patch-2.1.107 linux/drivers/char/vesa_blank.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.106/linux/drivers/char/vesa_blank.c linux/drivers/char/vesa_blank.c
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
- * vesa_blank.c
- *
- * Exported functions:
- *	void vesa_blank(void);
- *	void vesa_unblank(void);
- *	void vesa_powerdown(void);
- *	void set_vesa_blanking(const unsigned long arg);
- *
- * Not all hardware reacts well to this code - activate at your own risk.
- * Activation is done using a sufficiently recent version of setterm
- * or using a tiny C program like the following.
- *
-|#include <stdio.h>
-|#include <linux/termios.h>
-|main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-|    int fd;
-|    struct { char ten, onoff; } arg;
-|    if (argc != 2) {
-|	fprintf(stderr, "usage: setvesablank on|vsync|hsync|powerdown|off\n");
-|	exit(1);
-|    }
-|    if ((fd = open("/dev/console", 0)) < 0)
-|      fd = 0;
-|    arg.ten = 10;
-|    arg.onoff = 0;
-|    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "on") || !strcmp(argv[1], "vsync"))
-|      arg.onoff = 1;
-|    else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "hsync"))
-|      arg.onoff = 2;
-|    else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "powerdown"))
-|      arg.onoff = 3;
-|    if (ioctl(fd, TIOCLINUX, &arg)) {
-|	perror("setvesablank: TIOCLINUX");
-|	exit(1);
-|    }
-|    exit(0);
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <asm/system.h>
-#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-extern unsigned short video_port_reg, video_port_val;
- * This file handles the VESA Power Saving Protocol that lets a
- * monitor be powered down whenever not needed for a longer time.
- * The VESA protocol defines:
- *
- *  Mode/Status		HSync	VSync	Video
- *  -------------------------------------------
- *  "On"		on	on	active  (mode 0)
- *  "Suspend" {either}	on	off	blank   (mode 1)
- *            {  or  }	off	on	blank   (mode 2)
- *  "Off"               off	off	blank	(mode 3)
- *
- * Original code taken from the Power Management Utility (PMU) of
- * Huang shi chao, delivered together with many new monitor models
- * capable of the VESA Power Saving Protocol.
- *
- * Adapted to Linux by Christoph Rimek (  15-may-94.
- * A slightly adapted fragment of his README follows.
- *
- * Two-stage blanking by todd j. derr (      10-oct-95.
-Patch (based on Linux Kernel revision 1.0) for handling the Power Saving
-feature of the new monitor generation. The code works on all these monitors
-(mine is a Smile 1506) and should run on *all* video adapter cards (change
-some i/o-addresses), although tested only on two different VGA-cards: a  
-cheap Cirrus Logic (5428) and a miro Crystal 8S (S3-805).
-You can choose from two options:
-(1) Setting vesa_blanking_mode to 1 or 2.
-    The code will save the current setting of your video adapters'
-    register settings and then program the controller to turn off
-    the vertical synchronization pulse (mode 1) or horizontal
-    synchronization pulse (mode 2).  Mode 1 should work with most
-    monitors, but the VESA spec allows mode 2, so it's included for
-    completeness. You may set this blanking interval in minutes by
-    echoing the escape sequence 'ESC[9;interval]' to the terminal.
-    By default this interval is set to 10 minutes.
-    If you use one of these modes, you can also set a second interval
-    by echoing the escape sequence 'ESC[14;interval]' to the terminal.
-    The monitor will be turned off completely (mode 3) after being in
-    suspend mode for the specified interval. An interval of 0 disables
-    this feature which is the default.
-    Both intervals may be set within the range of 0..60 minutes.
-(2) Setting vesa_blanking_mode to 3.
-    If your monitor locally has an Off_Mode timer then you should not
-    force your video card to send the OFF-signal - your monitor will
-    power down by itself.
-    If your monitor cannot handle this and needs the Off-signal directly,
-    or if you like your monitor to power down immediately when the
-    blank_timer times out, then you choose this option.
