patch-2.0.21-2.1.0 linux/arch/m68k/boot/atari/ethlance.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file lx2.0/v2.0.21/linux/arch/m68k/boot/atari/ethlance.c linux/arch/m68k/boot/atari/ethlance.c
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "bootp.h"
+#include "ethlance.h"
+struct {
+	volatile unsigned short	*memaddr;
+	volatile unsigned short	*ioaddr;
+} lance_addr_list[] = {
+	{ (void *)0xfe010000, (void *)0xfe00fff0 },	/* RieblCard VME in TT */
+	{ (void *)0xfec10000, (void *)0xfec0fff0 },	/* RieblCard VME in MegaSTE
+												   (highest byte stripped) */
+	{ (void *)0xfee00000, (void *)0xfeff7000 },	/* RieblCard in ST
+												   (highest byte stripped) */
+	{ (void *)0xfecf0000, (void *)0xfecffff0 },	/* PAMCard VME in TT and MSTE
+												   (highest byte stripped) */
+#define	N_LANCE_ADDR	(sizeof(lance_addr_list)/sizeof(*lance_addr_list))
+#define TX_RING_SIZE			1
+#define TX_RING_LEN_BITS		0
+#define RX_RING_SIZE			16
+#define RX_RING_LEN_BITS		(4 << 5)
+#define	offsetof(type,elt)	((unsigned long)(&(((type *)0)->elt)))
+/* The LANCE Rx and Tx ring descriptors. */
+struct lance_rx_head {
+	unsigned short			base;		/* Low word of base addr */
+	volatile unsigned char	flag;
+	unsigned char			base_hi;	/* High word of base addr (unused) */
+	short					buf_length;	/* This length is 2s complement! */
+	short					msg_length;	/* This length is "normal". */
+struct lance_tx_head {
+	unsigned short			base;		/* Low word of base addr */
+	volatile unsigned char	flag;
+	unsigned char			base_hi;	/* High word of base addr (unused) */
+	short					length;		/* Length is 2s complement! */
+	volatile short			misc;
+struct ringdesc {
+	unsigned short	adr_lo;		/* Low 16 bits of address */
+	unsigned char	len;		/* Length bits */
+	unsigned char	adr_hi;		/* High 8 bits of address (unused) */
+struct lance_packet {
+	volatile unsigned char	data[PKTLEN];
+/* The LANCE initialization block, described in databook. */
+struct lance_init_block {
+	unsigned short	mode;		/* Pre-set mode */
+	unsigned char	hwaddr[6];	/* Physical ethernet address */
+	unsigned		filter[2];	/* Multicast filter (unused). */
+	/* Receive and transmit ring base, along with length bits. */
+	struct ringdesc	rx_ring;
+	struct ringdesc	tx_ring;
+/* The whole layout of the Lance shared memory */
+struct lance_memory {
+	struct lance_init_block	init;
+	struct lance_tx_head	tx_head[TX_RING_SIZE];
+	struct lance_rx_head	rx_head[RX_RING_SIZE];
+	struct lance_packet		tx_packet[TX_RING_SIZE];
+	struct lance_packet		rx_packet[TX_RING_SIZE];
+#define RIEBL_MAGIC			0x09051990
+#define RIEBL_MAGIC_ADDR	((unsigned long *)(((char *)MEM) + 0xee8a))
+#define RIEBL_HWADDR_ADDR	((unsigned char *)(((char *)MEM) + 0xee8e))
+#define RIEBL_IVEC_ADDR		((unsigned short *)(((char *)MEM) + 0xfffe))
+struct lance_ioreg {
+/* base+0x0 */	volatile unsigned short	data;
+/* base+0x2 */	volatile unsigned short	addr;
+				unsigned char			_dummy1[3];
+/* base+0x7 */	volatile unsigned char	ivec;
+				unsigned char			_dummy2[5];
+/* base+0xd */	volatile unsigned char	eeprom;
+				unsigned char			_dummy3;
+/* base+0xf */	volatile unsigned char	mem;
+enum lance_type {
+	OLD_RIEBL,		/* old Riebl card without battery */
+	NEW_RIEBL,		/* new Riebl card with battery */
+	PAM_CARD		/* PAM card with EEPROM */
+} CardType;
+HWADDR	dev_addr;
+/* This is a default address for the old RieblCards without a battery
+ * that have no ethernet address at boot time. 00:00:36:04 is the
+ * prefix for Riebl cards, the 00:00 at the end is arbitrary.
