patch-2.1.37 linux/drivers/isdn/teles/tei.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.36/linux/drivers/isdn/teles/tei.c linux/drivers/isdn/teles/tei.c
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: tei.c,v 1.1 1996/04/13 10:28:25 fritz Exp $
- *
- * $Log: tei.c,v $
- * Revision 1.1  1996/04/13 10:28:25  fritz
- * Initial revision
- *
- *
- */
-#define __NO_VERSION__
-#include "teles.h"
-extern struct IsdnCard cards[];
-extern int      nrcards;
-static struct PStack *
-findces(struct PStack *st, int ces)
-	struct PStack  *ptr = *(st->l1.stlistp);
-	while (ptr)
-		if (ptr->l2.ces == ces)
-			return (ptr);
-		else
-			ptr = ptr->next;
-	return (NULL);
-static struct PStack *
-findtei(struct PStack *st, int tei)
-	struct PStack  *ptr = *(st->l1.stlistp);
-	if (tei == 127)
-		return (NULL);
-	while (ptr)
-		if (ptr->l2.tei == tei)
-			return (ptr);
-		else
-			ptr = ptr->next;
-	return (NULL);
-tei_handler(struct PStack *st,
-	    byte pr, struct BufHeader *ibh)
-	byte           *bp;
-	unsigned int    tces;
-	struct PStack  *otsp, *ptr;
-	unsigned int    data;
-	if (st->l2.debug)
-		printk(KERN_DEBUG "teihandler %d\n", pr);
-	switch (pr) {
-	  case (MDL_ASSIGN):
-		  data = (unsigned int) ibh;
-		  BufPoolGet(&ibh, st->l1.smallpool, GFP_ATOMIC, (void *) st, 6);
-		  if (!ibh)
-			  return;
-		  bp = DATAPTR(ibh);
-		  bp += st->l2.uihsize;
-		  bp[0] = 0xf;
-		  bp[1] = data >> 8;
-		  bp[2] = data & 0xff;
-		  bp[3] = 0x1;
-		  bp[4] = 0xff;
-		  ibh->datasize = 8;
-		  st->l3.l3l2(st, DL_UNIT_DATA, ibh);
-		  break;
-	  case (DL_UNIT_DATA):
-		  bp = DATAPTR(ibh);
-		  bp += 3;
-		  if (bp[0] != 0xf)
-			  break;
-		  switch (bp[3]) {
-		    case (2):
-			    tces = (bp[1] << 8) | bp[2];
-			    BufPoolRelease(ibh);
-			    if (st->l3.debug)
-				    printk(KERN_DEBUG "tei identity assigned for %d=%d\n", tces,
-					   bp[4] >> 1);
-			    if ((otsp = findces(st, tces)))
-				    otsp->ma.teil2(otsp, MDL_ASSIGN,
-						   (void *)(bp[4] >> 1));
-			    break;
-		    case (4):
-			    if (st->l3.debug)
-				    printk(KERN_DEBUG "checking identity for %d\n", bp[4] >> 1);
-			    if (bp[4] >> 1 == 0x7f) {
-				    BufPoolRelease(ibh);
-				    ptr = *(st->l1.stlistp);
-				    while (ptr) {
-					    if ((ptr->l2.tei & 0x7f) != 0x7f) {
-						    if (BufPoolGet(&ibh, st->l1.smallpool, GFP_ATOMIC, (void *) st, 7))
-							    break;
-						    bp = DATAPTR(ibh);
-						    bp += 3;
-						    bp[0] = 0xf;
-						    bp[1] = ptr->l2.ces >> 8;
-						    bp[2] = ptr->l2.ces & 0xff;
-						    bp[3] = 0x5;
-						    bp[4] = (ptr->l2.tei << 1) | 1;
-						    ibh->datasize = 8;
-						    st->l3.l3l2(st, DL_UNIT_DATA, ibh);
-					    }
-					    ptr = ptr->next;
-				    }
-			    } else {
-				    otsp = findtei(st, bp[4] >> 1);
-				    BufPoolRelease(ibh);
-				    if (!otsp)
-					    break;
-				    if (st->l3.debug)
-					    printk(KERN_DEBUG "ces is %d\n", otsp->l2.ces);
-				    if (BufPoolGet(&ibh, st->l1.smallpool, GFP_ATOMIC, (void *) st, 7))
-					    break;
-				    bp = DATAPTR(ibh);
-				    bp += 3;
-				    bp[0] = 0xf;
-				    bp[1] = otsp->l2.ces >> 8;
-				    bp[2] = otsp->l2.ces & 0xff;
-				    bp[3] = 0x5;
-				    bp[4] = (otsp->l2.tei << 1) | 1;
-				    ibh->datasize = 8;
-				    st->l3.l3l2(st, DL_UNIT_DATA, ibh);
-			    }
-			    break;
-		    default:
-			    BufPoolRelease(ibh);
-			    if (st->l3.debug)
-				    printk(KERN_DEBUG "tei message unknown %d ai %d\n", bp[3], bp[4] >> 1);
-		  }
-		  break;
-	  default:
-		  printk(KERN_WARNING "tei handler unknown primitive %d\n", pr);
-		  break;
-	}
-unsigned int 
-	int             x = jiffies & 0xffff;
-	return (x);
-static void 
-tei_man(struct PStack *sp, int i, void *v)
-	printk(KERN_DEBUG "tei_man\n");
-static void 
-tei_l2tei(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg)
-	struct IsdnCardState *sp = st->l1.hardware;
-	tei_handler(sp->teistack, pr, arg);
-setstack_tei(struct PStack *st)
-	st->l2.l2tei = tei_l2tei;
-static void 
-init_tei(struct IsdnCardState *sp, int protocol)
-	struct PStack  *st;
-	char            tmp[128];
-	st = (struct PStack *) Smalloc(sizeof(struct PStack), GFP_KERNEL,
-				       "struct PStack");
-	sp->teistack = st;	                /* struct is not initialized yet */
-	sp->teistack->protocol = protocol;	/* struct is not initialized yet */
-#endif	                                        /* DIRTY_HACK_AGAINST_SIGSEGV    */
-	setstack_teles(st, sp);
-	st->l2.extended = !0;
-	st->l2.laptype = LAPD;
-	st->l2.window = 1;
-	st->l2.orig = !0;
-	st->protocol = protocol;
- * the following is not necessary for tei mng. (broadcast only)
- */
-	st->l2.t200 = 500;	/* 500 milliseconds */
-	st->l2.n200 = 4;	/* try 4 times */
-	st-> = 63;
-	st->l2.tei = 127;
-	sprintf(tmp, "Card %d tei ", sp->cardnr);
-	setstack_isdnl2(st, tmp);
-	st->l2.debug = 0;
-	st->l3.debug = 0;
-	st->ma.manl2(st, MDL_NOTEIPROC, NULL);
-	st->l2.l2l3 = (void *) tei_handler;
-	st->l1.l1man = tei_man;
-	st->l2.l2man = tei_man;
-	st->l4.l2writewakeup = NULL;
-	teles_addlist(sp, st);
-	sp->teistack = st;
-static void 
-release_tei(struct IsdnCardState *sp)
-	struct PStack  *st = sp->teistack;
-	teles_rmlist(sp, st);
-	Sfree((void *) st);
-	int             i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrcards; i++)
-		if (cards[i].sp)
-			init_tei(cards[i].sp, cards[i].protocol);
-	int             i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrcards; i++)
-		if (cards[i].sp)
-			release_tei(cards[i].sp);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,