-On the other hand I'd recommend to not choose this second option unless
-it is absolutely necessary. Powering down a monitor to the Off_State with
-an approx. power consumption of 3-5 Watts is a rather strong action for
-the CRT and it should not be done every now and then. If the software only  
-sends the signal to enter Standby mode, you have the chance to interfere
-before the monitor powers down. Do not set a too short period, if you love
-your hardware :-)) .
-By default vesa_blanking_mode is set to 0, thus not using any power saving
-#define seq_port_reg	(0x3c4)		/* Sequencer register select port */
-#define seq_port_val	(0x3c5)		/* Sequencer register value port  */
-#define video_misc_rd	(0x3cc)		/* Video misc. read port	  */
-#define video_misc_wr	(0x3c2)		/* Video misc. write port	  */
-/* structure holding original VGA register settings */
-static struct {
-	unsigned char	SeqCtrlIndex;		/* Sequencer Index reg.   */
-	unsigned char	CrtCtrlIndex;		/* CRT-Contr. Index reg.  */
-	unsigned char	CrtMiscIO;		/* Miscellaneous register */
-	unsigned char	HorizontalTotal;	/* CRT-Controller:00h */
-	unsigned char	HorizDisplayEnd;	/* CRT-Controller:01h */
-	unsigned char	StartHorizRetrace;	/* CRT-Controller:04h */
-	unsigned char	EndHorizRetrace;	/* CRT-Controller:05h */
-	unsigned char	Overflow;		/* CRT-Controller:07h */
-	unsigned char	StartVertRetrace;	/* CRT-Controller:10h */
-	unsigned char	EndVertRetrace;		/* CRT-Controller:11h */
-	unsigned char	ModeControl;		/* CRT-Controller:17h */
-	unsigned char	ClockingMode;		/* Seq-Controller:01h */
-} vga;
-static int vesa_blanking_mode = DEFAULT_VESA_BLANKING_MODE;
-static int suspend_vesa_blanking_mode = DEFAULT_VESA_BLANKING_MODE;
-static int vesa_blanked = 0;
-/* routine to blank a vesa screen */
-void vesa_blank(void)
-	int mode;
-	if((mode = vesa_blanking_mode) == 0)
-	  return;
-	/* save original values of VGA controller registers */
-	if(!vesa_blanked) {
-	    cli();
-	    vga.SeqCtrlIndex = inb_p(seq_port_reg);
-	    vga.CrtCtrlIndex = inb_p(video_port_reg);
-	    vga.CrtMiscIO = inb_p(video_misc_rd);
-	    sti();
-	    outb_p(0x00,video_port_reg);		/* HorizontalTotal */
-	    vga.HorizontalTotal = inb_p(video_port_val);
-	    outb_p(0x01,video_port_reg);		/* HorizDisplayEnd */
-	    vga.HorizDisplayEnd = inb_p(video_port_val);
-	    outb_p(0x04,video_port_reg);		/* StartHorizRetrace */
-	    vga.StartHorizRetrace = inb_p(video_port_val);
-	    outb_p(0x05,video_port_reg);		/* EndHorizRetrace */
-	    vga.EndHorizRetrace = inb_p(video_port_val);
-	    outb_p(0x07,video_port_reg);		/* Overflow */
-	    vga.Overflow = inb_p(video_port_val);
-	    outb_p(0x10,video_port_reg);		/* StartVertRetrace */
-	    vga.StartVertRetrace = inb_p(video_port_val);
-	    outb_p(0x11,video_port_reg);		/* EndVertRetrace */
-	    vga.EndVertRetrace = inb_p(video_port_val);
-	    outb_p(0x17,video_port_reg);		/* ModeControl */
-	    vga.ModeControl = inb_p(video_port_val);
-	    outb_p(0x01,seq_port_reg);			/* ClockingMode */
-	    vga.ClockingMode = inb_p(seq_port_val);
-	}
-	/* assure that video is enabled */
-	/* "0x20" is VIDEO_ENABLE_bit in register 01 of sequencer */
-	cli();
-	outb_p(0x01,seq_port_reg);
-	outb_p(vga.ClockingMode | 0x20,seq_port_val);
-	/* test for vertical retrace in process.... */
-	if ((vga.CrtMiscIO & 0x80) == 0x80)
-		outb_p(vga.CrtMiscIO & 0xef,video_misc_wr);
-	/*
-	 * Set <End of vertical retrace> to minimum (0) and
-	 * <Start of vertical Retrace> to maximum (incl. overflow)
-	 * Result: turn off vertical sync (VSync) pulse.
