patch-1.3.5 linux/drivers/scsi/scsi.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.4/linux/drivers/scsi/scsi.h linux/drivers/scsi/scsi.h
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- *	scsi.h Copyright (C) 1992 Drew Eckhardt 
- *	generic SCSI package header file by
- *		Drew Eckhardt 
+ *  scsi.h Copyright (C) 1992 Drew Eckhardt 
+ *  generic SCSI package header file by
+ *      Drew Eckhardt 
- *	<>
+ *  <>
  *       Modified by Eric Youngdale to
  *       add scatter-gather, multiple outstanding request, and other
@@ -14,78 +14,79 @@
 #define _SCSI_H
-	$Header: /usr/src/linux/kernel/blk_drv/scsi/RCS/scsi.h,v 1.3 1993/09/24 12:20:33 drew Exp $
+    $Header: /usr/src/linux/kernel/blk_drv/scsi/RCS/scsi.h,v 1.3 1993/09/24 12:20:33 drew Exp $
-	For documentation on the OPCODES, MESSAGES, and SENSE values,
-	please consult the SCSI standard.
+    For documentation on the OPCODES, MESSAGES, and SENSE values,
+    please consult the SCSI standard.
-	SCSI opcodes
+ *      SCSI opcodes
+ */
-#define TEST_UNIT_READY 	0x00
-#define REZERO_UNIT		0x01
-#define REQUEST_SENSE		0x03
-#define FORMAT_UNIT		0x04
-#define READ_BLOCK_LIMITS	0x05
-#define REASSIGN_BLOCKS		0x07
-#define READ_6			0x08
-#define WRITE_6			0x0a
-#define SEEK_6			0x0b
-#define READ_REVERSE		0x0f
-#define WRITE_FILEMARKS		0x10
-#define SPACE			0x11
-#define INQUIRY			0x12
-#define MODE_SELECT		0x15
-#define RESERVE			0x16
-#define RELEASE			0x17
-#define COPY			0x18
-#define ERASE			0x19
-#define MODE_SENSE		0x1a
-#define START_STOP		0x1b
-#define SEND_DIAGNOSTIC		0x1d
-#define SET_WINDOW              0x24
-#define READ_CAPACITY		0x25
-#define READ_10			0x28
-#define WRITE_10		0x2a
-#define SEEK_10			0x2b
-#define WRITE_VERIFY		0x2e
-#define VERIFY			0x2f
-#define SEARCH_HIGH		0x30
-#define SEARCH_EQUAL		0x31
-#define SEARCH_LOW		0x32
-#define SET_LIMITS		0x33
-#define PRE_FETCH		0x34
-#define READ_POSITION		0x34
-#define LOCK_UNLOCK_CACHE	0x36
-#define READ_DEFECT_DATA	0x37
-#define MEDIUM_SCAN             0x38
-#define COMPARE			0x39
-#define COPY_VERIFY		0x3a
-#define WRITE_BUFFER		0x3b
-#define READ_BUFFER		0x3c
-#define UPDATE_BLOCK            0x3d
-#define READ_LONG		0x3e
-#define WRITE_LONG              0x3f
-#define WRITE_SAME             0x41
-#define LOG_SELECT		0x4c
-#define LOG_SENSE		0x4d
-#define MODE_SELECT_10		0x55
-#define MODE_SENSE_10		0x5a
-#define WRITE_12                0xaa
-#define WRITE_VERIFY_12         0xae
-#define SEARCH_HIGH_12          0xb0
-#define SEARCH_EQUAL_12         0xb1
-#define SEARCH_LOW_12           0xb2
-#define SEND_VOLUME_TAG         0xb6
+#define TEST_UNIT_READY       0x00
+#define REZERO_UNIT           0x01
+#define REQUEST_SENSE         0x03
+#define FORMAT_UNIT           0x04
+#define READ_BLOCK_LIMITS     0x05
+#define REASSIGN_BLOCKS       0x07
+#define READ_6                0x08
+#define WRITE_6               0x0a
+#define SEEK_6                0x0b
+#define READ_REVERSE          0x0f
+#define WRITE_FILEMARKS       0x10
+#define SPACE                 0x11
+#define INQUIRY               0x12
+#define MODE_SELECT           0x15
+#define RESERVE               0x16
+#define RELEASE               0x17
+#define COPY                  0x18
+#define ERASE                 0x19
+#define MODE_SENSE            0x1a
+#define START_STOP            0x1b
+#define RECEIVE_DIAGNOSTIC    0x1c
+#define SEND_DIAGNOSTIC       0x1d
+#define SET_WINDOW            0x24
+#define READ_CAPACITY         0x25
+#define READ_10               0x28
+#define WRITE_10              0x2a
+#define SEEK_10               0x2b
+#define WRITE_VERIFY          0x2e
+#define VERIFY                0x2f
+#define SEARCH_HIGH           0x30
+#define SEARCH_EQUAL          0x31
+#define SEARCH_LOW            0x32
+#define SET_LIMITS            0x33
+#define PRE_FETCH             0x34
+#define READ_POSITION         0x34
+#define SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE     0x35
