patch-2.1.16 linux/arch/ppc/kernel/include/elf/common.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.15/linux/arch/ppc/kernel/include/elf/common.h linux/arch/ppc/kernel/include/elf/common.h
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-/* ELF support for BFD.
-   Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   Written by Fred Fish @ Cygnus Support, from information published
-   in "UNIX System V Release 4, Programmers Guide: ANSI C and
-   Programming Support Tools".
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */
-/* This file is part of ELF support for BFD, and contains the portions
-   that are common to both the internal and external representations.
-   For example, ELFMAG0 is the byte 0x7F in both the internal (in-memory)
-   and external (in-file) representations. */
-/* Fields in e_ident[] */
-#define EI_MAG0		0		/* File identification byte 0 index */
-#define ELFMAG0		0x7F		/* Magic number byte 0 */
-#define EI_MAG1		1		/* File identification byte 1 index */
-#define ELFMAG1		'E'		/* Magic number byte 1 */
-#define EI_MAG2		2		/* File identification byte 2 index */
-#define ELFMAG2		'L'		/* Magic number byte 2 */
-#define EI_MAG3		3		/* File identification byte 3 index */
-#define ELFMAG3		'F'		/* Magic number byte 3 */
-#define EI_CLASS	4		/* File class */
-#define ELFCLASSNONE	0		/* Invalid class */
-#define ELFCLASS32	1		/* 32-bit objects */
-#define ELFCLASS64	2		/* 64-bit objects */
-#define EI_DATA		5		/* Data encoding */
-#define ELFDATANONE	0		/* Invalid data encoding */
-#define ELFDATA2LSB	1		/* 2's complement, little endian */
-#define ELFDATA2MSB	2		/* 2's complement, big endian */
-#define EI_VERSION	6		/* File version */
-#define EI_PAD		7		/* Start of padding bytes */
-/* Values for e_type, which identifies the object file type */
-#define ET_NONE		0		/* No file type */
-#define ET_REL		1		/* Relocatable file */
-#define ET_EXEC		2		/* Executable file */
-#define ET_DYN		3		/* Shared object file */
-#define ET_CORE		4		/* Core file */
-#define ET_LOPROC	0xFF00		/* Processor-specific */
-#define ET_HIPROC	0xFFFF		/* Processor-specific */
-/* Values for e_machine, which identifies the architecture */
-#define EM_NONE		0	/* No machine */
-#define EM_M32		1	/* AT&T WE 32100 */
-#define EM_SPARC	2	/* SUN SPARC */
-#define EM_386		3	/* Intel 80386 */
-#define EM_68K		4	/* Motorola m68k family */
-#define EM_88K		5	/* Motorola m88k family */
-#define EM_860		7	/* Intel 80860 */
-#define EM_MIPS		8	/* MIPS R3000 (officially, big-endian only) */
-#define EM_MIPS_RS4_BE 10	/* MIPS R4000 big-endian */
-#define EM_SPARC64     11	/* SPARC v9 (not official) 64-bit */
-#define EM_PARISC      15	/* HPPA */
-#define EM_PPC	       20	/* PowerPC */
-/* If it is necessary to assign new unofficial EM_* values, please pick large
-   random numbers (0x8523, 0xa7f2, etc.) to minimize the chances of collision
-   with official or non-GNU unofficial values.  */
-/* Cygnus PowerPC ELF backend.  Written in the absence of an ABI.  */
-#define EM_CYGNUS_POWERPC 0x9025
-/* Old version of PowerPC, this should be removed shortly. */
-#define EM_PPC_OLD	17
-/* Values for e_version */
-#define EV_NONE		0		/* Invalid ELF version */
-#define EV_CURRENT	1		/* Current version */
-/* Values for program header, p_type field */
-#define	PT_NULL		0		/* Program header table entry unused */
-#define PT_LOAD		1		/* Loadable program segment */
-#define PT_DYNAMIC	2		/* Dynamic linking information */
-#define PT_INTERP	3		/* Program interpreter */
-#define PT_NOTE		4		/* Auxiliary information */
-#define PT_SHLIB	5		/* Reserved, unspecified semantics */
-#define PT_PHDR		6		/* Entry for header table itself */
-#define PT_LOPROC	0x70000000	/* Processor-specific */
-#define PT_HIPROC	0x7FFFFFFF	/* Processor-specific */
-/* Program segment permissions, in program header p_flags field */
-#define PF_X		(1 << 0)	/* Segment is executable */
-#define PF_W		(1 << 1)	/* Segment is writable */
-#define PF_R		(1 << 2)	/* Segment is readable */
-#define PF_MASKPROC	0xF0000000	/* Processor-specific reserved bits */
-/* Values for section header, sh_type field */
-#define SHT_NULL	0		/* Section header table entry unused */
-#define SHT_PROGBITS	1		/* Program specific (private) data */
