-- This is part of the OpTeX project, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex -- Basic Lua functions and declarations used in \OpTeX/ are defined here -- -- Local imports of standard Lua or \LuaTeX/ functions and constants are the first thing we do. -- They mostly serve one of several purposes: -- -- \begitems -- * shorthands for commonly used functions, -- * speed of access for commonly executed functions, -- * common constants to be used consistently, -- * use of local definition that can't be externally overwritten. -- \enditems local fmt = string.format local node_id = node.id local node_subtype = node.subtype local glyph_id = node_id("glyph") local rule_id = node_id("rule") local glue_id = node_id("glue") local hlist_id = node_id("hlist") local vlist_id = node_id("vlist") local disc_id = node_id("disc") local kern_id = node_id("kern") local whatsit_id = node_id("whatsit") local pdfliteral_id = node_subtype("pdf_literal") local pdfsave_id = node_subtype("pdf_save") local pdfrestore_id = node_subtype("pdf_restore") local token_getmacro = token.get_macro local direct = node.direct local todirect = direct.todirect local tonode = direct.tonode local getfield = direct.getfield local setfield = direct.setfield local getwhd = direct.getwhd local getid = direct.getid local getlist = direct.getlist local setlist = direct.setlist local getleader = direct.getleader local getfont = direct.getfont local getattribute = direct.get_attribute local setattribute = direct.set_attribute local insertbefore = direct.insert_before local copy = direct.copy local traverse = direct.traverse local one_bp = tex.sp("1bp") local tex_print = tex.print local tex_setbox = tex.setbox local tex_getcount = tex.getcount local tex_setcount = tex.setcount local token_scanint = token.scan_int local token_scanlist = token.scan_list local token_setmacro = token.set_macro local font_getfont = font.getfont -- -- \medskip\secc General^^M -- -- Define namespace where \"public" \OpTeX/ functions will be added. local optex = _ENV.optex or {} _ENV.optex = optex -- Error function used by following functions for critical errors. local function err(...) local message = fmt(...) error("\nerror: "..message.."\n") end -- -- For a `\chardef`'d, `\countdef`'d, etc., csname return corresponding register -- number. The responsibility of providing a `\XXdef`'d name is on the caller. local function registernumber(name) return token.create(name).index end _ENV.registernumber = registernumber optex.registernumber = registernumber -- -- MD5 hash of given file. function optex.mdfive(file) local fh = io.open(file, "rb") if fh then local data = fh:read("*a") fh:close() tex_print(md5.sumhexa(data)) end end -- The `optex.raw_ht ()` function measures the height plus depth of given -- `\vbox` saved by `\setbox`. It solves the \"dimension too large" problem with big boxes. -- It is used in the \^`\_rawht` macro. function optex.raw_ht() local nod = tex.box[token.scan_int()] -- read head node of the given box local ht = 0 assert(nod ~= nil and nod.id == vlist_id, "given box must be a \\vbox") for n in node.traverse(nod.head) do if n.id == hlist_id or n.id == vlist_id or n.id == rule_id then ht = ht + n.height + n.depth elseif n.id == glue_id then ht = ht + n.width elseif n.id == kern_id then ht = ht + n.kern end end tex_print(fmt('%.0f', ht/65536)) end -- -- \medskip\secc[lua-alloc] Allocators^^M local alloc = _ENV.alloc or {} _ENV.alloc = alloc -- -- An attribute allocator in Lua that cooperates with normal \OpTeX/ allocator. local attributes = {} function alloc.new_attribute(name) local cnt = tex.count["_attributealloc"] + 1 if cnt > 65534 then tex.error("No room for a new attribute") else tex.setcount("global", "_attributealloc", cnt) texio.write_nl("log", '"'..name..'"=\\attribute'..tostring(cnt)) attributes[name] = cnt return cnt end end -- -- Allocator for Lua functions ("pseudoprimitives"). It passes variadic -- arguments (\"`...