patch-2.1.107 linux/Documentation/exception.txt

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.106/linux/Documentation/exception.txt linux/Documentation/exception.txt
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
 in type (read or write). To do this, verify_read had to look up the 
 virtual memory area (vma) that contained the address addr. In the 
 normal case (correctly working program), this test was successful. 
-It only failed for the (hopefully) rare, buggy program. In some kernel 
-profiling tests, this normally unneeded verification used up a 
-considerable amount of time.
+It only failed for a few buggy programs. In some kernel profiling
+tests, this normally unneeded verification used up a considerable
+amount of time.
 To overcome this situation, Linus decided to let the virtual memory 
-hardware present in every Linux capable CPU handle this test.
+hardware present in every Linux-capable CPU handle this test.
 How does this work?
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 Since we jump to the contents of fixup, fixup obviously points 
 to executable code. This code is hidden inside the user access macros. 
-I have picked the get_user macro defined in include/asm/uacess.h as an
+I have picked the get_user macro defined in include/asm/uaccess.h as an
 example. The definition is somewhat hard to follow, so let's peek at 
 the code generated by the preprocessor and the compiler. I selected
 the get_user call in drivers/char/console.c for a detailed examination.

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,