# timezone_gui.py: gui timezone selection.
# Copyright 2001 Red Hat, Inc.
# This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
# library public license.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

import string
import iutil
from gtk import *
from iw_gui import *
from gnome.ui import GnomeCanvas
from translate import _

import timezonemap

class Map (GnomeCanvas):
    def __init__ (self, map):
        self._o = map

class List (GtkScrolledWindow):
    def __init__ (self, list):
        self._o = list

class Status (GtkStatusbar):
    def __init__ (self, bar):
        self._o = bar

class Option (GtkOptionMenu):
    def __init__ (self, option):
        self._o = option

class TimezoneWindow (InstallWindow):

    def __init__ (self, ics):
	InstallWindow.__init__ (self, ics)

        ics.setTitle (_("Time Zone Selection"))
        ics.setNextEnabled (1)
        ics.readHTML ("timezone")
        self.old_page = 0
        self.old_ulist_row = 9 # default to UTC row
        self.old_use_dst = 0

	self.timeZones = ((("-14", ""), ("Etc/GMT-14", "Etc/GMT-14")),
                          (("-13", ""), ("Etc/GMT-13", "Etc/GMT-13")),
                          (("-12", ""), ("Etc/GMT-12", "Etc/GMT-12")),
                          (("-11", ""), ("Etc/GMT-11", "Etc/GMT-11")),
                          (("-10", ""), ("Etc/GMT-10", "Etc/GMT-10")),
                          (("-09", ""), ("Etc/GMT-9", "Etc/GMT-9")),
                          (("-08", "US Pacific"),  ("Etc/GMT-8", "America/Los_Angeles")),
                          (("-07", "US Mountain"), ("Etc/GMT-7", "America/Denver")),
                          (("-06", "US Central"),  ("Etc/GMT-6", "America/Chicago")),
                          (("-05", "US Eastern"),  ("Etc/GMT-5", "America/New_York")),
                          (("-04", ""), ("Etc/GMT-4", "Etc/GMT-4")),
                          (("-03", ""), ("Etc/GMT-3", "Etc/GMT-3")),
                          (("-02", ""), ("Etc/GMT-2", "Etc/GMT-2")),
                          (("-01", ""), ("Etc/GMT-1", "Etc/GMT-1")),
                          (("",       ""), ("Etc/GMT", "Etc/GMT")),
                          (("+01", ""), ("Etc/GMT+1", "Etc/GMT+1")),
                          (("+02", ""), ("Etc/GMT+2", "Etc/GMT+2")),
                          (("+03", ""), ("Etc/GMT+3", "Etc/GMT+3")),
                          (("+04", ""), ("Etc/GMT+4", "Etc/GMT+4")),
                          (("+05", ""), ("Etc/GMT+5", "Etc/GMT+5")),
                          (("+06", ""), ("Etc/GMT+6", "Etc/GMT+6")),
                          (("+07", ""), ("Etc/GMT+7", "Etc/GMT+7")),
                          (("+08", ""), ("Etc/GMT+8", "Etc/GMT+8")),
                          (("+09", ""), ("Etc/GMT+9", "Etc/GMT+9")),
                          (("+10", ""), ("Etc/GMT+10", "Etc/GMT+10")),
                          (("+11", ""), ("Etc/GMT+11", "Etc/GMT+11")),
                          (("+12", ""), ("Etc/GMT+12", "Etc/GMT+12")))                    

    def getNext (self):
	if not self.__dict__.has_key('list'): return None

        self.old_page = self.nb.get_current_page ()
        self.timezone.utcOffset = self.nb.get_current_page ()
        self.timezone.dst = self.daylightCB.get_active ()
        if self.old_page == 0:
            newzone = "America/New_York"
                newzone = self.tz.getzone (self.list.get_text (self.list.selection[0], 0))
            self.timezone.setTimezoneInfo (newzone, self.systemUTC.get_active ())
            timezone = self.timeZones[self.ulist.selection[0]][1]
            if self.daylightCB.get_active ():
                timezone = timezone[1]
                timezone = timezone[0]
            self.timezone.setTimezoneInfo (timezone, self.systemUTC.get_active ())

