patch-1.3.5 linux/drivers/scsi/aic7770.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.4/linux/drivers/scsi/aic7770.c linux/drivers/scsi/aic7770.c
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
- * Adaptec 274x/284x/294x device driver for Linux.
- * Copyright (c) 1994 The University of Calgary Department of Computer Science.
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- * 
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- *  Comments are started by `#' and continue to the end of the line; lines
- *  may be of the form:
- *
- *	<label>*
- *	<label>*  <undef-sym> = <value>
- *	<label>*  <opcode> <operand>*
- *
- *  A <label> is an <undef-sym> ending in a colon.  Spaces, tabs, and commas
- *  are token separators.
- */
-#define _POSIX_SOURCE	1
-#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE	2
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#define MEMORY		512		/* 2^9 29-bit words */
-#define MAXLINE		1024
-#define MAXTOKEN	32
-#define ADOTOUT		"a.out"
-#define NOVALUE		-1
- *  AIC-7770 register definitions
- */
-#define R_SINDEX	0x65
-#define R_ALLONES	0x69
-#define R_ALLZEROS	0x6a
-#define R_NONE		0x6a
-char sccsid[] =
-    "@(#)aic7770.c 1.10 94/07/22 jda";
-int debug;
-int lineno, LC;
-char *filename;
-FILE *ifp, *ofp;
-unsigned char M[MEMORY][4];
-void error(char *s)
-	fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s at line %d\n", filename, s, lineno);
-void *Malloc(size_t size)
-	void *p = malloc(size);
-	if (!p)
-		error("out of memory");
-	return(p);
-void *Realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
-	void *p = realloc(ptr, size);
-	if (!p)
-		error("out of memory");
-	return(p);
-char *Strdup(char *s)
-	char *p = (char *)Malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
-	strcpy(p, s);
-	return(p);
-typedef struct sym_t {
-	struct sym_t *next;		/* MUST BE FIRST */
-	char *name;
-	int value;
-	int npatch, *patch;
-} sym_t;
-sym_t *head;
-void define(char *name, int value)
-	sym_t *p, *q;
-	for (p = head, q = (sym_t *)&head; p; p = p->next) {
-		if (!strcmp(p->name, name))
-			error("redefined symbol");
-		q = p;
-	}
-	p = q->next = (sym_t *)Malloc(sizeof(sym_t));
-	p->next = NULL;
-	p->name = Strdup(name);
-	p->value = value;
-	p->npatch = 0;
-	p->patch = NULL;
-	if (debug) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" ", p->name);
-		if (p->value != NOVALUE)
-			fprintf(stderr, "defined as 0x%x\n", p->value);
-		else
-			fprintf(stderr, "undefined\n");
-	}
-sym_t *lookup(char *name)
-	sym_t *p;
-	for (p = head; p; p = p->next)
-		if (!strcmp(p->name, name))
-			return(p);
-	return(NULL);
-void patch(sym_t *p, int location)
-	p->npatch += 1;
-	p->patch = (int *)Realloc(p->patch, p->npatch * sizeof(int *));
-	p->patch[p->npatch - 1] = location;
-void backpatch(void)
-	int i;
-	sym_t *p;
-	for (p = head; p; p = p->next) {
-		if (p->value == NOVALUE) {
-			fprintf(stderr,
-				"%s: undefined symbol \"%s\"\n",
-				filename, p->name);
-			exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-		}
-		if (p->npatch) {
-			if (debug)
-				fprintf(stderr,
-					"\"%s\" (0x%x) patched at",
-					p->name, p->value);
-			for (i = 0; i < p->npatch; i++) {
-				M[p->patch[i]][0] &= ~1;
-				M[p->patch[i]][0] |= ((p->value >> 8) & 1);
-				M[p->patch[i]][1] = p->value & 0xff;
-				if (debug)
-					fprintf(stderr, " 0x%x", p->patch[i]);
-			}
-			if (debug)
-				fputc('\n', stderr);
-		}
-	}
- *  Output words in byte-reversed order (least significant first)
- *  since the sequencer RAM is loaded that way.