`") like `"global"` to `token.set_lua`. local function_table = lua.get_functions_table() local function define_lua_command(csname, fn, ...) local luafnalloc = #function_table + 1 token.set_lua(csname, luafnalloc, ...) -- WARNING: needs LuaTeX 1.08 (2019) or newer function_table[luafnalloc] = fn end _ENV.define_lua_command = define_lua_command optex.define_lua_command = define_lua_command -- -- \medskip\secc[callbacks] Callbacks^^M local callback = _ENV.callback or {} _ENV.callback = callback -- -- Save `callback.register` function for internal use. local callback_register = callback.register function callback.register(name, fn) err("direct registering of callbacks is forbidden, use 'callback.add_to_callback'") end -- -- Table with lists of functions for different callbacks. local callback_functions = {} -- Table that maps callback name to a list of descriptions of its added -- functions. The order corresponds with `callback_functions`. local callback_description = {} -- -- Table used to differentiate user callbacks from standard callbacks. Contains -- user callbacks as keys. local user_callbacks = {} -- Table containing default functions for callbacks, which are called if either -- a user created callback is defined, but doesn't have added functions or for -- standard callbacks that are \"extended" (see `mlist_to_hlist` and its pre/post -- filters below). local default_functions = {} -- -- Table that maps standard (and later user) callback names to their types. local callback_types = { -- file discovery find_read_file = "exclusive", find_write_file = "exclusive", find_font_file = "data", find_output_file = "data", find_format_file = "data", find_vf_file = "data", find_map_file = "data", find_enc_file = "data", find_pk_file = "data", find_data_file = "data", find_opentype_file = "data", find_truetype_file = "data", find_type1_file = "data", find_image_file = "data", open_read_file = "exclusive", read_font_file = "exclusive", read_vf_file = "exclusive", read_map_file = "exclusive", read_enc_file = "exclusive", read_pk_file = "exclusive", read_data_file = "exclusive", read_truetype_file = "exclusive", read_type1_file = "exclusive", read_opentype_file = "exclusive", -- data processing process_input_buffer = "data", process_output_buffer = "data", process_jobname = "data", input_level_string = "data", -- node list processing contribute_filter = "simple", buildpage_filter = "simple", build_page_insert = "exclusive", pre_linebreak_filter = "list", linebreak_filter = "exclusive", append_to_vlist_filter = "exclusive", post_linebreak_filter = "reverselist", hpack_filter = "list", vpack_filter = "list", hpack_quality = "list", vpack_quality = "list", process_rule = "exclusive", pre_output_filter = "list", hyphenate = "simple", ligaturing = "simple", kerning = "simple", insert_local_par = "simple", mlist_to_hlist = "exclusive", -- information reporting pre_dump = "simple", start_run = "simple", stop_run = "simple", start_page_number = "simple", stop_page_number = "simple", show_error_hook = "simple", show_error_message = "simple", show_lua_error_hook = "simple", start_file = "simple", stop_file = "simple", call_edit = "simple", finish_synctex = "simple", wrapup_run = "simple", -- pdf related finish_pdffile = "data", finish_pdfpage = "data", page_order_index = "data", process_pdf_image_content = "data", -- font related define_font = "exclusive", glyph_not_found = "exclusive", glyph_info = "exclusive", -- undocumented glyph_stream_provider = "exclusive", provide_charproc_data = "exclusive", } -- -- Return a list containing descriptions of added callback functions for -- specific callback. function callback.callback_descriptions(name) return callback_description[name] or {} end local valid_callback_types = { exclusive = true, simple = true, data = true, list = true, reverselist = true, } -- -- Create a user callback that can only be called manually using -- `call_callback`. A default function is only needed by "exclusive" callbacks. function callback.create_callback(name, cbtype, default) if callback_types[name] then err("cannot create callback '%s' - it already exists", name) elseif not valid_callback_types[cbtype] then err("cannot create callback '%s' with invalid callback type '%s'", name, cbtype) elseif cbtype == "exclusive" and not default then err("unable to create exclusive callback '%s', default function is required", name) end callback_types[name] = cbtype default_functions[name] = default or nil user_callbacks[name] = true end -- -- Add a function to the list of functions executed when callback is called. -- For standard luatex callback a proxy function that calls our machinery is -- registered as the real callback function. This doesn't happen for user -- callbacks, that are called manually by user using `call_callback` or for -- standard callbacks that have default functions -- like `mlist_to_hlist` (see -- below). local call_callback function callback.add_to_callback(name, fn, description) if user_callbacks[name] or callback_functions[name] or default_functions[name] then -- either: -- a) user callback - no need to register anything -- b) standard callback that has already been registered -- c) standard callback with default function