patch-1.3.44 linux/arch/sparc/kernel/etrap.S

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.43/linux/arch/sparc/kernel/etrap.S linux/arch/sparc/kernel/etrap.S
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+/* $Id: etrap.S,v 1.10 1995/11/25 00:57:58 davem Exp $
+ * etrap.S: Sparc trap window preparation for entry into the
+ *          Linux kernel.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1995 David S. Miller (
+ */
+#include <asm/cprefix.h>
+#include <asm/head.h>
+#include <asm/page.h>
+#include <asm/psr.h>
+#include <asm/ptrace.h>
+#include <asm/winmacro.h>
+/* Registers to not touch at all. */
+#define t_psr        l0 /* Set by caller */
+#define t_pc         l1 /* Set by caller */
+#define t_npc        l2 /* Set by caller */
+#define t_wim        l3 /* Set by caller */
+#define t_twinmask   l4 /* Set at beginning of this entry routine. */
+#define t_kstack     l5 /* Set right before pt_regs frame is built */
+#define t_retpc      l6 /* If you change this, change winmacro.h header file */
+#define t_systable   l7 /* Never touch this, could be the syscall table ptr. */
+#define curptr       g4 /* Set after pt_regs frame is built */
+	.text
+	.align 4
+	.globl	tsetup_7win_patch1, tsetup_7win_patch2
+	.globl	tsetup_7win_patch3, tsetup_7win_patch4
+	.globl	tsetup_7win_patch5, tsetup_7win_patch6
+tsetup_7win_patch1:	sll	%t_wim, 0x6, %t_wim
+tsetup_7win_patch2:	and	%g2, 0x7f, %g2
+tsetup_7win_patch3:	and	%g2, 0x7f, %g2
+tsetup_7win_patch4:	and	%g1, 0x7f, %g1
+tsetup_7win_patch5:	sll	%t_wim, 0x6, %t_wim
+tsetup_7win_patch6:	and	%g2, 0x7f, %g2
+	/* At trap time, interrupts and all generic traps do the
+	 * following:
+	 *
+	 * rd	%psr, %l0
+	 * b	some_handler
+	 * rd	%wim, %l3
+	 * nop
+	 *
+	 * Then 'some_handler' if it needs a trap frame (ie. it has
+	 * to call c-code and the trap cannot be handled in-window)
+	 * then it does the SAVE_ALL macro in entry.S which does
+	 *
+	 * sethi	%hi(trap_setup), %l4
+	 * jmpl		%l4 + %lo(trap_setup), %l6
+	 * mov		1, %l4
+	 */
+	/* 2 3 4  window number
+	 * -----
+	 * O T S  mnemonic
+	 *
+	 * O == Current window before trap
+	 * T == Window entered when trap occurred
+	 * S == Window we will need to save if (1<<T) == %wim
+	 *
+	 * Before execution gets here, it must be guarenteed that
+	 * %l0 contains trap time %psr, %l1 and %l2 contain the
+	 * trap pc and npc, and %l3 contains the trap time %wim.
+	 */
+	.globl	trap_setup, tsetup_patch1, tsetup_patch2
+	.globl	tsetup_patch3, tsetup_patch4
+	.globl	tsetup_patch5, tsetup_patch6
+	/* Calculate mask of trap window.  See if from user
+	 * or kernel and branch conditionally.
+	 */
+	mov	1, %t_twinmask
+	sll	%t_twinmask, %t_psr, %t_twinmask ! t_twinmask = (1 << psr)
+	andcc	%t_psr, PSR_PS, %g0		 ! fromsupv_p = (psr & PSR_PS)
+	be	trap_setup_from_user		 ! nope, from user mode
+	 nop
+	/* From kernel, allocate more kernel stack and
+	 * build a pt_regs trap frame.
+	 */
+	sub	%fp, (STACKFRAME_SZ + TRACEREG_SZ), %t_kstack
+	STORE_PT_ALL(t_kstack, t_psr, t_pc, t_npc, t_wim, g2)
+	/* See if we are in the trap window. */
+	andcc	%t_twinmask, %t_wim, %g0
+	be	1f
+	 nop
+	b	trap_setup_kernel_spill		! in trap window, clean up
+	 nop
+	/* Trap from kernel with a window available.
+	 * Just do it...
