patch-1.3.44 linux/include/asm-sparc/ptrace.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.43/linux/include/asm-sparc/ptrace.h linux/include/asm-sparc/ptrace.h
@@ -1,29 +1,170 @@
+/* $Id: ptrace.h,v 1.14 1995/11/25 02:32:33 davem Exp $ */
 #ifndef _SPARC_PTRACE_H
 #define _SPARC_PTRACE_H
-/* I have not looked enough into how this should be done. Without playing
- * lots of tricks to optimize I think we need to save the whole register
- * window frame plus the floating-point registers. We'll see...
+#include <asm/psr.h>
+/* This struct defines the way the registers are stored on the 
+ * stack during a system call and basically all traps.
-/* this struct defines the way the registers are stored on the 
-   stack during a system call. */
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
 struct pt_regs {
-	unsigned long psr;   /* for condition codes */
-	unsigned long pc;    /* current and next program counter */
+	unsigned long psr;
+	unsigned long pc;
 	unsigned long npc;
 	unsigned long y;
-	/* not sure yet whether all regs are necessary
-	 * but this is how it is traditionally done on the sparc.
-	 */
 	unsigned long u_regs[16]; /* globals and ins */
+#define UREG_G0        0
+#define UREG_G1        1
+#define UREG_G2        2
+#define UREG_G3        3
+#define UREG_G4        4
+#define UREG_G5        5
+#define UREG_G6        6
+#define UREG_G7        7
+#define UREG_I0        8
+#define UREG_I1        9
+#define UREG_I2        10
+#define UREG_I3        11
+#define UREG_I4        12
+#define UREG_I5        13
+#define UREG_I6        14
+#define UREG_I7        15
+#define UREG_WIM       UREG_G0
+#define UREG_FP        UREG_I6
+#define UREG_RETPC     UREG_I7
+/* A register window */
+struct reg_window {
+	unsigned long locals[8];
+	unsigned long ins[8];
+/* A Sparc stack frame */
+struct sparc_stackf {
+	unsigned long locals[8];
+        unsigned long ins[6];
+	struct sparc_stackf *fp;
+	unsigned long callers_pc;
+	char *structptr;
+	unsigned long xargs[6];
+	unsigned long xxargs[1];
+#define TRACEREG_SZ   sizeof(struct pt_regs)
+#define STACKFRAME_SZ sizeof(struct sparc_stackf)
+#define REGWIN_SZ     sizeof(struct reg_window)
 #ifdef __KERNEL__
-/* if previous supervisor is 0, came from user */
-#define user_mode(regs) (0x0)
+#define user_mode(regs) (!((regs)->psr & PSR_PS))
+#define instruction_pointer(regs) ((regs)->pc)
 extern void show_regs(struct pt_regs *);
+#else /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
+/* For assembly code. */
+#define TRACEREG_SZ       0x50
+#define STACKFRAME_SZ     0x60
+#define REGWIN_SZ         0x40
+/* First generic task_struct offsets. sizeof(task_struct)=1536 */
+#define TASK_STATE        0x000
+#define TASK_PRIORITY     0x008
+#define TASK_SIGNAL       0x00c
+#define TASK_BLOCKED      0x010
+#define TASK_FLAGS        0x014
+#define TASK_SAVED_KSTACK 0x054
+#define TASK_KSTACK_PG    0x058
+/* Thread stuff. */
+#define THREAD_UMASK      0x210
+#define THREAD_SADDR      0x218
+#define THREAD_SDESC      0x21c
+#define THREAD_KSP        0x220
+#define THREAD_KPC        0x224
+#define THREAD_KPSR       0x228
+#define THREAD_KWIM       0x22c
+#define THREAD_REG_WINDOW 0x230
+#define THREAD_STACK_PTRS 0x430
+#define THREAD_W_SAVED    0x450
+#define THREAD_PGD_PTR    0x454
+#define THREAD_CONTEXT    0x458
+#define THREAD_FLOAT_REGS 0x460
+#define THREAD_FSR        0x560
+#define THREAD_SIGSTK     0x5e8
+/* These are for pt_regs. */
+#define PT_PSR    0x0
+#define PT_PC     0x4
+#define PT_NPC    0x8
+#define PT_Y      0xc
+#define PT_G0     0x10
+#define PT_WIM    PT_G0
+#define PT_G1     0x14
+#define PT_G2     0x18
+#define PT_G3     0x1c
+#define PT_G4     0x20
+#define PT_G5     0x24
+#define PT_G6     0x28
+#define PT_G7     0x2c
+#define PT_I0     0x30
+#define PT_I1     0x34
+#define PT_I2     0x38
+#define PT_I3     0x3c
+#define PT_I4     0x40
+#define PT_I5     0x44
+#define PT_I6     0x48
+#define PT_FP     PT_I6
+#define PT_I7     0x4c
+/* Reg_window offsets */
+#define RW_L0     0x00
+#define RW_L1     0x04
+#define RW_L2     0x08
+#define RW_L3     0x0c
+#define RW_L4     0x10
+#define RW_L5     0x14
+#define RW_L6     0x18
+#define RW_L7     0x1c
+#define RW_I0     0x20
+#define RW_I1     0x24
+#define RW_I2     0x28
+#define RW_I3     0x2c
+#define RW_I4     0x30
+#define RW_I5     0x34
+#define RW_I6     0x38
+#define RW_I7     0x3c
+/* Stack_frame offsets */
+#define SF_L0     0x00
+#define SF_L1     0x04
+#define SF_L2     0x08
+#define SF_L3     0x0c
+#define SF_L4     0x10
+#define SF_L5     0x14
+#define SF_L6     0x18
+#define SF_L7     0x1c
+#define SF_I0     0x20
+#define SF_I1     0x24
+#define SF_I2     0x28
+#define SF_I3     0x2c
+#define SF_I4     0x30
+#define SF_I5     0x34
+#define SF_FP     0x38
+#define SF_PC     0x3c
+#define SF_RETP   0x40
+#define SF_XARG0  0x44
+#define SF_XARG1  0x48
+#define SF_XARG2  0x4c
+#define SF_XARG3  0x50
+#define SF_XARG4  0x54
+#define SF_XARG5  0x58
+#define SF_XXARG  0x5c
+#endif /* !(_SPARC_PTRACE_H) */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this