..... pst-math.sty/pro
0.67 2023-07-03  - fix bug with random list (doubled first entry)
0.66 2022-10-17  - fix bug with random list (doubled first entry)
0.65 2018-12-16  - allow lists with more than 100 numbers
0.64 2018-12-13  - added macros for creating lists of randoms
0.63 2014-07-30  - added the arc secans functions
0.61 2010-10-02  - moved vasicek into pst-func to make the
                   probability available as parameter
0.6  2010-09-29  - added the inverse normal function
                 - added the varicek density function
0.5  2009-08-27  modified SINC function (Patrice Megret)
0.4  2009-05-11  added SystemEqnSolver
0.3  2009-01-20  added SIMPSON for numeric integration (dr/hv)
0.2  2007-08-30  added GAMMA function (hv)
0.1              first CTAN version (cj)