+	 */
+	mov	%t_kstack, %sp		! jump onto new stack
+	jmpl	%t_retpc + 0x8, %g0	! return to caller
+	 nop
+	LOAD_CURRENT(curptr)
+	ld	[%curptr + THREAD_UMASK], %g1
+	orcc	%g0, %g1, %g0
+	bne	trap_setup_user_spill	! there are some user windows, yuck
+	 nop
+		/* Spill from kernel, but only kernel windows, adjust
+		 * %wim and go.
+		 */
+		srl	%t_wim, 0x1, %g2	! begin computation of new %wim
+tsetup_patch1:	sll	%t_wim, 0x7, %t_wim	! patched on 7 window Sparcs
+		or	%t_wim, %g2, %g2
+tsetup_patch2:	and	%g2, 0xff, %g2		! patched on 7 window Sparcs
+	save	%g0, %g0, %g0
+	/* Set new %wim value */
+	wr	%g2, 0x0, %wim
+	/* Save the kernel window onto the corresponding stack. */
+	restore	%g0, %g0, %g0
+	mov	%t_kstack, %sp		! and onto new kernel stack
+	jmpl	%t_retpc + 0x8, %g0	! return to caller
+	 nop
+	/* We can't use %curptr yet. */
+	LOAD_CURRENT(t_kstack)
+	ld	[%t_kstack + TASK_KSTACK_PG], %t_kstack
+	/* Build pt_regs frame. */
+	add	%t_kstack, (PAGE_SIZE - STACKFRAME_SZ - TRACEREG_SZ), %t_kstack
+	STORE_PT_ALL(t_kstack, t_psr, t_pc, t_npc, t_wim, g2)
+	/* Clear current->tss.w_saved */
+	LOAD_CURRENT(curptr)
+	st	%g0, [%curptr + THREAD_W_SAVED]
+	/* See if we are in the trap window. */
+	andcc	%t_twinmask, %t_wim, %g0
+	bne	trap_setup_user_spill		! yep we are
+	 orn	%g0, %t_twinmask, %g1		! negate trap win mask into %g1
+		/* Trap from user, but not into the invalid window.
+		 * Calculate new umask.  The way this works is,
+		 * any window from the %wim at trap time until
+		 * the window right before the one we are in now,
+		 * is a user window.  A diagram:
+		 *
+		 *      7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0    window number
+		 *      ---------------
+		 *        I     L T        mnemonic
+		 *
+		 * Window 'I' is the invalid window in our example,
+		 * window 'L' is the window the user was in when
+		 * the trap occurred, window T is the trap window
+		 * we are in now.  So therefore, windows 5, 4 and
+		 * 3 are user windows.  The following sequence
+		 * computes the user winmask to represent this.
+		 */
+		subcc	%t_wim, %t_twinmask, %g2
+		bneg,a	1f
+		 sub	%g2, 0x1, %g2
+		andn	%g2, %t_twinmask, %g2
+tsetup_patch3:	and	%g2, 0xff, %g2			! patched on 7win Sparcs
+		st	%g2, [%curptr + THREAD_UMASK]	! store new umask
+		mov	%t_kstack, %sp			! and onto kernel stack
+		jmpl	%t_retpc + 0x8, %g0		! return to caller
+		 nop
+		/* A spill occured from either kernel or user mode
+		 * and there exist some user windows to deal with.
+		 * A mask of the currently valid user windows
+		 * is in %g1 upon entry to here.
+		 */
+tsetup_patch4:	and	%g1, 0xff, %g1		! patched on 7win Sparcs, mask
+		srl	%t_wim, 0x1, %g2	! compute new %wim
+tsetup_patch5:	sll	%t_wim, 0x7, %t_wim	! patched on 7win Sparcs
+		or	%t_wim, %g2, %g2	! %g2 is new %wim
+tsetup_patch6:	and	%g2, 0xff, %g2		! patched on 7win Sparcs
+		andn	%g1, %g2, %g1		! clear this bit in %g1
+		st	%g1, [%curptr + THREAD_UMASK]
+	save	%g0, %g0, %g0
+	wr	%g2, 0x0, %wim
+	/* Call MMU-architecture dependant stack checking
+	 * routine.
+	 */
+	.globl	C_LABEL(tsetup_mmu_patchme)
+C_LABEL(tsetup_mmu_patchme):	b	C_LABEL(tsetup_sun4c_stackchk)
+				 andcc	%sp, 0x7, %g0
+	/* From user/kernel into invalid window w/bad user
+	 * stack. Save bad user stack, and return to caller.
