERR                0x21
-#define SONY_NOT_SPIN_ERR               0x22
-#define SONY_SPIN_ERR                   0x23
-#define SONY_SPINDLE_SERVO_ERR          0x25
-#define SONY_FOCUS_SERVO_ERR            0x26
-#define SONY_EJECT_MECH_ERR             0x29
-#define SONY_AUDIO_PLAYING_ERR          0x2a
-#define SONY_EMERGENCY_EJECT_ERR        0x2c
-/* Seek error group */
-#define SONY_FOCUS_ERR                  0x30
-#define SONY_FRAME_SYNC_ERR             0x31
-#define SONY_SUBCODE_ADDR_ERR           0x32
-#define SONY_BLOCK_SYNC_ERR             0x33
-#define SONY_HEADER_ADDR_ERR            0x34
-/* Read error group */
-#define SONY_ILL_TRACK_R_ERR            0x40
-#define SONY_MODE_0_R_ERR               0x41
-#define SONY_ILL_MODE_R_ERR             0x42
-#define SONY_ILL_BLOCK_SIZE_R_ERR       0x43
-#define SONY_MODE_R_ERR                 0x44
-#define SONY_FORM_R_ERR                 0x45
-#define SONY_LEAD_OUT_R_ERR             0x46
-#define SONY_BUFFER_OVERRUN_R_ERR       0x47
-/* Data error group */
-#define SONY_UNREC_CIRC_ERR             0x53
-#define SONY_UNREC_LECC_ERR             0x57
-/* Subcode error group */
-#define SONY_NO_TOC_ERR                 0x60
-#define SONY_SUBCODE_DATA_NVAL_ERR      0x61
-#define SONY_FOCUS_ON_TOC_READ_ERR      0x63
-#define SONY_TOC_DATA_ERR               0x65
-/* Hardware failure group */
-#define SONY_HW_FAILURE_ERR             0x70
-#define SONY_LEAD_IN_A_ERR              0x91
-#define SONY_LEAD_OUT_A_ERR             0x92
-#define SONY_DATA_TRACK_A_ERR           0x93
- * The following are returned from the Read With Block Error Status command.
- * They are not errors but information (Errors from the 0x5x group above may
- * also be returned
- */
-#define SONY_NO_CIRC_ERR_BLK_STAT       0x50
-#define SONY_NO_LECC_ERR_BLK_STAT       0x54
-#define SONY_NO_ERR_DETECTION_STAT      0x59
- * The following is not an error returned by the drive, but by the code
- * that talks to the drive.  It is returned because of a timeout.
- */
-#define SONY_TIMEOUT_OP_ERR             0x01
-#define SONY_SIGNAL_OP_ERR              0x02
-#define SONY_BAD_DATA_ERR               0x03
- * The following are attention code for asynchronous events from the drive.
- */
-/* Standard attention group */
-#define SONY_EMER_EJECT_ATTN            0x2c
-#define SONY_HW_FAILURE_ATTN            0x70
-#define SONY_MECH_LOADED_ATTN           0x80
-#define SONY_EJECT_PUSHED_ATTN          0x81
-/* Audio attention group */
-#define SONY_AUDIO_PLAY_DONE_ATTN       0x90
-#define SONY_LEAD_IN_ERR_ATTN           0x91
-#define SONY_LEAD_OUT_ERR_ATTN          0x92
-#define SONY_DATA_TRACK_ERR_ATTN        0x93
-/* Auto spin up group */
-#define SONY_SPIN_UP_COMPLETE_ATTN      0x24
-#define SONY_FOCUS_SERVO_ERR_ATTN       0x26
-#define SONY_TOC_READ_DONE_ATTN         0x62
-/* Auto eject group */
-#define SONY_EJECT_COMPLETE_ATTN        0x28
-#define SONY_EJECT_MECH_ERR_ATTN        0x29

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,