patch-2.1.116 linux/net/ipv4/ip_fragment.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.115/linux/net/ipv4/ip_fragment.c linux/net/ipv4/ip_fragment.c
@@ -370,6 +370,16 @@
 	skb->pkt_type = qp->fragments->skb->pkt_type;
 	skb->protocol = qp->fragments->skb->protocol;
+	/*
+	*  Clearly bogus, because security markings of the individual
+	*  fragments should have been checked for consistency before
+	*  gluing, and intermediate coalescing of fragments may have
+	*  taken place in ip_defrag() before ip_glue() ever got called.
+	*  If we're not going to do the consistency checking, we might
+	*  as well take the value associated with the first fragment.
+	*	--rct
+	*/
+	skb->security = qp->fragments->skb->security;
 	/* Done with all fragments. Fixup the new IP header. */
 	iph = skb->nh.iph;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,