+#define LOCK_UNLOCK_CACHE     0x36
+#define READ_DEFECT_DATA      0x37
+#define MEDIUM_SCAN           0x38
+#define COMPARE               0x39
+#define COPY_VERIFY           0x3a
+#define WRITE_BUFFER          0x3b
+#define READ_BUFFER           0x3c
+#define UPDATE_BLOCK          0x3d
+#define READ_LONG             0x3e
+#define WRITE_LONG            0x3f
+#define CHANGE_DEFINITION     0x40
+#define WRITE_SAME            0x41
+#define LOG_SELECT            0x4c
+#define LOG_SENSE             0x4d
+#define MODE_SELECT_10        0x55
+#define MODE_SENSE_10         0x5a
+#define WRITE_12              0xaa
+#define WRITE_VERIFY_12       0xae
+#define SEARCH_HIGH_12        0xb0
+#define SEARCH_EQUAL_12       0xb1
+#define SEARCH_LOW_12         0xb2
+#define SEND_VOLUME_TAG       0xb6
+#define WRITE_LONG_2          0xea
 extern void scsi_make_blocked_list(void);
 extern volatile int in_scan_scsis;
@@ -93,190 +94,168 @@
 #define COMMAND_SIZE(opcode) scsi_command_size[((opcode) >> 5) & 7]
+ */
-#define COMMAND_COMPLETE	0x00
-#define EXTENDED_MESSAGE	0x01
-#define 	EXTENDED_SDTR			0x01
-#define 	EXTENDED_EXTENDED_IDENTIFY	0x02	/* SCSI-I only */
-#define 	EXTENDED_WDTR			0x03
-#define SAVE_POINTERS		0x02
-#define RESTORE_POINTERS 	0x03
-#define DISCONNECT		0x04
-#define INITIATOR_ERROR		0x05
-#define ABORT			0x06
-#define MESSAGE_REJECT		0x07
-#define NOP			0x08
-#define MSG_PARITY_ERROR	0x09
-#define BUS_DEVICE_RESET	0x0c
-#define INITIATE_RECOVERY	0x0f			/* SCSI-II only */
-#define RELEASE_RECOVERY	0x10			/* SCSI-II only */
-#define SIMPLE_QUEUE_TAG	0x20
-#define HEAD_OF_QUEUE_TAG	0x21
-#define ORDERED_QUEUE_TAG	0x22
+#define COMMAND_COMPLETE    0x00
+#define EXTENDED_MESSAGE    0x01
+#define     EXTENDED_SDTR                   0x01
+#define     EXTENDED_EXTENDED_IDENTIFY      0x02    /* SCSI-I only */
+#define     EXTENDED_WDTR                   0x03
+#define SAVE_POINTERS       0x02
+#define RESTORE_POINTERS    0x03
+#define DISCONNECT          0x04
+#define INITIATOR_ERROR     0x05
+#define ABORT               0x06
+#define MESSAGE_REJECT      0x07
+#define NOP                 0x08
+#define MSG_PARITY_ERROR    0x09
+#define BUS_DEVICE_RESET    0x0c
+#define INITIATE_RECOVERY   0x0f            /* SCSI-II only */
+#define RELEASE_RECOVERY    0x10            /* SCSI-II only */
+#define SIMPLE_QUEUE_TAG    0x20
+#define HEAD_OF_QUEUE_TAG   0x21
+#define ORDERED_QUEUE_TAG   0x22
-#define IDENTIFY_BASE		0x80
+#define IDENTIFY_BASE       0x80
 #define IDENTIFY(can_disconnect, lun)   (IDENTIFY_BASE |\
-					 ((can_disconnect) ?  0x40 : 0) |\
-					 ((lun) & 0x07)) 
-	Status codes
-#define GOOD			0x00
-#define CHECK_CONDITION		0x01
-#define CONDITION_GOOD		0x02
-#define BUSY			0x04
-#define QUEUE_FULL              0x1a
+		     ((can_disconnect) ?  0x40 : 0) |\
+		     ((lun) & 0x07)) 
-#define STATUS_MASK		0x1e
-	the return of the status word will be in the following format :
-	The low byte is the status returned by the SCSI command, 
-	with vendor specific bits masked.
-	The next byte is the message which followed the SCSI status.
-	This allows a stos to be used, since the Intel is a little
-	endian machine.
-	The final byte is a host return code, which is one of the following.
-	IE 
-	lsb		msb
-	status	msg	host code	
+ *  Status codes
+ */
-        Our errors returned by OUR driver, NOT SCSI message.  Or'd with
-        SCSI message passed back to driver <IF any>.
+#define GOOD                 0x00
+#define CHECK_CONDITION      0x01
+#define CONDITION_GOOD       0x02
+#define BUSY                 0x04
+#define INTERMEDIATE_GOOD    0x08
+#define INTERMEDIATE_C_GOOD  0x0a
+#define QUEUE_FULL           0x1a
+#define STATUS_MASK          0x1e
+ *  the return of the status word will be in the following format :
+ *  The low byte is the status returned by the SCSI command, 
+ *  with vendor specific bits masked.