- */
-void output(FILE *fp)
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < LC; i++)
-		fprintf(fp, "\t0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x,\n",
-			M[i][3],
-			M[i][2],
-			M[i][1],
-			M[i][0]);
-char **getl(int *n)
-	int i;
-	char *p;
-	static char buf[MAXLINE];
-	static char *a[MAXTOKEN];
-	i = 0;
-	while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), ifp)) {
-		lineno += 1;
-		if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] != '\n')
-			error("line too long");
-		p = strchr(buf, '#');
-		if (p)
-			*p = '\0';
-		for (p = strtok(buf, ", \t\n"); p; p = strtok(NULL, ", \t\n"))
-			if (i < MAXTOKEN-1)
-				a[i++] = p;
-			else
-				error("too many tokens");
-		if (i) {
-			*n = i;
-			return(a);
-		}
-	}
-	return(NULL);
-#define A	0x8000		/* `A'ccumulator ok */
-#define I	0x4000		/* use as immediate value */
-#define SL	0x2000		/* shift left */
-#define SR	0x1000		/* shift right */
-#define RL	0x0800		/* rotate left */
-#define RR	0x0400		/* rotate right */
-#define LO	0x8000		/* lookup: ori-{jmp,jc,jnc,call} */
-#define LA	0x4000		/* lookup: and-{jz,jnz} */
-#define LX	0x2000		/* lookup: xor-{je,jne} */
-#define NA	-1		/* not applicable */
-struct {
-	char *name;
-	int n;			/* number of operands, including opcode */
-	unsigned int op;	/* immediate or L?|pos_from_0 */
-	unsigned int dest;	/* NA, pos_from_0, or I|immediate */
-	unsigned int src;	/* NA, pos_from_0, or I|immediate */
-	unsigned int imm;	/* pos_from_0, A|pos_from_0, or I|immediate */
-	unsigned int addr;	/* NA or pos_from_0 */
-	int fmt;		/* instruction format - 1, 2, or 3 */
-} instr[] = {
- */
-	"mov",	3, 1,	 1,		2,		I|0xff,	NA,  1,
-	"mov",	4, LO|2, NA,		1,		I|0,	3,   3,
-	"mvi",	3, 0,	 1,		I|R_ALLZEROS,	A|2,	NA,  1,
-	"mvi",	4, LO|2, NA,		I|R_ALLZEROS,	1,	3,   3,
-	"not",	2, 2,	 1,		1,		I|0xff,	NA,  1,
-	"not",	3, 2,	 1,		2,		I|0xff,	NA,  1,
-	"and",	3, 1,	 1,		1,		A|2,	NA,  1,
-	"and",  4, 1,	 1,		3,		A|2,	NA,  1,
-	"or",	3, 0,	 1,		1,		A|2,	NA,  1,
-	"or",	4, 0,	 1,		3,		A|2,	NA,  1,
-	"or",	5, LO|3, NA,		1,		2,	4,   3,
-	"xor",	3, 2,	 1,		1,		A|2,	NA,  1,
-	"xor",	4, 2,	 1,		3,		A|2,	NA,  1,
-	"nop",	1, 1,	 I|R_NONE,	I|R_ALLZEROS,	I|0xff,	NA,  1,
-	"inc",	2, 3,	 1,		1,		I|1,	NA,  1,
-	"inc",	3, 3,	 1,		2,		I|1,	NA,  1,
-	"dec",	2, 3,	 1,		1,		I|0xff,	NA,  1,
-	"dec",	3, 3,	 1,		2,		I|0xff,	NA,  1,
-	"jmp",	2, LO|0, NA,		I|R_SINDEX,	I|0,	1,   3,
-	"jc",	2, LO|0, NA,		I|R_SINDEX,	I|0,	1,   3,
-	"jnc",	2, LO|0, NA,		I|R_SINDEX,	I|0,	1,   3,
-	"call",	2, LO|0, NA,		I|R_SINDEX,	I|0,	1,   3,
