#!/bin/bash -f # ADDBIB 0.2, Aug, 2007 K. Goldstein VERSION=0.2 # ####################################################################### # # ADDBIB 0.1, Feb, 2007 K. Goldstein # (based on FINDBIB 2.0 by F. Nesti). # # Usage: findbib foo.tex # # The script searchs for new citations in a latex AUX file and adds them to # a bibtex database. If the latex file is called foo.tex it assumes the bibtex file is # called foo.bib # # Every \cite{...} of a reference in SPIRES-Bibtex standard form # (Author:YEARaa) or in the form of an arXiv reference # (arXive-name/yymmnnn OR yymmnnn OR yymm.nnnn) # is searched in WWW-SPIRES.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU and all the bibtex records # added the file foo.BIB # # The value of the variable ARXIV sets the default arxiv to search if the # cite is of the form \cite{yymmxxx} # # To change the default arxiv change the value below: ARXIV='hep-th/' #ARXIV='hep-ph/' # #################################################################### # # The script uses awk, sed, lynx, bibtex and somes LaTeX. You will have to install # these to make sure it works. # #################################################################### # How the scrip works: # # # Steps: # # Generate an AUX file with LaTeX, # searches the AUX file for labels, # compares them with the records in the file $1.bib # searches SPIRES for new records, # adds them in $1.bib # calls BibTeX on the file (!). # ####################################################################### # # ADDBIB 0.2, May, 2007 K. Goldstein # # add suport for the new arxiv format yymm.xxxx # ####################################################################### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation (version 2) # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # ######################################## # # Useful functions ####################### # randomly pick a mirror ###################### get_url() { #cycle through the mirrors randomly MIRRORS=("http://www-library.desy.de" "http://www-spires.fnal.gov" "http://usparc.ihep.su" "http://www-spires.dur.ac.uk" "http://www.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp" "http://www.slac.stanford.edu" "http://www.spires.lipi.go.id") element_count=${#MIRRORS[@]} let mirror=$RANDOM%$element_count BASE=${MIRRORS[$mirror]} echo Querying $BASE ##################### eval "$1=$BASE"/spires/find/hep/www?"" } get_labels() { # extract the labels from the .aux file echo "---------- EXTRACTING LABELS FROM $FILE: -------------" awk -F"}" '/\\citation\{/ {for(i=1;i<NF+1;i++) print $i}' $FILE | \ awk '/\\citation\{/ {print substr($0,match($0,/\\citation\{/)+RLENGTH,length)}'\ - | sort -u | tee bib.labels_a echo "---------- EXTRACTING RECORDS FROM $BIB: -------------" awk -F"{" '/Article/ {print $2}' $BIB | sed -e's/,//g' | sort | tee bib.labels_b echo "---------- FINDING NEW LABELS: -------------" while read label_a do if [[ ! `grep $label_a bib.labels_b` ]] then echo $label_a | tee -a bib.labels fi done < bib.labels_a rm -f bib.labels_a bib.labels_b nothing_new=0 if [[ ! -f bib.labels ]] then nothing_new=1 fi } ######################################################## # Process the input parameters if [ $1 ] then if test -f $1 then TEXF=${1%.tex} latex $1 FILE=${1%.tex}.aux BIB=${1%.tex}.bib else echo "No such file $1." exit fi else echo "usage: findbib texfile.tex" exit fi echo $TEXF $FILE $BIB # extract the labels from the .aux file get_labels if [ $nothing_new -eq 1 ] then echo "No new citations" exit else # start getting the records from spires echo "---------- REQUESTING RECORDS FROM spires.slac.stanford.edu:" # echo "%%" >> $BIB # echo "%% NEW RECORDS FOR $FILE. GENERATED BY FINDBIB 2.1 ON" \ # `date +"%x, AT %X."`>>$BIB # echo "%%" >> $BIB while read label do echo "------------------------------------------------------------" flag=0 echo "Searching for label:" ########################################### # is the record of the form Author:yyyyxx ? ########################################### if [[ $label = *:[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][a-z][a-z]* ]] then LABEL=`echo $label | sed -es=:=/=` AUTHOR=${LABEL%/*} DATE=`echo ${LABEL#*/} | sed -e's=[a-z]*$==' ` KEY=`echo ${LABEL#*/} | sed -e's=^....==' ` # add a space in two word names: AUTHOR_SPACE=`echo $AUTHOR | sed -e 's/\([a-z]\)\([A-Z]\)/\1 \2/g' ` #AUTHOR_SPACE=`echo $AUTHOR | sed 's/\([a-z]\)\([A-Z]\)/\1 \2/g'` SEARCH=A+$AUTHOR_SPACE+AND+DATE+$DATE echo $AUTHOR_SPACE $DATE $KEY ########################################### # is the record of the form *-*:yymmxxx ? ########################################### elif [[ $label = *-*/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] ]] then SEARCH="EPRINT $label" echo $label ########################################### # is the record of the form yymmxxx ? ########################################### elif [[ $label = [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] ]] then SEARCH="EPRINT $ARXIV$label" echo $label ########################################### # is the record of the new form yymm.xxxx ? ########################################### elif [[ $label = [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] ]] then SEARCH="EPRINT $label" echo $label ########################################### # is the record some other format ? ########################################### else echo $label: PERSONAL LABEL flag=1 fi i=0; NN=0 # start a loop to search through the results while test $flag = "0" do # download the webpage from spires: get_url URL #URL="http://www-spires.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/hep/www?" OPTIONS="rawcmd=$SEARCH&skip=$i&FORMAT=wwwbriefbibtex" lynx -source "$URL$OPTIONS" | sed -e '/@Article{/ s/ //g' > out # increment our search - there are 25 results/page let i=i+25 # find out the number of hits for our search if [[ $NN -eq 0 ]] then if [[ `grep Paper out` ]] then NN=`grep Paper out | sed -e 's/^.*of <b>\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' | sort -u` fi echo $NN "record(s) found" fi if [[ $NN -gt 25 ]] then echo "Searching-----> " $i fi # check to see if there are no results: if [[ $NN -eq 0 ]] then flag=1 echo " PAPER NOT FOUND." # check to see if the label we want is on the page: elif [[ ! `grep $label out` = "" ]] then flag=1 echo "Found:" if [[ $SEARCH = EPRINT* ]] then if [[ ! `grep "<!-- START RESULTS -->" out` = "" ]] then echo "@Article{$label," >> $BIB awk '/@Article\{/,/^}/' out | awk '!/@Article/' - \ | tee -a $BIB \ | grep title | sed 's/ */ /g' else echo "PAPER NOT FOUND" fi else awk /$label/,'/^}/' out \ | tee -a $BIB \ | grep title | sed 's/ */ /g' fi # check to see if there are papers left: elif [[ $i -gt $NN ]] then flag=1 echo " PAPER NOT FOUND." fi done done < bib.labels # clean up rm -f bib.labels out echo "---------- DONE. RECORDS WRITTEN TO $BIB." echo "---------- NOW RUNNING BIBTEX:" bibtex $TEXF fi