+ *  
+ *  The next byte is the message which followed the SCSI status.
+ *  This allows a stos to be used, since the Intel is a little
+ *  endian machine.
+ *  
+ *  The final byte is a host return code, which is one of the following.
+ *  
+ *  IE 
+ *  lsb     msb
+ *  status  msg host code   
+ *  
+ *  Our errors returned by OUR driver, NOT SCSI message.  Or'd with
+ *  SCSI message passed back to driver <IF any>.
+ */
-/* 	NO error							*/
-#define DID_OK 			0x00
-/* 	Couldn't connect before timeout period				*/
-#define DID_NO_CONNECT		0x01
-/*	BUS stayed busy through time out period				*/
-#define DID_BUS_BUSY		0x02
-/*	TIMED OUT for other reason					*/
-#define DID_TIME_OUT		0x03
-/*	BAD target.							*/
-#define DID_BAD_TARGET		0x04
-/*	Told to abort for some other reason				*/
-#define	DID_ABORT		0x05
-	Parity error
-#define DID_PARITY		0x06
-	Internal error
-#define DID_ERROR 		0x07	
-	Reset by somebody.
-#define DID_RESET 		0x08
-	Got an interrupt we weren't expecting.
-#define	DID_BAD_INTR		0x09
-	Driver status
-#define DRIVER_OK		0x00
+#define DID_OK          0x00 /* NO error                                */
+#define DID_NO_CONNECT  0x01 /* Couldn't connect before timeout period  */
+#define DID_BUS_BUSY    0x02 /* BUS stayed busy through time out period */
+#define DID_TIME_OUT    0x03 /* TIMED OUT for other reason              */
+#define DID_BAD_TARGET  0x04 /* BAD target.                             */
+#define DID_ABORT       0x05 /* Told to abort for some other reason     */
+#define DID_PARITY      0x06 /* Parity error                            */
+#define DID_ERROR       0x07 /* Internal error                          */
+#define DID_RESET       0x08 /* Reset by somebody.                      */
+#define DID_BAD_INTR    0x09 /* Got an interrupt we weren't expecting.  */ 
+#define DRIVER_OK       0x00 /* Driver status                           */ 
-	These indicate the error that occurred, and what is available.
+ *  These indicate the error that occurred, and what is available.
+ */
-#define DRIVER_BUSY		0x01
-#define DRIVER_SOFT		0x02
-#define DRIVER_MEDIA		0x03
-#define DRIVER_ERROR		0x04	
+#define DRIVER_BUSY         0x01
+#define DRIVER_SOFT         0x02
+#define DRIVER_MEDIA        0x03
+#define DRIVER_ERROR        0x04    
-#define DRIVER_INVALID		0x05
-#define DRIVER_TIMEOUT		0x06
-#define DRIVER_HARD		0x07
+#define DRIVER_INVALID      0x05
+#define DRIVER_TIMEOUT      0x06
+#define DRIVER_HARD         0x07
-#define SUGGEST_RETRY		0x10
-#define SUGGEST_ABORT		0x20 
-#define SUGGEST_REMAP		0x30
-#define SUGGEST_DIE		0x40
-#define SUGGEST_SENSE		0x80
-#define SUGGEST_IS_OK		0xff
+#define SUGGEST_RETRY       0x10
+#define SUGGEST_ABORT       0x20 
+#define SUGGEST_REMAP       0x30
+#define SUGGEST_DIE         0x40
+#define SUGGEST_SENSE       0x80
+#define SUGGEST_IS_OK       0xff
-#define DRIVER_SENSE		0x08
+#define DRIVER_SENSE        0x08
-#define DRIVER_MASK 0x0f
-#define SUGGEST_MASK 0xf0
+#define DRIVER_MASK         0x0f
+#define SUGGEST_MASK        0xf0
+ */
-#define NO_SENSE 		0x00
-#define RECOVERED_ERROR		0x01
-#define NOT_READY		0x02
-#define MEDIUM_ERROR		0x03
-#define	HARDWARE_ERROR		0x04
-#define ILLEGAL_REQUEST		0x05
-#define UNIT_ATTENTION		0x06
-#define DATA_PROTECT		0x07
-#define BLANK_CHECK		0x08
-#define COPY_ABORTED		0x0a
-#define ABORTED_COMMAND		0x0b
-#define	VOLUME_OVERFLOW		0x0d
-#define MISCOMPARE		0x0e
+#define NO_SENSE            0x00
+#define RECOVERED_ERROR     0x01
+#define NOT_READY           0x02
+#define MEDIUM_ERROR        0x03
+#define HARDWARE_ERROR      0x04
+#define ILLEGAL_REQUEST     0x05
+#define UNIT_ATTENTION      0x06
+#define DATA_PROTECT        0x07
+#define BLANK_CHECK         0x08
+#define COPY_ABORTED        0x0a
+#define ABORTED_COMMAND     0x0b
+#define VOLUME_OVERFLOW     0x0d
+#define MISCOMPARE          0x0e
+ */
+#define TYPE_DISK           0x00
+#define TYPE_TAPE           0x01
+#define TYPE_PROCESSOR      0x03    /* HP scanners use this */
+#define TYPE_WORM           0x04    /* Treated as ROM by our system */
+#define TYPE_ROM            0x05
+#define TYPE_SCANNER        0x06
+#define TYPE_MOD            0x07    /* Magneto-optical disk - 
+				     * - treated as TYPE_DISK */
+#define TYPE_NO_LUN         0x7f
-#define TYPE_DISK	0x00
-#define TYPE_TAPE	0x01
-#define TYPE_PROCESSOR	0x03	/* HP scanners use this */
-#define TYPE_WORM	0x04	/* Treated as ROM by our system */
-#define TYPE_ROM	0x05
-#define TYPE_SCANNER	0x06
-#define TYPE_MOD	0x07  /* Magneto-optical disk - treated as TYPE_DISK */
-#define TYPE_NO_LUN	0x7f
+#define MAX_COMMAND_SIZE    12
-#define MAX_COMMAND_SIZE 12
-	SCSI command sets
+ *  SCSI command sets
+ */
-#define SCSI_UNKNOWN	0
-#define	SCSI_1		1
-#define	SCSI_1_CCS	2
-#define	SCSI_2		3
+#define SCSI_UNKNOWN    0
+#define SCSI_1          1
+#define SCSI_1_CCS      2
+#define SCSI_2          3
-	Every SCSI command starts with a one byte OP-code.