-	"test",	5, LA|3, NA,		1,		A|2,	4,   3,
-	"cmp",	5, LX|3, NA,		1,		A|2,	4,   3,
-	"ret",	1, 1,	 I|R_NONE,	I|R_ALLZEROS,	I|0xff,	NA,  1,
-	"clc",	1, 3,	 I|R_NONE,	I|R_ALLZEROS,	I|1,	NA,  1,
-	"clc",	4, 3,	 2,		I|R_ALLZEROS,	A|3,	NA,  1,
-	"stc",	1, 3,	 I|R_NONE,	I|R_ALLONES,	I|1,	NA,  1,
-	"stc",	2, 3,	 1,		I|R_ALLONES,	I|1,	NA,  1,
-	"add",	3, 3,	 1,		1,		A|2,	NA,  1,
-	"add",	4, 3,	 1,		3,		A|2,	NA,  1,
-	"adc",	3, 4,	 1,		1,		A|2,	NA,  1,
-	"adc",	4, 4,	 1,		3,		A|2,	NA,  1,
-	"shl",	3, 5,	 1,		1,		SL|2,	NA,  2,
-	"shl",	4, 5,	 1,		2,		SL|3,	NA,  2,
-	"shr",	3, 5,	 1,		1,		SR|2,	NA,  2,
-	"shr",	4, 5,	 1,		2,		SR|3,	NA,  2,
-	"rol",	3, 5,	 1,		1,		RL|2,	NA,  2,
-	"rol",	4, 5,	 1,		2,		RL|3,	NA,  2,
-	"ror",	3, 5,	 1,		1,		RR|2,	NA,  2,
-	"ror",	4, 5,	 1,		2,		RR|3,	NA,  2,
-	/*
-	 *  Extensions (note also that mvi allows A)
-	 */
- 	"clr",	2, 1,	 1,		I|R_ALLZEROS,	I|0xff,	NA,  1,
-	0
-int eval_operand(char **a, int spec)
-	int i;
-	unsigned int want = spec & (LO|LA|LX);
-	static struct {
-		unsigned int what;
-		char *name;
-		int value;
-	} jmptab[] = {
-		LO,	"jmp",		8,
-		LO,	"jc",		9,
-		LO,	"jnc",		10,
-		LO,	"call",		11,
-		LA,	"jz",		15,
-		LA,	"jnz",		13,
-		LX,	"je",		14,
-		LX,	"jne",		12,
-	};
-	spec &= ~(LO|LA|LX);
-	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(jmptab)/sizeof(jmptab[0]); i++)
-		if (jmptab[i].what == want &&
-		    !strcmp(jmptab[i].name, a[spec]))
-		{
-			return(jmptab[i].value);
-		}
-	if (want)
-		error("invalid jump");
-	return(spec);		/* "case 0" - no flags set */
-int eval_sdi(char **a, int spec)
-	sym_t *p;
-	unsigned val;
-	if (spec == NA)
-		return(NA);
-	switch (spec & (A|I|SL|SR|RL|RR)) {
-	    case SL:
-	    case SR:
-	    case RL:
-	    case RR:
-		if (isdigit(*a[spec &~ (SL|SR|RL|RR)]))
-			val = strtol(a[spec &~ (SL|SR|RL|RR)], NULL, 0);
-		else {
-			p = lookup(a[spec &~ (SL|SR|RL|RR)]);
-			if (!p)
-				error("undefined symbol used");
-			val = p->value;
-		}
-		switch (spec & (SL|SR|RL|RR)) {		/* blech */
-		    case SL:
-			if (val > 7)
-				return(0xf0);
-			return(((val % 8) << 4) |
-			       (val % 8));
-		    case SR:
-			if (val > 7)
-				return(0xf0);
-			return(((val % 8) << 4) |
-			       (1 << 3) |
-			       ((8 - (val % 8)) % 8));
-		    case RL:
-			return(val % 8);
-		    case RR:
-			return((8 - (val % 8)) % 8);
-		}
-	    case I:
-		return(spec &~ I);
-	    case A:
-		/*
-		 *  An immediate field of zero selects
-		 *  the accumulator.  Vigorously object
-		 *  if zero is given otherwise - it's
-		 *  most likely an error.