registered separately -- (mlist_to_hlist) elseif callback_types[name] then -- This is a standard luatex callback with first function being added, -- register a proxy function as a real callback. Assert, so we know -- when things break, like when callbacks get redefined by future -- luatex. callback_register(name, function(...) return call_callback(name, ...) end) else err("cannot add '%s' to callback '%s' - no such callback exists", description, name) end if not description or description == "" then err("missing description when adding a callback to '%s'", name) end local prev_descriptions = callback_description[name] or {} for _, desc in ipairs(prev_descriptions) do if desc == description then err("for callback '%s' there already is '%s' added", name, description) end end if callback_types[name] == "exclusive" and #prev_descriptions == 1 then err("can't register '%s' as callback '%s' - exclusive callback occupied by '%s'", description, name, prev_descriptions[1]) end if type(fn) ~= "function" then err("expected Lua function to be added as '%s' for callback '%s'", description, name) end -- add function to callback list for this callback callback_functions[name] = callback_functions[name] or {} table.insert(callback_functions[name], fn) -- add description to description list callback_description[name] = callback_description[name] or {} table.insert(callback_description[name], description) end -- -- Remove a function from the list of functions executed when callback is -- called. If last function in the list is removed delete the list entirely. function callback.remove_from_callback(name, description) local descriptions = callback_description[name] local index for i, desc in ipairs(descriptions) do if desc == description then index = i break end end if not index then err("can't remove '%s' from callback '%s': not found", description, name) end table.remove(descriptions, index) local fn = table.remove(callback_functions[name], index) if #descriptions == 0 then -- Delete the list entirely to allow easy checking of "truthiness". callback_functions[name] = nil if not user_callbacks[name] and not default_functions[name] then -- this is a standard callback with no added functions and no -- default function (i.e. not mlist_to_hlist), restore standard -- behaviour by unregistering. callback_register(name, nil) end end return fn, description end -- -- helper iterator generator for iterating over reverselist callback functions local function reverse_ipairs(t) local i, n = #t + 1, 1 return function() i = i - 1 if i >= n then return i, t[i] end end end -- -- Call all functions added to callback. This function handles standard -- callbacks as well as user created callbacks. It can happen that this -- function is called when no functions were added to callback -- like for user -- created callbacks or `mlist_to_hlist` (see below), these are handled either -- by a default function (like for `mlist_to_hlist` and those user created -- callbacks that set a default function) or by doing nothing for empty -- function list. function callback.call_callback(name, ...) local cbtype = callback_types[name] -- either take added functions or the default function if there is one local functions = callback_functions[name] or {default_functions[name]} if cbtype == nil then err("cannot call callback '%s' - no such callback exists", name) elseif cbtype == "exclusive" then -- only one function, at least default function is guaranteed by -- create_callback return functions[1](...) elseif cbtype == "simple" then -- call all functions one after another, no passing of data for _, fn in ipairs(functions) do fn(...) end return elseif cbtype == "data" then -- pass data (first argument) from one function to other, while keeping -- other arguments local data = (...) for _, fn in ipairs(functions) do data = fn(data, select(2, ...)) end return data end -- list and reverselist are like data, but "true" keeps data (head node) -- unchanged and "false" ends the chain immediately local iter if cbtype == "list" then iter = ipairs elseif cbtype == "reverselist" then iter = reverse_ipairs end local head = (...) local new_head for _, fn in iter(functions) do new_head = fn(head, select(2, ...)) if new_head == false then return false elseif new_head ~= true then head = new_head end end return head end call_callback = callback.call_callback -- -- Create \"virtual" callbacks `pre/post_mlist_to_hlist_filter` by setting -- `mlist_to_hlist` callback. The default behaviour of `mlist_to_hlist` is kept by -- using a default function, but it can still be overridden by