+ */
+HWADDR OldRieblDefHwaddr = {
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x36, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00
+struct lance_ioreg	*IO;
+struct lance_memory	*MEM;
+#define	DREG	IO->data
+#define	AREG	IO->addr
+#define	REGA(a)	( AREG = (a), DREG )
+int CurRx;
+/* Definitions for the Lance */
+/* tx_head flags */
+#define	TMD1_ENP		0x01
+#define TMD1_STP		0x02
+#define	TMD1_DEF		0x04
+#define TMD1_ONE		0x08
+#define	TMD1_MORE		0x10
+#define	TMD1_ERR		0x40
+#define TMD1_OWN 		0x80
+#define TMD1_OWN_HOST	0
+/* tx_head misc field */
+#define TMD3_TDR		0x03FF
+#define TMD3_RTRY		0x0400
+#define TMD3_LCAR		0x0800
+#define TMD3_LCOL		0x1000
+#define TMD3_UFLO		0x4000
+#define TMD3_BUFF3		0x8000
+/* rx_head flags */
+#define	RMD1_ENP		0x01
+#define RMD1_STP		0x02
+#define RMD1_BUFF		0x04
+#define RMD1_CRC		0x08
+#define RMD1_OFLO		0x10
+#define RMD1_FRAM		0x20
+#define	RMD1_ERR		0x40
+#define RMD1_OWN 		0x80
+#define RMD1_OWN_HOST	0
+/* register names */
+#define CSR0	0
+#define CSR1	1
+#define CSR2	2
+#define CSR3	3
+/* CSR0 */
+#define CSR0_INIT	0x0001		/* initialize */
+#define CSR0_STRT	0x0002		/* start */
+#define CSR0_STOP	0x0004		/* stop */
+#define CSR0_TDMD	0x0008		/* transmit demand */
+#define CSR0_TXON	0x0010		/* transmitter on */
+#define CSR0_RXON	0x0020		/* receiver on */
+#define CSR0_INEA	0x0040		/* interrupt enable */
+#define CSR0_INTR	0x0080		/* interrupt active */
+#define CSR0_IDON	0x0100		/* initialization done */
+#define CSR0_TINT	0x0200		/* transmitter interrupt */
+#define CSR0_RINT	0x0400		/* receiver interrupt */
+#define CSR0_MERR	0x0800		/* memory error */
+#define CSR0_MISS	0x1000		/* missed frame */
+#define CSR0_CERR	0x2000		/* carrier error (no heartbeat :-) */
+#define CSR0_BABL	0x4000		/* babble: tx-ed too many bits */
+#define CSR0_ERR	0x8000		/* error */
+/* CSR3 */
+#define CSR3_BCON	0x0001
+#define CSR3_ACON	0x0002
+#define CSR3_BSWP	0x0004
+#define	HZ	200
+#define	_hz_200	(*(volatile unsigned long *)0x4ba)
+/***************************** Prototypes *****************************/
+static int lance_probe( void );
+static int addr_readable( volatile void *regp, int wordflag );
+static int lance_init( void );
+static void lance_get_hwaddr( HWADDR *addr );
+static int lance_snd( Packet *pkt, int len );
+static int lance_rcv( Packet *pkt, int *len );
+/************************* End of Prototypes **************************/
+ETHIF_SWITCH LanceSwitch = {
+	lance_probe, lance_init, lance_get_hwaddr, 
+	lance_snd, lance_rcv
+static int lance_probe( void )
+{	int		i;
+	for( i = 0; i < N_LANCE_ADDR; ++i ) {
+		if (addr_readable( lance_addr_list[i].memaddr, 1 ) &&