-		 */
-		spec &= ~A;
-		if (!strcmp("A", a[spec]))
-			return(0);
-		if (isdigit(*a[spec]) &&
-		    strtol(a[spec], NULL, 0) == 0)
-		{
-			error("immediate value of zero selects accumulator");
-		}
-		/* falls through */
-	    case 0:
-		if (isdigit(*a[spec]))
-			return(strtol(a[spec], NULL, 0));
-		p = lookup(a[spec]);
-		if (p)
-			return(p->value);
-		error("undefined symbol used");
-	}
-	return(NA);		/* shut the compiler up */
-int eval_addr(char **a, int spec)
-	sym_t *p;
-	if (spec == NA)
-		return(NA);
-	if (isdigit(*a[spec]))
-		return(strtol(a[spec], NULL, 0));
-	p = lookup(a[spec]);
-	if (p) {
-		if (p->value != NOVALUE)
-			return(p->value);
-		patch(p, LC);
-	} else {
-		define(a[spec], NOVALUE);
-		p = lookup(a[spec]);
-		patch(p, LC);
-	}
-	return(NA);		/* will be patched in later */
-int crack(char **a, int n)
-	int i;
-	int I_imm, I_addr;
-	int I_op, I_dest, I_src, I_ret;
-	/*
-	 *  Check for "ret" at the end of the line; remove
-	 *  it unless it's "ret" alone - we still want to
-	 *  look it up in the table.
-	 */
-	I_ret = (strcmp(a[n-1], "ret") ? 0 : !0);
-	if (I_ret && n > 1)
-		n -= 1;
-	for (i = 0; instr[i].name; i++) {
-		/*
-		 *  Look for match in table given constraints,
-		 *  currently just the name and the number of
-		 *  operands.
-		 */
-		if (!strcmp(instr[i].name, *a) && instr[i].n == n)
-			break;
-	}
-	if (!instr[i].name)
-		error("unknown opcode or wrong number of operands");
-	I_op	= eval_operand(a, instr[i].op);
-	I_src	= eval_sdi(a, instr[i].src);
-	I_imm	= eval_sdi(a, instr[i].imm);
-	I_dest	= eval_sdi(a, instr[i].dest);
-	I_addr	= eval_addr(a, instr[i].addr);
-	switch (instr[i].fmt) {
-	    case 1:
-	    case 2:
-		M[LC][0] = (I_op << 1) | I_ret;
-		M[LC][1] = I_dest;
-		M[LC][2] = I_src;
-		M[LC][3] = I_imm;
-		break;
-	    case 3:
-		if (I_ret)
-			error("illegal use of \"ret\"");
-		M[LC][0] = (I_op << 1) | ((I_addr >> 8) & 1);
-		M[LC][1] = I_addr & 0xff;
-		M[LC][2] = I_src;
-		M[LC][3] = I_imm;
-		break;
-	}
-	return(1);		/* no two-byte instructions yet */
-#undef SL
-#undef SR
-#undef RL
-#undef RR
-#undef LX
-#undef LA
-#undef LO
-#undef I
-#undef A
-void assemble(void)
-	int n;
-	char **a;
-	sym_t *p;
-	while ((a = getl(&n))) {
-		while (a[0][strlen(*a)-1] == ':') {
-			a[0][strlen(*a)-1] = '\0';
-			p = lookup(*a);
-			if (p)
-				p->value = LC;
-			else
-				define(*a, LC);
-			a += 1;
-			n -= 1;
-		}
-		if (!n)			/* line was all labels */
-			continue;
-		if (n == 3 && !strcmp("VERSION", *a))
-			fprintf(ofp, "#define %s \"%s\"\n", a[1], a[2]);
-		else {
-			if (n == 3 && !strcmp("=", a[1]))
-				define(*a, strtol(a[2], NULL, 0));
-			else
-				LC += crack(a, n);
-		}
-	}
-	backpatch();
-	output(ofp);
-	if (debug)
-		output(stderr);
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	int c;
-	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "dho:")) != EOF) {
-		switch (c) {
-		    case 'd':
-			debug = !0;
-			break;
-		    case 'o':
-		        ofp = fopen(optarg, "w");
-			if (!ofp) {
-				perror(optarg);
-				exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-			}
-			break;
-		    case 'h':
-			printf("usage: %s [-d] [-ooutput] input\n", *argv);
-			exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
-		    case NULL:
-			/*
-			 *  An impossible option to shut the compiler
-			 *  up about sccsid[].
-			 */
-			exit((int)sccsid);
-		    default:
-			exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-		}
-	}
-	if (argc - optind != 1) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: must have one input file\n", *argv);
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
-	filename = argv[optind];
-	ifp = fopen(filename, "r");
-	if (!ifp) {
-		perror(filename);
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
-	if (!ofp) {
-		ofp = fopen(ADOTOUT, "w");
-		if (!ofp) {
-			perror(ADOTOUT);
-			exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-		}
-	}
-	assemble();

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this