@manual{iwonamath, title = {The \pkg{iwonamath} package}, subtitle = {\LaTeX\ support for scaled Iwona math fonts}, author = { Boris Veytsman}, url = {https://ctan.org/pkg/iwonamath}, urldate = {2023-09-01}, date = {2023-08-31}, version = {1.0}, year = {2023}, } @manual{fontspec, title = {The \pkg{fontspec} package}, subtitle = {Advanced font selection in {\XeLaTeX} and {\LuaLaTeX}}, author = {Robertson, Will and {The \LaTeX\ Project Team}}, url = {https://ctan.org/pkg/fontspec}, urldate = {2023-09-02}, year = 2022, version = {2.8a}, } @manual{kpfonts-otf, title = {The \pkg{kpfonts-otf} package}, subtitle = {{OTF} version of the Kp-fonts}, author = {Flipo, Daniel}, url = {https://ctan.org/pkg/kpfonts-otf}, urldate = {2023-09-02}, date = {2023-08-04}, version = {0.56}, year = 2023, } @Article{Hartke06, author = {Stephen G. Hartke}, title = {A Survey of Free Math Fonts for {\TeX} and {\LaTeX}}, journal = {The Prac\TeX\ Journal}, year = 2006, number = 1, url = {https://tug.org/pracjourn/2006-1/hartke/hartke.pdf}, } @manual{free-math-font-survey, title = {The \pkg{free-math-font-survey} package}, subtitle = {A survey of available free Mathematics fonts}, author = {Hartke, Stephen G.}, url = {https://ctan.org/pkg/free-math-font-survey}, urldate = {2023-09-02}, date = {2006-11-07}, year = 2006, }