using -- `add_to_callback`. default_functions["mlist_to_hlist"] = node.mlist_to_hlist callback.create_callback("pre_mlist_to_hlist_filter", "list") callback.create_callback("post_mlist_to_hlist_filter", "reverselist") callback_register("mlist_to_hlist", function(head, ...) -- pre_mlist_to_hlist_filter local new_head = call_callback("pre_mlist_to_hlist_filter", head, ...) if new_head == false then node.flush_list(head) return nil else head = new_head end -- mlist_to_hlist means either added functions or standard luatex behavior -- of node.mlist_to_hlist (handled by default function) head = call_callback("mlist_to_hlist", head, ...) -- post_mlist_to_hlist_filter new_head = call_callback("post_mlist_to_hlist_filter", head, ...) if new_head == false then node.flush_list(head) return nil end return new_head end) -- -- For preprocessing boxes just before shipout we define custom callback. This -- is used for coloring based on attributes. -- There is however a challenge - how to call this callback? We could redefine -- `\shipout` and `\pdfxform` (which both run `ship_out` procedure internally), -- but they would lose their primitive meaning – i.e. `\immediate` wouldn't work -- with `\pdfxform`. The compromise is to require anyone to run -- \`\_preshipout``` just before -- `\shipout` or `\pdfxform` if they want to call `pre_shipout_filter` (and -- achieve colors and possibly more). callback.create_callback("pre_shipout_filter", "list") define_lua_command("_preshipout", function() local boxnum = token_scanint() local head = token_scanlist() head = call_callback("pre_shipout_filter", head) tex_setbox(boxnum, head) end) -- -- Compatibility with \LaTeX/ through luatexbase namespace. Needed for -- luaotfload. _ENV.luatexbase = { registernumber = registernumber, attributes = attributes, -- `provides_module` is needed by older version of luaotfload provides_module = function() end, new_attribute = alloc.new_attribute, callback_descriptions = callback.callback_descriptions, create_callback = callback.create_callback, add_to_callback = callback.add_to_callback, remove_from_callback = callback.remove_from_callback, call_callback = callback.call_callback, callbacktypes = {}, } -- -- `\tracingmacros` callback registered. -- Use `\tracingmacros=3` or `\tracingmacros=4` if you want to see the result. callback.add_to_callback("input_level_string", function(n) if tex.tracingmacros > 3 then return "[" .. n .. "] " elseif tex.tracingmacros > 2 then return "~" .. string.rep(".",n) else return "" end end, "_tracingmacros") -- -- \medskip\secc[lua-pdf-utils] PDF object utilities^^M -- -- The PDF format defines various kinds of \"objects": numbers, names, arrays, -- dictionaries. A PDF document is mostly a tree of these objects (i.e. objects -- contain other objects), with either direct (\"in-place") or indirect -- references. -- -- These objects are saved in the PDF file in a serialized form, often -- compressed. While \LuaTeX/ takes care of the compression, and most of the -- structure of the PDF format, sometimes we want to insert our own PDF objects -- - and there are places where \LuaTeX/ allows us to use our own objects to -- insert anything, but it already expects a serialized form of the objects. The -- serialized form for some kinds of objects has various formatting and escaping -- rules, and is inconvenient to produce in \TeX/ especially when some of the -- e.g. names and strings are {\it user input}. -- -- Here we define a couple of utilities for both Lua and \TeX/ that aid with -- representation and serialization of objects. The functions are exported, but -- may still evolve in incompatible ways. -- -- A reference for the serialization is the \"Syntax" section of the PDF -- specification\fnote{\url{https://opensource.adobe.com/dc-acrobat-sdk-docs/pdfstandards/PDF32000_2008.pdf}}. -- -- \`\pdfname``{}` serializes a \"PDF name" to bytes. local function name_escape(char) return fmt("#%02X", char:byte()) end -- local function pdf_name(name) -- Delimiters (i.e. "()<>[]{}/%") and control characters (0x00-0x1f, and 0x7f), -- space (" ", 0x20) as well as number sign ("#", 0x23) characters have to be escaped return "/" .. name:gsub("[%(%)<>%[%]{}/%%%c #]", name_escape) end optex.pdf_name = pdf_name define_lua_command("_pdfname", function() tex_print(-2, pdf_name(token.scan_string())) end) -- -- \`\pdfstring``{}` serializes a PDF string to bytes. local function pdf_string(str) local out = {"}{}{}` adds more resources -- of given resource to our data structure. -- \`\_pageresources` expands to the saved s and object