patch-2.1.132 linux/drivers/net/rcif.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.131/linux/drivers/net/rcif.h linux/drivers/net/rcif.h
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+** *************************************************************************
+**     R C I F . H
+**  RedCreek InterFace include file.
+**  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+**  ---     Copyright (c) 1998, RedCreek Communications Inc.          ---
+**  ---                   All rights reserved.                        ---
+**  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+** File Description:
+** Header file private ioctl commands.
+**  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+**  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+**  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+**  (at your option) any later version.
+**  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+**  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+**  GNU General Public License for more details.
+**  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+**  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+**  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+** *************************************************************************
+#ifndef RCIF_H
+#define RCIF_H
+/* The following protocol revision # should be incremented every time
+   a new protocol or new structures are used in this file. */
+int USER_PROTOCOL_REV = 1;     /* used to track different protocol revisions */
+/* define a single TCB & buffer */
+typedef struct                  /* a single buffer */
+     U32 context;               /* context */
+     U32 scount;                /* segment count */
+     U32 size;                  /* segment size */
+     U32 addr;                  /* segment physical address */
+singleB, *psingleB ;
+typedef struct                  /* a single TCB */
+     /*
+     **  +-----------------------+
+     **  |         1             |  one buffer in the TCB
+     **  +-----------------------+
+     **  |  <user's Context>     |  user's buffer reference
+     **  +-----------------------+
+     **  |         1             |  one segment buffer
+     **  +-----------------------+                            _
+     **  |    <buffer size>      |  size                       \ 
+     **  +-----------------------+                              \ segment descriptor
+     **  |  <physical address>   |  physical address of buffer  /
+     **  +-----------------------+                            _/
+     */
+     U32 bcount;                /* buffer count */
+     singleB b;                 /* buffer */
+singleTCB, *psingleTCB;
+   When adding new entries, please add all 5 related changes, since 
+   it helps keep everything consistent:
+      1) User structure entry
+      2) User data entry
+      3) Structure short-cut entry
+      4) Data short-cut entry
+      5) Command identifier entry
+   For Example ("GETSPEED"):
+      1) struct  RCgetspeed_tag { U32 LinkSpeedCode; } RCgetspeed;
+      2) struct  RCgetspeed_tag *getspeed;
+      3) #define RCUS_GETSPEED  data.RCgetspeed;
+      4) #define RCUD_GETSPEED  _RC_user_data.getspeed
+      5) #define RCUC_GETSPEED  0x02
+   Notes for the "GETSPEED" entry, above:
+      1) RCgetspeed      - RC{name}
+         RCgetspeed_tag  - RC{name}_tag
+         LinkSpeedCode   - create any structure format desired (not too large,
+                           since memory will be unioned with all other entries)
+      2) RCgetspeed_tag  - RC{name}_tag chosen in #1
+         getspeed        - arbitrary name (ptr to structure in #1)
+      3) RCUS_GETSPEED   - RCUS_{NAME}   ("NAME" & "name" do not have to the same)
+         data.RCgetspeed - data.RC{name}  ("RC{name}" from #1)
+      4) RCUD_GETSPEED   - _RC_user_data.getspeed  ("getspeed" from #2)
+      5) RCUC_GETSPEED   - unique hex identifier entry.