-	 */
-	if (mode & VESA_VSYNC_SUSPEND) {
-	    outb_p(0x10,video_port_reg);	/* StartVertRetrace */
-	    outb_p(0xff,video_port_val); 	/* maximum value */
-	    outb_p(0x11,video_port_reg);	/* EndVertRetrace */
-	    outb_p(0x40,video_port_val);	/* minimum (bits 0..3)  */
-	    outb_p(0x07,video_port_reg);		/* Overflow */
-	    outb_p(vga.Overflow | 0x84,video_port_val);	/* bits 9,10 of  */
-							/* vert. retrace */
-	}
-	if (mode & VESA_HSYNC_SUSPEND) {
-	    /*
-	     * Set <End of horizontal retrace> to minimum (0) and
-	     *  <Start of horizontal Retrace> to maximum
-	     * Result: turn off horizontal sync (HSync) pulse.
-	     */
-	    outb_p(0x04,video_port_reg);	/* StartHorizRetrace */
-	    outb_p(0xff,video_port_val);	/* maximum */
-	    outb_p(0x05,video_port_reg);	/* EndHorizRetrace */
-	    outb_p(0x00,video_port_val);	/* minimum (0) */
-	}
-	/* restore both index registers */
-	outb_p(vga.SeqCtrlIndex,seq_port_reg);
-	outb_p(vga.CrtCtrlIndex,video_port_reg);
-	sti();
-	vesa_blanked = mode;
-/* routine to unblank a vesa screen */
-void vesa_unblank(void)
-	if (!vesa_blanked)
-	  return;
-	/* restore original values of VGA controller registers */
-	cli();
-	outb_p(vga.CrtMiscIO,video_misc_wr);
-	outb_p(0x00,video_port_reg);		/* HorizontalTotal */
-	outb_p(vga.HorizontalTotal,video_port_val);
-	outb_p(0x01,video_port_reg);		/* HorizDisplayEnd */
-	outb_p(vga.HorizDisplayEnd,video_port_val);
-	outb_p(0x04,video_port_reg);		/* StartHorizRetrace */
-	outb_p(vga.StartHorizRetrace,video_port_val);
-	outb_p(0x05,video_port_reg);		/* EndHorizRetrace */
-	outb_p(vga.EndHorizRetrace,video_port_val);
-	outb_p(0x07,video_port_reg);		/* Overflow */
-	outb_p(vga.Overflow,video_port_val);
-	outb_p(0x10,video_port_reg);		/* StartVertRetrace */
-	outb_p(vga.StartVertRetrace,video_port_val);
-	outb_p(0x11,video_port_reg);		/* EndVertRetrace */
-	outb_p(vga.EndVertRetrace,video_port_val);
-	outb_p(0x17,video_port_reg);		/* ModeControl */
-	outb_p(vga.ModeControl,video_port_val);
-	outb_p(0x01,seq_port_reg);		/* ClockingMode */
-	outb_p(vga.ClockingMode,seq_port_val);
-	/* restore index/control registers */
-	outb_p(vga.SeqCtrlIndex,seq_port_reg);
-	outb_p(vga.CrtCtrlIndex,video_port_reg);
-	sti();
-	vesa_blanked = 0;
-void set_vesa_blanking(const unsigned long arg)
-	unsigned char *argp = (unsigned char *)(arg + 1);
-	unsigned int mode;
-	if (verify_area(VERIFY_READ, argp, 1))
-		return;
-	get_user(mode, argp);
-	vesa_blanking_mode = suspend_vesa_blanking_mode =
-void vesa_powerdown(void)
-	if(vesa_blanking_mode == VESA_VSYNC_SUSPEND
-		|| vesa_blanking_mode == VESA_HSYNC_SUSPEND)
-	{
-		vesa_blanking_mode = VESA_POWERDOWN;
-		vesa_blank();
-		vesa_blanking_mode = suspend_vesa_blanking_mode;
-	}

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,