numbers. define_lua_command("_addpageresource", function() pdf.add_page_resource(token.scan_string(), token.scan_string(), token.scan_string()) end) define_lua_command("_pageresources", function() tex_print(pdf.get_page_resources()) end) -- -- We write the objects with resources to the PDF file in the `finish_pdffile` -- callback. callback.add_to_callback("finish_pdffile", function() for type, dict in pairs(page_resources) do local obj = resource_dict_objects[type] pdf.immediateobj(obj, tostring(dict)) end end, "_pageresources") -- -- \medskip\secc[lua-colors] Handling of colors and transparency using attributes^^M -- -- Because \LuaTeX/ doesn't do anything with attributes, we have to add meaning -- to them. We do this by intercepting \TeX/ just before it ships out a page and -- inject PDF literals according to attributes. -- -- The attribute for coloring is allocated in `colors.opm` local color_attribute = registernumber("_colorattr") local transp_attribute = registernumber("_transpattr") -- -- Now we define function which creates whatsit nodes with PDF literals. We do -- this by creating a base literal, which we then copy and customize. -- local pdf_base_literal = direct.new("whatsit", "pdf_literal") setfield(pdf_base_literal, "mode", 2) -- direct mode local function pdfliteral(str) local literal = copy(pdf_base_literal) setfield(literal, "data", str) return literal end optex.directpdfliteral = pdfliteral -- -- The function {\Red`colorize`}`(head, current, current_stroke, current_tr)` -- goes through a node list and injects PDF literals according to attributes. -- Its arguments are the head of the list to be colored and the current color -- for fills and strokes and the current transparency attribute. -- It is a recursive function – nested -- horizontal and vertical lists are handled in the same way. Only the -- attributes of “content” nodes (glyphs, rules, etc.) matter. Users drawing -- with PDF literals have to set color themselves. -- -- Whatsit node with color setting PDF literal is injected only when a different -- color or transparency is needed. Our injection does not care about boxing levels, -- but this isn't a problem, since PDF literal whatsits just instruct the -- `\shipout` related procedures to emit the literal. -- -- We also set the stroke and non-stroke colors separately. This is because -- stroke color is not always needed – \LuaTeX/ itself only uses it for rules -- whose one dimension is less than or equal to 1 bp and for fonts whose `mode` -- is set to 1 (outline) or 2 (outline and fill). Catching these cases is a -- little bit involved. For example rules are problematic, because at this -- point their dimensions can still be running ($-2^{30}$) – they may or may -- not be below the one big point limit. Also the text direction is involved. -- Because of the negative value for running dimensions the simplistic check, -- while not fully correct, should produce the right results. We currently -- don't check for the font mode at all. -- -- Leaders (represented by glue nodes with leader field) are not handled fully. -- They are problematic, because their content is repeated more times and it -- would have to be ensured that the coloring would be right even for e.g. -- leaders that start and end on a different color. We came to conclusion that -- this is not worth, hence leaders are handled just opaquely and only the -- attribute of the glue node itself is checked. For setting different colors -- inside leaders, raw PDF literals have to be used. -- -- We use the `node.direct` way of working with nodes. This is less safe, and -- certainly not idiomatic Lua, but faster and codewise more close to the way -- \TeX/ works with nodes. local function is_color_needed(head, n, id, subtype) -- returns fill, stroke color needed if id == glyph_id then local font_id = getfont(n) local mode = font_getfont(font_id).mode return true, mode == 1 or mode == 2 elseif id == glue_id then n = getleader(n) if n then return true, true end elseif id == rule_id then local width, height, depth = getwhd(n) if width <= one_bp or height + depth <= one_bp then -- running (-2^30) may need both return true, true end return true, false elseif id == whatsit_id and (subtype == pdfliteral_id or subtype == pdfsave_id or subtype == pdfrestore_id) then return true, true end return false, false end local function colorize(head, current, current_stroke, current_tr) for n, id, subtype in traverse(head) do if id == hlist_id or id == vlist_id then -- nested list, just recurse local list = getlist(n) list, current, current_stroke, current_tr = colorize(list, current, current_stroke, current_tr) setlist(n, list) elseif id == disc_id then -- at this point only no-break (replace) list is of any interest local replace = getfield(n, "replace") if replace then replace, current, current_stroke, current_tr = colorize(replace, current, current_stroke, current_tr) setfield(n, "replace", replace) end else local fill_needed, stroke_needed = is_color_needed(head, n, id, subtype) local new = getattribute(n, color_attribute) or 0 local newtr = getattribute(n, transp_attribute) or 0 local newliteral = nil if current ~= new and fill_needed then newliteral = token_getmacro("_color:"..new) current = new end if current_stroke ~= new and stroke_needed then local stroke_color = token_getmacro("_color-s:"..current) if stroke_color then if newliteral then newliteral = fmt("%s %s", newliteral, stroke_color) else newliteral = stroke_color end current_stroke = new end end if newtr ~= current_tr and fill_needed then -- (fill_ or stroke_needed) = fill_neded if newliteral ~= nil then newliteral = fmt("%s /tr%d gs", newliteral, newtr) else newliteral = fmt("/tr%d gs", newtr) end current_tr = newtr end if newliteral then head = insertbefore(head, n, pdfliteral(newliteral)) end end end return head, current, current_stroke, current_tr end -- -- Colorization should be run just before shipout. We use our custom callback -- for this. See the definition of `pre_shipout_filter` for details on -- limitations. callback.add_to_callback("pre_shipout_filter", function(list) -- By setting initial color to -1 we force initial setting of color on -- every page. This is useful for transparently supporting other default -- colors than black (although it has a price for each normal document). local list = colorize(todirect(list), -1, -1, 0) return tonode(list) end, "_colors") -- -- We also hook into `luaotfload`'s handling of color and transparency. Instead -- of the default behavior (inserting colorstack whatsits) we set our own -- attribute. On top of that, we take care of transparency resources ourselves. -- -- The hook has to be registered {\em after} `luaotfload` is loaded. local color_count = registernumber("_colorcnt") local function set_node_color(n, color) -- "1 0 0 rg" or "0 g", etc. local attr = tonumber(token_getmacro("_color::"..color)) if not attr then attr = tex_getcount(color_count) tex_setcount(color_count, attr + 1) local strattr = tostring(attr) token_setmacro("_color::"..color, strattr, "global") token_setmacro("_color:"..strattr, color, "global") token_setmacro("_color-s:"..strattr, string.upper(color), "global") end setattribute(todirect(n), color_attribute, attr) end optex.set_node_color = set_node_color -- function optex.hook_into_luaotfload() -- color support for luaotfload v3.13+, otherwise broken pcall(luaotfload.set_colorhandler, function(head, n, rgbcolor) -- rgbcolor = "1 0 0 rg" set_node_color(n, rgbcolor) return head, n end) -- transparency support for luaotfload v3.22+, otherwise broken pcall(function() luatexbase.add_to_callback("luaotfload.parse_transparent", function(input) -- from "00" to "FF" -- in luaotfload: 0 = transparent, 255 = opaque -- in optex: 0 = opaque, 255 = transparent local alpha = tonumber(input, 16) if not alpha then tex.error("Invalid transparency specification passed to font") return nil elseif alpha == 255 then return nil -- this allows luaotfload to skip calling us for opaque style end local transp = 255 - alpha local transpv = fmt("%.3f", alpha / 255) pdf.add_page_resource("ExtGState", fmt("tr%d", transp), pdf_dict{ca = transpv, CA = transpv}) pdf.add_page_resource("ExtGState", "tr0", pdf_dict{ca = 1, CA = 1}) return transp -- will be passed to the below function end, "optex") luaotfload.set_transparenthandler(function(head, n, transp) setattribute(n, transp_attribute, transp) return head, n end) end) end -- \`\_beglocalcontrol` `` `\_endlocalcontrol` runs `` fully at -- expand processor level despite the fact that `` processes unexpandable commands. define_lua_command("_beglocalcontrol", function() return tex.runtoks(token.get_next) end) -- History: -- 2024-12-18 \pdfstring etc. introduced -- 2024-09-06 raw_ht() implemented -- 2024-06-02 more checking in add_to_callback and remove_from_callback -- 2024-02-18 \_beglocalcontrol added -- 2022-08-25 expose some useful functions in `optex` namespace -- 2022-08-24 luaotfload transparency with attributes added -- 2022-03-07 transparency in the colorize() function, current_tr added -- 2022-03-05 resources management added -- 2021-07-16 support for colors via attributes added -- 2020-11-11 optex.lua released