patch-2.1.43 linux/include/linux/vt_kern.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.42/linux/include/linux/vt_kern.h linux/include/linux/vt_kern.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#ifndef _VT_KERN_H
+#define _VT_KERN_H
+ * this really is an extension of the vc_cons structure in console.c, but
+ * with information needed by the vt package
+ */
+#include <linux/vt.h>
+ * Presently, a lot of graphics programs do not restore the contents of
+ * the higher font pages.  Defining this flag will avoid use of them, but
+ * will lose support for PIO_FONTRESET.  Note that many font operations are
+ * not likely to work with these programs anyway; they need to be
+ * fixed.  The linux/Documentation directory includes a code snippet
+ * to save and restore the text font.
+ */
+extern struct vt_struct {
+	int vc_num;				/* The console number */
+	unsigned char	vc_mode;		/* KD_TEXT, ... */
+	unsigned char	vc_kbdraw;
+	unsigned char	vc_kbde0;
+	unsigned char   vc_kbdleds;
+	struct vt_mode	vt_mode;
+	int		vt_pid;
+	int		vt_newvt;
+	struct wait_queue *paste_wait;
+} *vt_cons[MAX_NR_CONSOLES];
+void (*kd_mksound)(unsigned int hz, unsigned int ticks);
+int vc_allocate(unsigned int console);
+int vc_cons_allocated(unsigned int console);
+int vc_resize(unsigned long lines, unsigned long cols);
+void vc_disallocate(unsigned int console);
+#endif /* _VT_KERN_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,