-	The next byte's high three bits are the LUN of the
-	device.  Any multi-byte quantities are stored high byte
-	first, and may have a 5 bit MSB in the same byte
-	as the LUN.
+ *  Every SCSI command starts with a one byte OP-code.
+ *  The next byte's high three bits are the LUN of the
+ *  device.  Any multi-byte quantities are stored high byte
+ *  first, and may have a 5 bit MSB in the same byte
+ *  as the LUN.
+ */
-        Manufacturers list
+ *      Manufacturers list
+ */
 #define SCSI_MAN_UNKNOWN     0
 #define SCSI_MAN_NEC         1
@@ -284,70 +263,91 @@
-	The scsi_device struct contains what we know about each given scsi
-	device.
+ *  As the scsi do command functions are intelligent, and may need to
+ *  redo a command, we need to keep track of the last command
+ *  executed on each one.
+ */
+#define WAS_RESET       0x01
+#define WAS_TIMEDOUT    0x02
+#define WAS_SENSE       0x04
+#define IS_RESETTING    0x08
+#define IS_ABORTING     0x10
+#define ASKED_FOR_SENSE 0x20
+ *  The scsi_device struct contains what we know about each given scsi
+ *  device.
+ */
 typedef struct scsi_device {
-        struct scsi_device * next; /* Used for linked list */
-	unsigned char id, lun;
-	unsigned int manufacturer; /* Manufacturer of device, for using vendor-specific cmd's */
-	int attached;          /* # of high level drivers attached to this */
-	int access_count;	/* Count of open channels/mounts */
-	struct wait_queue * device_wait;  /* Used to wait if device is busy */
-	struct Scsi_Host * host;
-	void (*scsi_request_fn)(void); /* Used to jumpstart things after an ioctl */
-	void *hostdata;                   /* available to low-level driver */
-	char type;
-	char scsi_level;
-	unsigned writeable:1;
-	unsigned removable:1; 
-	unsigned random:1;
-	unsigned changed:1;	/* Data invalid due to media change */
-	unsigned busy:1;	/* Used to prevent races */
-	unsigned lockable:1;    /* Able to prevent media removal */
-	unsigned borken:1;	/* Tell the Seagate driver to be 
-				   painfully slow on this device */ 
-	unsigned tagged_supported:1; /* Supports SCSI-II tagged queuing */
-	unsigned tagged_queue:1;   /*SCSI-II tagged queuing enabled */
-	unsigned disconnect:1;     /* can disconnect */
-	unsigned soft_reset:1;		/* Uses soft reset option */
-	unsigned char current_tag; /* current tag */
-	unsigned sync:1;	/* Negotiate for sync transfers */
-	unsigned char sync_min_period;	/* Not less than this period */
-	unsigned char sync_max_offset;  /* Not greater than this offset */
+    struct scsi_device * next;      /* Used for linked list */
+    unsigned char id, lun, channel;
+    unsigned int manufacturer;      /* Manufacturer of device, for using 
+				     * vendor-specific cmd's */
+    int attached;                   /* # of high level drivers attached to 
+				     * this */
+    int access_count;               /* Count of open channels/mounts */
+    struct wait_queue * device_wait;/* Used to wait if device is busy */
+    struct Scsi_Host * host;
+    void (*scsi_request_fn)(void);  /* Used to jumpstart things after an 
+				     * ioctl */
+    void *hostdata;                 /* available to low-level driver */
+    char type;
+    char scsi_level;
+    char vendor[8], model[16], rev[4];
+    unsigned writeable:1;
+    unsigned removable:1; 
+    unsigned random:1;
+    unsigned changed:1;             /* Data invalid due to media change */
+    unsigned busy:1;                /* Used to prevent races */
+    unsigned lockable:1;            /* Able to prevent media removal */
+    unsigned borken:1;              /* Tell the Seagate driver to be 
+				     * painfully slow on this device */ 
+    unsigned tagged_supported:1;    /* Supports SCSI-II tagged queuing */
+    unsigned tagged_queue:1;        /* SCSI-II tagged queuing enabled */
+    unsigned disconnect:1;          /* can disconnect */
+    unsigned soft_reset:1;          /* Uses soft reset option */
+    unsigned sync:1;                /* Negotiate for sync transfers */
