patch-1.3.71 linux/arch/sparc/kernel/sclow.S

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.70/linux/arch/sparc/kernel/sclow.S linux/arch/sparc/kernel/sclow.S
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+/* sclow.S: Low level special syscall handling.
+ *          Basically these are cases where we can completly
+ *          handle the system call without saving any state
+ *          because we know that the process will not sleep.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 David S. Miller (
+ */
+#include <asm/cprefix.h>
+#include <asm/ptrace.h>
+#include <asm/errno.h>
+#include <asm/winmacro.h>
+#include <asm/psr.h>
+#define CC_AND_RETT  \
+	set	PSR_C, %l4; \
+	andn	%l0, %l4, %l4; \
+	wr	%l4, 0x0, %psr; \
+	nop; nop; nop; \
+	jmp	%l2; \
+	rett	%l2 + 4;
+#define SC_AND_RETT  \
+	set	PSR_C, %l4; \
+	or	%l0, %l4, %l4; \
+	wr	%l4, 0x0, %psr; \
+	nop; nop; nop; \
+	jmp	%l2; \
+	rett	%l2 + 4;
+#define LABEL(func)  CONCAT(func, _low)
+	.globl	LABEL(sunosnop)
+	.globl	LABEL(sunosgetpid)
+	LOAD_CURRENT(l4, l5)
+	ld	[%l4 + 108], %i0
+	ld	[%l4 + 256], %l5
+	ld	[%l5 + 108], %i1
+	.globl	LABEL(sunosgetuid)
+	LOAD_CURRENT(l4, l5)
+	lduh	[%l4 + 280], %i0
+	lduh	[%l4 + 282], %i1
+	.globl	LABEL(sunosgetgid)
+	LOAD_CURRENT(l4, l5)
+	lduh	[%l4 + 288], %i0
+	lduh	[%l4 + 290], %i1
+	.globl	LABEL(sunosmctl)
+	mov	0, %i0
+	.globl	LABEL(sunosgdtsize)
+	mov	256, %i0
+	.globl	LABEL(sunossblock)
+	LOAD_CURRENT(l4, l5)
+	set	-65793, %l5
+	and	%i0, %l5, %l5
+	ld	[%l4 + TASK_BLOCKED], %i0
+	or	%i0, %l5, %l5
+	st	%l5, [%l4 + TASK_BLOCKED]
+	.globl	LABEL(sunossmask)
+	LOAD_CURRENT(l4, l5)
+	set	-65793, %l5
+	and	%i0, %l5, %l5
+	ld	[%l4 + TASK_BLOCKED], %i0
+	st	%l5, [%l4 + TASK_BLOCKED]
+	.globl	LABEL(getpagesize)
+	set	4096, %i0
+	.globl	LABEL(umask)
+	LOAD_CURRENT(l4, l5)
+	ld	[%l4 + 1560], %l5
+	and	%i0, 511, %l4
+	lduh	[%l5 + 4], %i0
+	sth	%l4, [%l5 + 4]
+	.globl	LABEL(write)
+	cmp	%i0, 255		/* fd >= NR_OPEN */
+	bgu,a	write_error_return
+	 mov	EBADF, %i0
+	LOAD_CURRENT(l4, l5)
+	ld	[%l4 + 1564], %l5
+	sll	%i0, 2, %l6
+	add	%l5, %l6, %l5
+	ld	[%l5 + 36], %l6
+	cmp	%l6, 0			/* !(file=current->files->fd[fd]) */
+	be,a	write_error_return
+	 mov	EBADF, %i0	
+	ld	[%l6 + 36], %l5
+	cmp	%l5, 0			/* !(inode=file->f_inode) */
+	be,a	write_error_return
+	 mov	EBADF, %i0
+	lduh	[%l6], %l5		/* !(file->f_mode & 2) */
+	andcc	%l5, 2, %g0
+	be,a	write_error_return
+	 mov	EBADF, %i0
+	ld	[%l6 + 40], %l5
+	cmp	%l5, 0			/* !file->f_op */
+	be,a	write_error_return
+	 mov	EINVAL, %i0
+	ld	[%l5 + 8], %l5		/* !file->f_op->write */
+	cmp	%l5, 0
+	be,a	write_error_return
+	 mov	EINVAL, %i0
+	cmp	%i2, 0			/* count == 0 */
+	bne	1f
+	 nop
+	mov	0, %i0
+	/* See if we can do the optimization... */
+	ld	[%l6 + 36], %l5
+	lduh	[%l5 + 16], %l5
+	srl	%l5, 8, %l6
+	cmp	%l6, 1			/* MEM_MAJOR */
+	bne,a	write_is_too_hard
+	 sethi	%hi(C_LABEL(quick_sys_write)), %l7
+	and	%l5, 0xff, %l5
+	cmp	%l5, 3			/* NULL_MINOR */
+	bne,a	write_is_too_hard
+	 sethi	%hi(C_LABEL(quick_sys_write)), %l7
+	/* We only optimize for the /dev/null case currently,
+	 * however to stay POSIX4 compliant we must check the
+	 * validity of the passed buffer.  Blowlaris2.x does not
+	 * do this and is therefore not POSIX4 compliant!
+	 * If you are going to optimize for benchmarks, fine,
+	 * but to break behavior of a system call in the process
+	 * is complete brain damage...
+	 */
+	/* XXX write verify_area thingy for full POSIX conformance! XXX */
+	mov	%i2, %i0
+	b	syscall_is_too_hard
+	 or	%l7, %lo(C_LABEL(quick_sys_write)), %l7
+	/* XXX sys_nice() XXX */
+	/* XXX sys_setpriority() XXX */
+	/* XXX sys_getpriority() XXX */
+	/* XXX sys_setregid() XXX */
+	/* XXX sys_setgid() XXX */
+	/* XXX sys_setreuid() XXX */
+	/* XXX sys_setuid() XXX */
+	/* XXX sys_setfsuid() XXX */
+	/* XXX sys_setfsgid() XXX */
+	/* XXX sys_setpgid() XXX */
+	/* XXX sys_getpgid() XXX */
+	/* XXX sys_setsid() XXX */
+	/* XXX sys_getsid() XXX */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this