-#define SHT_SYMTAB	2		/* Link editing symbol table */
-#define SHT_STRTAB	3		/* A string table */
-#define SHT_RELA	4		/* Relocation entries with addends */
-#define SHT_HASH	5		/* A symbol hash table */
-#define SHT_DYNAMIC	6		/* Information for dynamic linking */
-#define SHT_NOTE	7		/* Information that marks file */
-#define SHT_NOBITS	8		/* Section occupies no space in file */
-#define SHT_REL		9		/* Relocation entries, no addends */
-#define SHT_SHLIB	10		/* Reserved, unspecified semantics */
-#define SHT_DYNSYM	11		/* Dynamic linking symbol table */
-#define SHT_LOPROC	0x70000000	/* Processor-specific semantics, lo */
-#define SHT_HIPROC	0x7FFFFFFF	/* Processor-specific semantics, hi */
-#define SHT_LOUSER	0x80000000	/* Application-specific semantics */
-#define SHT_HIUSER	0x8FFFFFFF	/* Application-specific semantics */
-/* Values for section header, sh_flags field */
-#define SHF_WRITE	(1 << 0)	/* Writable data during execution */
-#define SHF_ALLOC	(1 << 1)	/* Occupies memory during execution */
-#define SHF_EXECINSTR	(1 << 2)	/* Executable machine instructions */
-#define SHF_MASKPROC	0xF0000000	/* Processor-specific semantics */
-/* Values of note segment descriptor types for core files. */
-#define NT_PRSTATUS	1		/* Contains copy of prstatus struct */
-#define NT_FPREGSET	2		/* Contains copy of fpregset struct */
-#define NT_PRPSINFO	3		/* Contains copy of prpsinfo struct */
-/* Values of note segment descriptor types for object files.  */
-/* (Only for hppa right now.  Should this be moved elsewhere?)  */
-#define NT_VERSION	1		/* Contains a version string.  */
-/* These three macros disassemble and assemble a symbol table st_info field,
-   which contains the symbol binding and symbol type.  The STB_ and STT_
-   defines identify the binding and type. */
-#define ELF_ST_BIND(val)		(((unsigned int)(val)) >> 4)
-#define ELF_ST_TYPE(val)		((val) & 0xF)
-#define ELF_ST_INFO(bind,type)		(((bind) << 4) + ((type) & 0xF))
-#define STN_UNDEF	0		/* undefined symbol index */
-#define STB_LOCAL	0		/* Symbol not visible outside obj */
-#define STB_GLOBAL	1		/* Symbol visible outside obj */
-#define STB_WEAK	2		/* Like globals, lower precedence */
-#define STB_LOPROC	13		/* Application-specific semantics */
-#define STB_HIPROC	15		/* Application-specific semantics */
-#define STT_NOTYPE	0		/* Symbol type is unspecified */
-#define STT_OBJECT	1		/* Symbol is a data object */
-#define STT_FUNC	2		/* Symbol is a code object */
-#define STT_SECTION	3		/* Symbol associated with a section */
-#define STT_FILE	4		/* Symbol gives a file name */
-#define STT_LOPROC	13		/* Application-specific semantics */
-#define STT_HIPROC	15		/* Application-specific semantics */
-/* Special section indices, which may show up in st_shndx fields, among
-   other places. */
-#define SHN_UNDEF	0		/* Undefined section reference */
-#define SHN_LORESERVE	0xFF00		/* Begin range of reserved indices */
-#define SHN_LOPROC	0xFF00		/* Begin range of appl-specific */
-#define SHN_HIPROC	0xFF1F		/* End range of appl-specific */
-#define SHN_ABS		0xFFF1		/* Associated symbol is absolute */
-#define SHN_COMMON	0xFFF2		/* Associated symbol is in common */
-#define SHN_HIRESERVE	0xFFFF		/* End range of reserved indices */
-/* relocation info handling macros */
-#define ELF32_R_SYM(i)		((i) >> 8)
-#define ELF32_R_TYPE(i)		((i) & 0xff)
-#define ELF32_R_INFO(s,t)	(((s) << 8) + ((t) & 0xff))
-#define ELF64_R_SYM(i)		((i) >> 32)
-#define ELF64_R_TYPE(i)		((i) & 0xffffffff)
-#define ELF64_R_INFO(s,t)	(((bfd_vma) (s) << 32) + (bfd_vma) (t))
-/* Dynamic section tags */
-#define DT_NULL		0
-#define DT_NEEDED	1
-#define DT_PLTRELSZ	2
-#define DT_PLTGOT	3
-#define DT_HASH		4
-#define DT_STRTAB	5
-#define DT_SYMTAB	6
-#define DT_RELA		7
-#define DT_RELASZ	8
-#define DT_RELAENT	9
-#define DT_STRSZ	10
-#define DT_SYMENT	11
-#define DT_INIT		12
-#define DT_FINI		13
-#define DT_SONAME	14
-#define DT_RPATH	15
-#define DT_SYMBOLIC	16
-#define DT_REL		17
-#define DT_RELSZ	18
-#define DT_RELENT	19
-#define DT_PLTREL	20
-#define DT_DEBUG	21
-#define DT_TEXTREL	22
-#define DT_JMPREL	23
-#define DT_LOPROC	0x70000000
-#define DT_HIPROC	0x7fffffff

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,