> Martin, do you use any scripts to manage your patchset? The format of > your mail looks similar to Andrew's, maybe you both use the same thing? Yeah, I just make a bunch of hardlinked views, and some little wrapper scripts. They're all here: ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/mbligh/tools/patch/ Basically, I have a directory strucuture that looks like this: ~/linux/patches/2.6.0 ~/linux/patches/2.6.0-mjb1 ~/linux/patches/2.6.0-mjb2 then ~/linux/views/2.6.0/virgin ~/linux/views/2.6.0-mjb2/000-virgin (just a clone of the above) ~/linux/views/2.6.0-mjb2/100-netdrvr_2.6.0_exp3 ... ~/linux/views/2.6.0-mjb2/630-lockmeter_notsc ~/linux/views/2.6.0-mjb2/999-mjb So 000-virgin is the virgin kernel, 100-foo has patch 100-foo in it, 101-bar has 100-foo & 101-bar, etc, etc. When 2.6.1 comes out I do something like this: cd ~/linux/views mkdir 2.6.1 mkdir 2.6.1-mjb1 dupview 2.6.0/virgin 2.6.1/virgin cd 2.6.1/virgin bzcat ~mirror/kernel/v2.6/patch-2.6.1.bz2 | patch -p1 cd ../.. dupview 2.6.1/virgin 2.6.1-mjb1/000-virgin cd 2.6.1-mjb1 applypatches ~/linux/patches/2.6.0-mjb1/[0-9]* <wait for a patch to reject ... say it breaks on 240-foo, it'll stop> cd 240-foo <fix the rejects> cd .. applypatches ~/linux/patches/2.6.0-mjb1/2[5-9]* applypatches ~/linux/patches/2.6.0-mjb1/[3-9]* then if I run the releasemjb script, it generates all the new diffs, and uploads them to kernel.org for me. Cloning views is pretty fast, though it's slower on ext3. I like having the numbering system, rather than Andrew's series file for ordering stuff, though having all the views is probably less efficient than Andrew's. I guess the main benefit is that it's simple, and I understand exactly what it's doing. Oh, and I use the "dupvi" script to edit files - it just breaks the link first. All linked files are auto-chmod'ed to read only so it's harder to make a mistake, and edit both views at once. It could probably do with some tweaking, ie instead of applypatches ~/linux/patches/2.6.0-mjb1/2[5-9]* applypatches ~/linux/patches/2.6.0-mjb1/[3-9]* it should somehow do applypatches from ~/linux/patches/2.6.0-mjb1/250 and know that means to apply the rest on upwards.