+			(lance_addr_list[i].memaddr[0] = 1,
+			 lance_addr_list[i].memaddr[0] == 1) &&
+			(lance_addr_list[i].memaddr[0] = 0,
+			 lance_addr_list[i].memaddr[0] == 0) &&
+			addr_readable( lance_addr_list[i].ioaddr, 1 )) {
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (i == N_LANCE_ADDR) return( -1 );
+	IO = (struct lance_ioreg *)lance_addr_list[i].ioaddr;
+	MEM = (struct lance_memory *)lance_addr_list[i].memaddr;
+	return( 0 );
+static int addr_readable( volatile void *regp, int wordflag )
+{	int		ret;
+	long	*vbr, save_berr;
+	__asm__ __volatile__ ( "movec	%/vbr,%0" : "=r" (vbr) : );
+	save_berr = vbr[2];
+	__asm__ __volatile__
+	(	"movel	%/sp,%/d1\n\t"
+		"movel	#Lberr,%2@\n\t"
+		"moveq	#0,%0\n\t"
+		"tstl   %3\n\t"
+		"bne	1f\n\t"
+		"tstb	%1@\n\t"
+		"bra	2f\n"
+"1:		 tstw	%1@\n"
+"2:		 moveq	#1,%0\n"
+"Lberr:	 movel	%/d1,%/sp"
+		: "=&d" (ret)
+		: "a" (regp), "a" (&vbr[2]), "rm" (wordflag)
+		: "d1", "memory"
+	);
+	vbr[2] = save_berr;
+	return( ret );
+static int lance_init( void )
+{	int		i;
+	/* Now test for type: If the eeprom I/O port is readable, it is a
+	 * PAM card */
+	if (addr_readable( &(IO->eeprom), 0 )) {
+		/* Switch back to Ram */
+		i = IO->mem;
+		CardType = PAM_CARD;
+	}
+		CardType = NEW_RIEBL;
+	}
+	else
+		CardType = OLD_RIEBL;
+	/* Get the ethernet address */
+	switch( CardType ) {
+	  case OLD_RIEBL:
+		/* No ethernet address! (Set some default address) */
+		memcpy( dev_addr, OldRieblDefHwaddr, ETHADDRLEN );
+		break;
+	  case NEW_RIEBL:
+		memcpy( dev_addr, RIEBL_HWADDR_ADDR, ETHADDRLEN );
+		break;
+	  case PAM_CARD:
+		i = IO->eeprom;
+		for( i = 0; i < ETHADDRLEN; ++i )
+			dev_addr[i] = 
+				((((unsigned short *)MEM)[i*2] & 0x0f) << 4) |
+				((((unsigned short *)MEM)[i*2+1] & 0x0f));
+		i = IO->mem;
+		break;
+	}
+	MEM->init.mode = 0x0000;		/* Disable Rx and Tx. */
+	for( i = 0; i < ETHADDRLEN; i++ )
+		MEM->init.hwaddr[i] = dev_addr[i^1]; /* <- 16 bit swap! */
+	MEM->init.filter[0] = 0x00000000;
+	MEM->init.filter[1] = 0x00000000;
+	MEM->init.rx_ring.adr_lo = offsetof( struct lance_memory, rx_head );
+	MEM->init.rx_ring.adr_hi = 0;
+	MEM->init.rx_ring.len    = RX_RING_LEN_BITS;
+	MEM->init.tx_ring.adr_lo = offsetof( struct lance_memory, tx_head );
+	MEM->init.tx_ring.adr_hi = 0;
+	MEM->init.tx_ring.len    = TX_RING_LEN_BITS;
+	REGA( CSR3 ) = CSR3_BSWP | (CardType == PAM_CARD ? CSR3_ACON : 0); 
+	REGA( CSR2 ) = 0;
+	REGA( CSR1 ) = 0;
+	i = 1000000;
+	while( i-- > 0 )
+		if (DREG & CSR0_IDON)
+			break;
+	if (i < 0 || (DREG & CSR0_ERR)) {
+		return( -1 );
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < TX_RING_SIZE; i++) {
+		MEM->tx_head[i].base = offsetof( struct lance_memory, tx_packet[i] );
