patch-1.3.44 linux/include/asm-sparc/byteorder.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.43/linux/include/asm-sparc/byteorder.h linux/include/asm-sparc/byteorder.h
@@ -1,85 +1,15 @@
+/* $Id: byteorder.h,v 1.6 1995/11/25 02:31:20 davem Exp $ */
-#undef ntohl
-#undef ntohs
-#undef htonl
-#undef htons
+#define ntohl(x) x
+#define ntohs(x) x
+#define htonl(x) x
+#define htons(x) x
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
 #define __BIG_ENDIAN
-extern unsigned long int	ntohl(unsigned long int);
-extern unsigned short int	ntohs(unsigned short int);
-extern unsigned long int	htonl(unsigned long int);
-extern unsigned short int	htons(unsigned short int);
-extern unsigned long int	__ntohl(unsigned long int);
-extern unsigned short int	__ntohs(unsigned short int);
-extern unsigned long int	__constant_ntohl(unsigned long int);
-extern unsigned short int	__constant_ntohs(unsigned short int);
- * The constant and non-constant versions here are the same.
- * Maybe I'll come up with an alpha-optimized routine for the
- * non-constant ones (the constant ones don't need it: gcc
- * will optimize it to the correct constant)
- */
-extern __inline__ unsigned long int
-__ntohl(unsigned long int x)
-	return (((x & 0x000000ffU) << 24) |
-		((x & 0x0000ff00U) <<  8) |
-		((x & 0x00ff0000U) >>  8) |
-		((x & 0xff000000U) >> 24));
-extern __inline__ unsigned long int
-__constant_ntohl(unsigned long int x)
-	return (((x & 0x000000ffU) << 24) |
-		((x & 0x0000ff00U) <<  8) |
-		((x & 0x00ff0000U) >>  8) |
-		((x & 0xff000000U) >> 24));
-extern __inline__ unsigned short int
-__ntohs(unsigned short int x)
-	return (((x & 0x00ff) << 8) |
-		((x & 0xff00) >> 8));
-extern __inline__ unsigned short int
-__constant_ntohs(unsigned short int x)
-	return (((x & 0x00ff) << 8) |
-		((x & 0xff00) >> 8));
-#define __htonl(x) __ntohl(x)
-#define __htons(x) __ntohs(x)
-#define __constant_htonl(x) __constant_ntohl(x)
-#define __constant_htons(x) __constant_ntohs(x)
-#ifdef  __OPTIMIZE__
-#  define ntohl(x) \
-(__builtin_constant_p((long)(x)) ? \
- __constant_ntohl((x)) : \
- __ntohl((x)))
-#  define ntohs(x) \
-(__builtin_constant_p((short)(x)) ? \
- __constant_ntohs((x)) : \
- __ntohs((x)))
-#  define htonl(x) \
-(__builtin_constant_p((long)(x)) ? \
- __constant_htonl((x)) : \
- __htonl((x)))
-#  define htons(x) \
-(__builtin_constant_p((short)(x)) ? \
- __constant_htons((x)) : \
- __htons((x)))
 #endif /* !(_SPARC_BYTEORDER_H) */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this