+	 */
+	restore	%g0, %g0, %g0
+	mov	%t_kstack, %sp
+	jmpl	%t_retpc + 0x8, %g0
+	 nop
+	restore %g0, %g0, %g0
+	mov	%t_kstack, %sp
+	jmpl	%t_retpc + 0x8, %g0
+	 nop
+	/* Architecture specific stack checking routines.  When either
+	 * of these routines are called, the globals are free to use
+	 * as they have been safely stashed on the new kernel stack
+	 * pointer.  Thus the definition below for simplicity.
+	 */
+#define glob_tmp     g1
+	.globl	C_LABEL(tsetup_sun4c_stackchk)
+	.globl	C_LABEL(tsetup_srmmu_stackchk)
+	/* Done by caller: andcc %sp, 0x7, %g0 */
+	be	1f
+	 sra	%sp, 29, %glob_tmp
+	b	trap_setup_user_stack_is_bolixed
+	 nop
+	add	%glob_tmp, 0x1, %glob_tmp
+	andncc	%glob_tmp, 0x1, %g0
+	be	1f
+	 and	%sp, 0xfff, %glob_tmp		! delay slot
+	b	trap_setup_user_stack_is_bolixed
+	 nop
+	/* See if our dump area will be on more than one
+	 * page.
+	 */
+	add	%glob_tmp, 0x38, %glob_tmp
+	andncc	%glob_tmp, 0xff8, %g0
+	be	tsetup_sun4c_onepage		! only one page to check
+	 lda	[%sp] ASI_PTE, %glob_tmp	! have to check first page anyways
+	/* Is first page ok permission wise? */
+	srl	%glob_tmp, 29, %glob_tmp
+	cmp	%glob_tmp, 0x6
+	be	1f
+	 add	%sp, 0x38, %glob_tmp		/* Is second page in vma hole? */
+	b	trap_setup_user_stack_is_bolixed
+	 nop
+	sra	%glob_tmp, 29, %glob_tmp
+	add	%glob_tmp, 0x1, %glob_tmp
+	andncc	%glob_tmp, 0x1, %g0
+	be	1f
+	 add	%sp, 0x38, %glob_tmp
+	b	trap_setup_user_stack_is_bolixed
+	 nop
+	lda	[%glob_tmp] ASI_PTE, %glob_tmp
+	srl	%glob_tmp, 29, %glob_tmp
+	cmp	%glob_tmp, 0x6				! can user write to it?
+	be	trap_setup_good_ustack			! success
+	 nop
+	b	trap_setup_user_stack_is_bolixed
+	 nop
+	/* Check results of callers andcc %sp, 0x7, %g0 */
+	bne	trap_setup_user_stack_is_bolixed
+	 sethi	%hi(KERNBASE), %glob_tmp
+	cmp	%glob_tmp, %sp
+	bleu	trap_setup_user_stack_is_bolixed
+	 nop
+	/* Clear the fault status and turn on the no_fault bit. */
+	mov	AC_M_SFSR, %glob_tmp			! delay from above...
+	lda	[%glob_tmp] ASI_M_MMUREGS, %g0		! eat SFSR
+	lda	[%g0] ASI_M_MMUREGS, %glob_tmp		! read MMU control
+	or	%glob_tmp, 0x2, %glob_tmp		! or in no_fault bit
+	sta	%glob_tmp, [%g0] ASI_M_MMUREGS		! set it
+	/* Dump the registers and cross fingers. */
+	/* Clear the no_fault bit and check the status. */
+	andn	%glob_tmp, 0x2, %glob_tmp
+	sta	%glob_tmp, [%g0] ASI_M_MMUREGS
+	mov	AC_M_SFAR, %glob_tmp
+	lda	[%glob_tmp] ASI_M_MMUREGS, %g0
+	mov	AC_M_SFSR, %glob_tmp
+	lda	[%glob_tmp] ASI_M_MMUREGS, %glob_tmp
+	andcc	%glob_tmp, 0x2, %g0			! did we fault?
+	be	trap_setup_finish_up			! cool beans, success
+	 nop
+	b	trap_setup_user_stack_is_bolixed	! we faulted, ugh
+	 nop

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this