+		MEM->tx_head[i].flag = TMD1_OWN_HOST;
+ 		MEM->tx_head[i].base_hi = 0;
+		MEM->tx_head[i].length = 0;
+		MEM->tx_head[i].misc = 0;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < RX_RING_SIZE; i++) {
+		MEM->rx_head[i].base = offsetof( struct lance_memory, rx_packet[i] );
+		MEM->rx_head[i].flag = TMD1_OWN_CHIP;
+		MEM->rx_head[i].base_hi = 0;
+		MEM->rx_head[i].buf_length = -PKTLEN;
+		MEM->rx_head[i].msg_length = 0;
+	}
+	CurRx = 0;
+	return( 0 );
+static void lance_get_hwaddr( HWADDR *addr )
+	memcpy( addr, dev_addr, ETHADDRLEN );
+static int lance_snd( Packet *pkt, int len )
+{	unsigned long timeout;
+	/* The old LANCE chips doesn't automatically pad buffers to min. size. */
+	len = (len < 60) ? 60 : len;
+	/* PAM-Card has a bug: Can only send packets with even number of bytes! */
+	if (CardType == PAM_CARD && (len & 1))
+		++len;
+	MEM->tx_head[0].length = -len;
+	MEM->tx_head[0].misc = 0;
+	memcpy( (void *)&MEM->tx_packet[0].data, pkt, len );
+	MEM->tx_head[0].base = offsetof(struct lance_memory, tx_packet[0]);
+	MEM->tx_head[0].base_hi = 0;
+	MEM->tx_head[0].flag = TMD1_OWN_CHIP | TMD1_ENP | TMD1_STP;
+	/* Trigger an immediate send poll. */
+	/* Wait for packet being sent */
+	timeout = _hz_200 + 3*HZ;
+	while( (MEM->tx_head[0].flag & TMD1_OWN_CHIP) &&
+		   !MEM->tx_head[0].misc &&
+		   _hz_200 < timeout )
+		;
+	if ((MEM->tx_head[0].flag & TMD1_OWN) == TMD1_OWN_HOST &&
+		!(MEM->tx_head[0].misc & TMD1_ERR))
+		/* sent ok */
+		return( 0 );
+	/* failure */
+	if (_hz_200 >= timeout)
+		return( ETIMEO );
+	if (MEM->tx_head[0].misc & TMD3_UFLO) {
+		/* On FIFO errors, must re-turn on TX! */
+	}
+	return( ESEND );
+static int lance_rcv( Packet *pkt, int *len )
+{	unsigned long	timeout;
+	int				stat;
+	/* Wait for a packet */
+	timeout = _hz_200 + 4*HZ;
+	while( (MEM->rx_head[CurRx].flag & TMD1_OWN_CHIP) &&
+		   _hz_200 < timeout )
+		;
+	/* Not ours -> was a timeout */
+	if (((stat = MEM->rx_head[CurRx].flag) & TMD1_OWN) == TMD1_OWN_CHIP)
+		return( ETIMEO );
+	/* Check for errors */
+	if (stat != (RMD1_ENP|RMD1_STP)) {
+		MEM->rx_head[CurRx].flag &= (RMD1_ENP|RMD1_STP);
+		if (stat & RMD1_FRAM) return( EFRAM );
+		if (stat & RMD1_OFLO) return( EOVERFL );
+		if (stat & RMD1_CRC)  return( ECRC );
+		return( ERCV );
+	}
+	/* Get the packet */
+	*len = MEM->rx_head[CurRx].msg_length & 0xfff;
+	memcpy( pkt, (void *)&MEM->rx_packet[CurRx].data, *len );
+	/* Give the buffer back to the chip */
+	MEM->rx_head[CurRx].buf_length = -PKTLEN;
+	MEM->rx_head[CurRx].flag |= RMD1_OWN_CHIP;
+	CurRx = (CurRx + 1) % RX_RING_SIZE;
+	return( 0 );

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,