+    unsigned char current_tag;      /* current tag */
+    unsigned char sync_min_period;  /* Not less than this period */
+    unsigned char sync_max_offset;  /* Not greater than this offset */
 } Scsi_Device;
-	Use these to separate status msg and our bytes
+ *  Use these to separate status msg and our bytes
+ */
 #define status_byte(result) (((result) >> 1) & 0xf)
-#define msg_byte(result) (((result) >> 8) & 0xff)
-#define host_byte(result) (((result) >> 16) & 0xff)
+#define msg_byte(result)    (((result) >> 8) & 0xff)
+#define host_byte(result)   (((result) >> 16) & 0xff)
 #define driver_byte(result) (((result) >> 24) & 0xff)
-#define suggestion(result) (driver_byte(result) & SUGGEST_MASK)
+#define suggestion(result)  (driver_byte(result) & SUGGEST_MASK)
-#define sense_class(sense) (((sense) >> 4) & 0x7)
-#define sense_error(sense) ((sense) & 0xf)
-#define sense_valid(sense) ((sense) & 0x80);
+#define sense_class(sense)  (((sense) >> 4) & 0x7)
+#define sense_error(sense)  ((sense) & 0xf)
+#define sense_valid(sense)  ((sense) & 0x80);
-	These are the SCSI devices available on the system.
+ *  These are the SCSI devices available on the system.
+ */
 extern Scsi_Device * scsi_devices;
-	Initializes all SCSI devices.  This scans all scsi busses.
+ *  Initializes all SCSI devices.  This scans all scsi busses.
+ */ 
 extern unsigned long scsi_dev_init (unsigned long, unsigned long);
 struct scatterlist {
-     char *  address; /* Location data is to be transferred to */
-     char * alt_address; /* Location of actual if address is a 
-			    dma indirect buffer.  NULL otherwise */
-     unsigned int length;
-     };
+    char *  address;    /* Location data is to be transferred to */
+    char * alt_address; /* Location of actual if address is a 
+			 * dma indirect buffer.  NULL otherwise */
+    unsigned int length;
 #ifdef __alpha__
 # define ISA_DMA_THRESHOLD (~0UL)
@@ -363,59 +363,59 @@
  * and reset functions must correctly indicate what it has done.
-/* We did not do anything.  Wait
-   some more for this command to complete, and if this does not work, try
-   something more serious. */ 
+/* We did not do anything.  
+ * Wait some more for this command to complete, and if this does not work, 
+ * try something more serious. */ 
 /* This means that we were able to abort the command.  We have already
-   called the mid-level done function, and do not expect an interrupt that will
-   lead to another call to the mid-level done function for this command */
+ * called the mid-level done function, and do not expect an interrupt that 
+ * will lead to another call to the mid-level done function for this command */
 /* We called for an abort of this command, and we should get an interrupt 
-   when this succeeds.  Thus we should not restore the timer for this
-   command in the mid-level abort function. */
+ * when this succeeds.  Thus we should not restore the timer for this
+ * command in the mid-level abort function. */
 /* Unable to abort - command is currently on the bus.  Grin and bear it. */
 #define SCSI_ABORT_BUSY 3
 /* The command is not active in the low level code. Command probably
-   finished. */
+ * finished. */
 /* Something went wrong.  The low level driver will indicate the correct
- error condition when it calls scsi_done, so the mid-level abort function
- can simply wait until this comes through */
+ * error condition when it calls scsi_done, so the mid-level abort function
+ * can simply wait until this comes through */
 /* We do not know how to reset the bus, or we do not want to.  Bummer.
-   Anyway, just wait a little more for the command in question, and hope that
-   it eventually finishes.  If it never finishes, the SCSI device could
-   hang, so use this with caution. */
+ * Anyway, just wait a little more for the command in question, and hope that
+ * it eventually finishes.  If it never finishes, the SCSI device could
+ * hang, so use this with caution. */
 /* We do not know how to reset the bus, or we do not want to.  Bummer.
