# The interface to listen on
# Use only with /etc/init.d/darkstat init script. If you use
# /etc/init.d/darkstat.if init script, then this option should be ignored.

# The port for the embedded webserver

# The address the embedded webserver should bind to

# Set the filter. See tcpdump documentation for details.

# Log  daily traffic statistics into the named file, relative to the
# chroot directory (see, below).

# Other options:
DARKSTAT_OPTS="--no-promisc --no-dns --user darkstat"

# The directory to which the program chroots after initialization.
# If you change this, please note the variable below and adjust
# the permissions accordingly. Note that if you want to use the
# --daylog option in EXTRAOPTS, the files are logged relative
# to the chroot-directory; see the man-page for details.