+typedef struct RC_user_tag RCuser_struct;
+/* 1) User structure entry */
+struct RC_user_tag
+    int cmd;
+    union
+    {
+        /* GETINFO structure */
+        struct RCgetinfo_tag {
+            unsigned long int mem_start;
+            unsigned long int mem_end;
+            unsigned long int base_addr;
+            unsigned char irq;
+            unsigned char dma;
+            unsigned char port;
+        } RCgetinfo;                    /* <---- RCgetinfo */
+        /* GETSPEED structure */
+        struct  RCgetspeed_tag {
+            U32 LinkSpeedCode;
+        } RCgetspeed;                   /* <---- RCgetspeed */
+        /* GETFIRMWAREVER structure */
+        #define FirmStringLen 80
+        struct RCgetfwver_tag {
+            U8 FirmString[FirmStringLen];
+        } RCgetfwver;                   /* <---- RCgetfwver */
+        /* GETIPANDMASK structure */
+        struct RCgetipnmask_tag {
+            U32 IpAddr;
+            U32 NetMask;
+        } RCgetipandmask;               /* <---- RCgetipandmask */
+        /* GETMAC structure */
+        #define MAC_SIZE 10
+        struct RCgetmac_tag {
+            U8 mac[MAC_SIZE];
+        } RCgetmac;                     /* <---- RCgetmac */
+        /* GETLINKSTATUS structure */
+        struct RCgetlnkstatus_tag {
+            U32 ReturnStatus;
+        } RCgetlnkstatus;               /* <---- RCgetlnkstatus */
+        /* GETLINKSTATISTICS structure */
+        struct RCgetlinkstats_tag {
+            RCLINKSTATS StatsReturn;
+        } RCgetlinkstats;               /* <---- RCgetlinkstats */
+        /* DEFAULT structure (when no command was recognized) */
+        struct RCdefault_tag {
+            int rc;
+        } RCdefault;                    /* <---- RCdefault */
+    } data;
+};   /* struct RC_user_tag { ... } */
+/* 2) User data entry */
+/* RCUD = RedCreek User Data */
+union RC_user_data_tag {        /* structure tags used are taken from RC_user_tag structure above */
+    struct RCgetinfo_tag      *getinfo;
+    struct RCgetspeed_tag     *getspeed;
+    struct RCgetfwver_tag     *getfwver;
+    struct RCgetipnmask_tag   *getipandmask;
+    struct RCgetmac_tag       *getmac;
+    struct RCgetlnkstatus_tag *getlinkstatus;
+    struct RCgetlinkstats_tag *getlinkstatistics;
+    struct RCdefault_tag      *rcdefault;
+} _RC_user_data;  /* declare as a global, so the defines below will work */
+/* 3) Structure short-cut entry */
+/* define structure short-cuts */   /* structure names are taken from RC_user_tag structure above */
+#define RCUS_GETINFO           data.RCgetinfo;
+#define RCUS_GETSPEED          data.RCgetspeed;
+#define RCUS_GETFWVER          data.RCgetfwver;
+#define RCUS_GETIPANDMASK      data.RCgetipandmask;
+#define RCUS_GETMAC            data.RCgetmac;
+#define RCUS_GETLINKSTATUS     data.RCgetlnkstatus;
+#define RCUS_GETLINKSTATISTICS data.RCgetlinkstats;
+#define RCUS_DEFAULT           data.RCdefault;
+/* 4) Data short-cut entry */
+/* define data short-cuts */    /* pointer names are from RC_user_data_tag union (just below RC_user_tag) */
+#define RCUD_GETINFO           _RC_user_data.getinfo
+#define RCUD_GETSPEED          _RC_user_data.getspeed
+#define RCUD_GETFWVER          _RC_user_data.getfwver
+#define RCUD_GETIPANDMASK      _RC_user_data.getipandmask
+#define RCUD_GETMAC            _RC_user_data.getmac
+#define RCUD_GETLINKSTATUS     _RC_user_data.getlinkstatus
+#define RCUD_GETLINKSTATISTICS _RC_user_data.getlinkstatistics
+#define RCUD_DEFAULT           _RC_user_data.rcdefault
+/* 5) Command identifier entry */
+/* define command identifiers */
+#define RCUC_GETINFO            0x01
+#define RCUC_GETSPEED           0x02
+#define RCUC_GETFWVER           0x03
+#define RCUC_GETIPANDMASK       0x04
+#define RCUC_GETMAC             0x05
+#define RCUC_GETLINKSTATUS      0x06
+#define RCUC_DEFAULT            0xff
+/* define ioctl commands to use, when talking to RC 45/PCI driver */
+#define RCU_COMMAND              SIOCDEVPRIVATE+1
+   Intended use for the above defines is shown below (GETINFO, as this example):
+      RCuser_struct RCuser;           // declare RCuser structure
+      struct ifreq ifr;               // declare an interface request structure
+      RCuser.cmd = RCUC_GETINFO;           // set user command to GETINFO
+      ifr->ifr_data = (caddr_t) &RCuser;   // set point to user structure
+      sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW);   // get a socket
+      ioctl(sock, RCU_COMMAND, &ifr);                  // do ioctl on socket
+      RCUD_GETINFO = &RCuser.RCUS_GETINFO;   // set data pointer for GETINFO
+      // print results
+      printf("memory 0x%lx-0x%lx, base address 0x%x, irq 0x%x\n",
+              RCUD_GETINFO->mem_start, RCUD_GETINFO->mem_end,
+              RCUD_GETINFO->base_addr, RCUD_GETINFO->irq);
+#endif   /* RCIF_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,