-   We have given up on this ever completing.  The mid-level code will
-   request sense information to decide how to proceed from here. */
+ * We have given up on this ever completing.  The mid-level code will
+ * request sense information to decide how to proceed from here. */
 #define SCSI_RESET_PUNT 1
 /* This means that we were able to reset the bus.  We have restarted all of
-   the commands that should be restarted, and we should be able to continue
-   on normally from here.  We do not expect any interrupts that will return
-   DID_RESET to any of the other commands in the host_queue, and the mid-level
-   code does not need to do anything special to keep the commands alive. */
+ * the commands that should be restarted, and we should be able to continue
+ * on normally from here.  We do not expect any interrupts that will return
+ * DID_RESET to any of the other commands in the host_queue, and the mid-level
+ * code does not need to do anything special to keep the commands alive. */
 /* We called for a reset of this bus, and we should get an interrupt 
-   when this succeeds.  Each command should get its own status
-   passed up to scsi_done, but this has not happened yet. */
+ * when this succeeds.  Each command should get its own status
+ * passed up to scsi_done, but this has not happened yet. */
 /* We did a reset, but do not expect an interrupt to signal DID_RESET.
-   This tells the upper level code to request the sense info, and this
-   should keep the command alive. */
+ * This tells the upper level code to request the sense info, and this
+ * should keep the command alive. */
 /* Something went wrong, and we do not know how to fix it. */
@@ -423,118 +423,120 @@
 void *   scsi_malloc(unsigned int);
 int      scsi_free(void *, unsigned int);
-extern unsigned int dma_free_sectors;   /* How much room do we have left */
+extern unsigned int dma_free_sectors;  /* How much room do we have left */
 extern unsigned int need_isa_buffer;   /* True if some devices need indirection
-				 buffers */
+					* buffers */
-	The Scsi_Cmnd structure is used by scsi.c internally, and for communication with
-	low level drivers that support multiple outstanding commands.
+ * The Scsi_Cmnd structure is used by scsi.c internally, and for communication
+ * with low level drivers that support multiple outstanding commands.
+ */
 typedef struct scsi_pointer {
-  char * ptr;                     /* data pointer */
-  int this_residual;              /* left in this buffer */
-  struct scatterlist *buffer;     /* which buffer */
-  int buffers_residual;           /* how many buffers left */
-  volatile int Status;
-  volatile int Message;
-  volatile int have_data_in;
-  volatile int sent_command;
-  volatile int phase;
+    char * ptr;                     /* data pointer */
+    int this_residual;              /* left in this buffer */
+    struct scatterlist *buffer;     /* which buffer */
+    int buffers_residual;           /* how many buffers left */
+    volatile int Status;
+    volatile int Message;
+    volatile int have_data_in;
+    volatile int sent_command;
+    volatile int phase;
 } Scsi_Pointer;
 typedef struct scsi_cmnd {
-	struct Scsi_Host * host;
-	Scsi_Device * device;
-	unsigned char target, lun;
-	unsigned char cmd_len;
-	unsigned char old_cmd_len;
-	struct scsi_cmnd *next, *prev;	
-/* These elements define the operation we are about to perform */
-	unsigned char cmnd[12];
-	unsigned request_bufflen; /* Actual request size */
-	void * request_buffer;  /* Actual requested buffer */
-/* These elements define the operation we ultimately want to perform */
-	unsigned char data_cmnd[12];
-	unsigned short old_use_sg;  /* We save  use_sg here when requesting
-				       sense info */
-	unsigned short use_sg;  /* Number of pieces of scatter-gather */
-	unsigned short sglist_len;  /* size of malloc'd scatter-gather list */
-	unsigned short abort_reason;  /* If the mid-level code requests an
-					 abort, this is the reason. */
-	unsigned bufflen;     /* Size of data buffer */
-	void *buffer;   /* Data buffer */
-	unsigned underflow;	/* Return error if less than this amount is 
-				   transfered */
-	unsigned transfersize;	/* How much we are guaranteed to transfer with
-				   each SCSI transfer (ie, between disconnect /
-				   reconnects.   Probably == sector size */
-	struct request request;  /* A copy of the command we are working on*/
-	unsigned char sense_buffer[16];	 /* Sense for this command, if needed*/
-	int retries;
-	int allowed;
-	int timeout_per_command, timeout_total, timeout;
- *	We handle the timeout differently if it happens when a reset, 
- *	abort, etc are in process. 
+    struct Scsi_Host * host;
+    Scsi_Device * device;
+    unsigned char target, lun, channel;
+    unsigned char cmd_len;
+    unsigned char old_cmd_len;
+    struct scsi_cmnd *next, *prev;  
+    /* These elements define the operation we are about to perform */
+    unsigned char cmnd[12];
+    unsigned request_bufflen;   /* Actual request size */
+    void * request_buffer;      /* Actual requested buffer */
+    /* These elements define the operation we ultimately want to perform */
+    unsigned char data_cmnd[12];
+    unsigned short old_use_sg;  /* We save  use_sg here when requesting
+				 * sense info */
+    unsigned short use_sg;      /* Number of pieces of scatter-gather */
+    unsigned short sglist_len;  /* size of malloc'd scatter-gather list */
+    unsigned short abort_reason;/* If the mid-level code requests an
+				 * abort, this is the reason. */
+    unsigned bufflen;           /* Size of data buffer */
+    void *buffer;               /* Data buffer */
+    unsigned underflow;         /* Return error if less than this amount is 
+				 * transfered */
+    unsigned transfersize;      /* How much we are guaranteed to transfer with
+				 * each SCSI transfer (ie, between disconnect /
+				 * reconnects.   Probably == sector size */
+    struct request request;     /* A copy of the command we are working on */
+    unsigned char sense_buffer[16];  /* Sense for this command, if needed */
+    int retries;
+    int allowed;
+    int timeout_per_command, timeout_total, timeout;
+    /*
+     *  We handle the timeout differently if it happens when a reset, 
+     *  abort, etc are in process. 
+     */
+    unsigned volatile char internal_timeout;
+    unsigned flags;
+    /* These variables are for the cdrom only. Once we have variable size 
+     * buffers in the buffer cache, they will go away. */
+    int this_count; 
+    /* End of special cdrom variables */
+    /* Low-level done function - can be used by low-level driver to point
+     *  to completion function.  Not used by mid/upper level code. */
+    void (*scsi_done)(struct scsi_cmnd *);  
+    void (*done)(struct scsi_cmnd *);  /* Mid-level done function */
+    /*
+     * The following fields can be written to by the host specific code. 
+     * Everything else should be left alone. 
+     */
+    Scsi_Pointer SCp;   /* Scratchpad used by some host adapters */
+    unsigned char * host_scribble; /* The host adapter is allowed to
+				    * call scsi_malloc and get some memory
+				    * and hang it here.  The host adapter
+				    * is also expected to call scsi_free
+				    * to release this memory.  (The memory
+				    * obtained by scsi_malloc is guaranteed
+				    * to be at an address < 16Mb). */
+    int result;                    /* Status code from lower level driver */
+    unsigned char tag;             /* SCSI-II queued command tag */
+    unsigned long pid;             /* Process ID, starts at 0 */
+} Scsi_Cmnd;         
+ *  scsi_abort aborts the current command that is executing on host host.
+ *  The error code, if non zero is returned in the host byte, otherwise 
+ *  DID_ABORT is returned in the hostbyte.
-	unsigned volatile char internal_timeout;
-	unsigned flags;
-/* These variables are for the cdrom only.  Once we have variable size buffers
-   in the buffer cache, they will go away. */
-	int this_count; 
-/* End of special cdrom variables */
-	/* Low-level done function - can be used by low-level driver to point
-	 to completion function.  Not used by mid/upper level code. */
-	void (*scsi_done)(struct scsi_cmnd *);  
-	void (*done)(struct scsi_cmnd *);  /* Mid-level done function */
-/* The following fields can be written to by the host specific code. 
-   Everything else should be left alone. */
-	Scsi_Pointer SCp;   /* Scratchpad used by some host adapters */
-	unsigned char * host_scribble; /* The host adapter is allowed to
-					  call scsi_malloc and get some memory
-					  and hang it here.  The host adapter
-					  is also expected to call scsi_free
-					  to release this memory.  (The memory
-					  obtained by scsi_malloc is guaranteed
-					  to be at an address < 16Mb). */
-	int result;                   /* Status code from lower level driver */
-	unsigned char tag;		/* SCSI-II queued command tag */
-	unsigned long pid;		/* Process ID, starts at 0 */
-	} Scsi_Cmnd;		 
-	scsi_abort aborts the current command that is executing on host host.
-	The error code, if non zero is returned in the host byte, otherwise 
-	DID_ABORT is returned in the hostbyte.
 extern int scsi_abort (Scsi_Cmnd *, int code, int pid);
 extern void scsi_do_cmd (Scsi_Cmnd *, const void *cmnd ,
-                  void *buffer, unsigned bufflen, void (*done)(struct scsi_cmnd *),
-                  int timeout, int retries);
+			 void *buffer, unsigned bufflen, 
+			 void (*done)(struct scsi_cmnd *),
+			 int timeout, int retries);
 extern Scsi_Cmnd * allocate_device(struct request **, Scsi_Device *, int);
@@ -544,22 +546,31 @@
 extern int max_scsi_hosts;
+extern void build_proc_dir_entries(void);
+extern int kernel_scsi_ioctl (Scsi_Device *dev, int cmd, void *arg);
+extern int        scsi_ioctl (Scsi_Device *dev, int cmd, void *arg);
+extern void print_command(unsigned char *);
+extern void print_sense(char *,  Scsi_Cmnd *);
 #if defined(MAJOR_NR) && (MAJOR_NR != SCSI_TAPE_MAJOR)
 #include "hosts.h"
 static Scsi_Cmnd * end_scsi_request(Scsi_Cmnd * SCpnt, int uptodate, int sectors)
-	struct request * req;
-	struct buffer_head * bh;
-	req = &SCpnt->request;
-	req->errors = 0;
-	if (!uptodate) {
-		printk(DEVICE_NAME " I/O error: dev %04x, sector %lu\n",
-		       req->dev,req->sector);
-	}
-	do {
-	  if ((bh = req->bh) != NULL) {
+    struct request * req;
+    struct buffer_head * bh;
+    req = &SCpnt->request;
+    req->errors = 0;
+    if (!uptodate) {
+	printk(DEVICE_NAME " I/O error: dev %04x, sector %lu\n",
+	       req->dev,req->sector);
+    }
+    do {
+	if ((bh = req->bh) != NULL) {
 	    req->bh = bh->b_reqnext;
 	    req->nr_sectors -= bh->b_size >> 9;
 	    req->sector += bh->b_size >> 9;
@@ -568,74 +579,74 @@
 	    sectors -= bh->b_size >> 9;
 	    if ((bh = req->bh) != NULL) {
-	      req->current_nr_sectors = bh->b_size >> 9;
-	      if (req->nr_sectors < req->current_nr_sectors) {
-		req->nr_sectors = req->current_nr_sectors;
-		printk("end_scsi_request: buffer-list destroyed\n");
-	      }
+		req->current_nr_sectors = bh->b_size >> 9;
+		if (req->nr_sectors < req->current_nr_sectors) {
+		    req->nr_sectors = req->current_nr_sectors;
+		    printk("end_scsi_request: buffer-list destroyed\n");
+		}
-	  }
-	} while(sectors && bh);
-	if (req->bh){
-	  req->buffer = bh->b_data;
-	  return SCpnt;
-	};
-	DEVICE_OFF(req->dev);
-	if (req->sem != NULL) {
-		up(req->sem);
-        if (SCpnt->host->block) {
-           struct Scsi_Host * next;
-           for (next = SCpnt->host->block; next != SCpnt->host;
-                                                   next = next->block)
-              wake_up(&next->host_wait);
-           }
-	req->dev = -1;
-	wake_up(&wait_for_request);
-	wake_up(&SCpnt->device->device_wait);
-	return NULL;
+    } while(sectors && bh);
+    if (req->bh){
+	req->buffer = bh->b_data;
+	return SCpnt;
+    };
+    DEVICE_OFF(req->dev);
+    if (req->sem != NULL) {
+	up(req->sem);
+    }
+    if (SCpnt->host->block) {
+	struct Scsi_Host * next;
+	for (next = SCpnt->host->block; next != SCpnt->host;
+	     next = next->block)
+	    wake_up(&next->host_wait);
+    }
+    req->dev = -1;
+    wake_up(&wait_for_request);
+    wake_up(&SCpnt->device->device_wait);
+    return NULL;
 /* This is just like INIT_REQUEST, but we need to be aware of the fact
-   that an interrupt may start another request, so we run this with interrupts
-   turned off */
+ * that an interrupt may start another request, so we run this with interrupts
+ * turned off 
+ */
-	if (!CURRENT) {\
-		restore_flags(flags);   \
-		return; \
-	} \
-	if (MAJOR(CURRENT->dev) != MAJOR_NR) \
-		panic(DEVICE_NAME ": request list destroyed"); \
-	if (CURRENT->bh) { \
-		if (!CURRENT->bh->b_lock) \
-			panic(DEVICE_NAME ": block not locked"); \
-	}
+    if (!CURRENT) {\
+	restore_flags(flags);   \
+	return; \
+    } \
+    if (MAJOR(CURRENT->dev) != MAJOR_NR) \
+	panic(DEVICE_NAME ": request list destroyed"); \
+    if (CURRENT->bh) { \
+	if (!CURRENT->bh->b_lock) \
+	    panic(DEVICE_NAME ": block not locked"); \
+    }
-	if (CONDITION) {					\
-		struct wait_queue wait = { current, NULL};	\
-		add_wait_queue(QUEUE, &wait);			\
-        for(;;) {       					\
-		current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE;		\
-		if (CONDITION) {				\
-                   if (intr_count)                              \
-                      panic("scsi: trying to call schedule() in interrupt" \
-                            ", file %s, line %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);  \
-		   schedule();				 	\
-		   }              			 	\
-	        else						\
-                   break;                            	        \
-		}						\
-		remove_wait_queue(QUEUE, &wait);		\
-		current->state = TASK_RUNNING;			\
-	}; }
+#define SCSI_SLEEP(QUEUE, CONDITION) {              \
+    if (CONDITION) {                    \
+	struct wait_queue wait = { current, NULL};  \
+	add_wait_queue(QUEUE, &wait);           \
+	for(;;) {                           \
+	current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE;      \
+	if (CONDITION) {                \
+		   if (intr_count)                              \
+		      panic("scsi: trying to call schedule() in interrupt" \
+			    ", file %s, line %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);  \
+	   schedule();                  \
+	   }                            \
+	    else                        \
+		   break;                                       \
+	}                       \
+	remove_wait_queue(QUEUE, &wait);        \
+	current->state = TASK_RUNNING;          \
+    }; }
@@ -646,12 +657,14 @@
  * of the file.
  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Local variables:
- * c-indent-level: 8
+ * c-indent-level: 4 
  * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
- * c-brace-offset: -8
- * c-argdecl-indent: 8
- * c-label-offset: -8
- * c-continued-statement-offset: 8
+ * c-brace-offset: -4
+ * c-argdecl-indent: 4
+ * c-label-offset: -4
+ * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
  * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * tab-width: 4
  * End:

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this