        return None

    def copy_toggled (self, cb1, cb2):
        if cb1.get_data ("toggling"): return
        cb2.set_data ("toggling", 1)
        cb2.set_active (cb1.get_active ())
        cb2.set_data ("toggling", 0)

    def view_change (self, widget, *args):
        if not self.list.selection:
            self.ics.setNextEnabled (FALSE)
            self.ics.setNextEnabled (TRUE)

    def setcurrent (self, widget, area):
            self.tz.setcurrent (self.default)
        except SystemError:
            self.default = _(self.langDefault)
                self.tz.setcurrent (self.default)
        widget.disconnect (self.id)

    # TimezoneWindow tag="timezone"
    def getScreen (self, instLang, timezone):
	self.timezone = timezone

            f = open ("/usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/map480.png")
            f.close ()
            path = "gnome-map/map480.png"
            path = "/usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/map480.png"
	nb = GtkNotebook ()
        self.nb = nb

        mainBox = GtkVBox (FALSE, 5)

        tz = timezonemap.new (path)
        self.tz = tz
        map = Map (tz.map)
        swList = List (tz.citylist)
        self.list = swList.children ()[0]

	(self.default, asUTC, asArc) = self.timezone.getTimezoneInfo()

        self.old_page = timezone.utcOffset
        self.old_use_dst = timezone.dst
        self.langDefault = instLang.getDefaultTimeZone()
        if self.old_page:
            i = 0
            for ((offset, descr), (file, daylight)) in self.timeZones:
                if self.default == daylight or self.default == file:
                i = i + 1
            self.old_ulist_row = i
	if self.default:
            self.default = _(self.default)
            self.default = _(self.langDefault)
	    asUTC = 0

        if (string.find (self.default, "UTC") != -1):
            # self.default = _("America/New_York")
            self.default = "America/New_York"

        self.id = self.list.connect ("draw", self.setcurrent)

        self.nb.connect ("realize", lambda widget, self=self:
                         self.nb.set_page (self.old_page))

        status = Status (tz.statusbar)
        views = Option (tz.views)

        for menu_item in views.get_menu ().children ():
            menu_item.connect ("activate", self.view_change)

	# fix for current map weirdness in dr mike's code.
	views.get_menu ().children ()[0].activate ()

        label = GtkLabel (_("View:"))
        hbox = GtkHBox (FALSE, 5)
        hbox.pack_start (label, FALSE)
        align = GtkAlignment (0.5, 0.5)
        align.add (views)
        hbox.pack_start (align, FALSE)
        self.p1_align = align

        systemUTCCopy = GtkCheckButton (_("System clock uses UTC"))
        self.systemUTC = GtkCheckButton (_("System clock uses UTC"))

        systemUTCCopy.connect ("toggled", self.copy_toggled, self.systemUTC)
        self.systemUTC.connect ("toggled", self.copy_toggled, systemUTCCopy)

        self.systemUTC.set_active (asUTC)

        align = GtkAlignment (0.5, 0.5)
        align.add (self.systemUTC)
        hbox.pack_start (align, FALSE)

        pix = self.ics.readPixmap ("timezone.png")
        if pix:
            a = GtkAlignment ()
            a.add (pix)
            a.set (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            hbox.pack_start (a, TRUE)
        frame = GtkFrame ()
        frame.set_shadow_type (SHADOW_NONE)
        frame.add (map)
        mainBox.pack_start (hbox, FALSE)
        box = GtkVBox (FALSE, 0)
        box.pack_start (frame, FALSE)
        box.pack_start (status, FALSE)
        mainBox.pack_start (box, FALSE)
        mainBox.pack_start (swList, TRUE)

	tzBox = GtkVBox (FALSE)
        sw = GtkScrolledWindow ()
	self.ulist = GtkCList (2)
        self.ulist.connect ("draw", lambda widget, area, self=self:
                            self.ulist.moveto (self.old_ulist_row))
        self.ulist.set_selection_mode (SELECTION_BROWSE)
        self.ulist.freeze ()
        for zone in self.timeZones:
            self.ulist.append (("UTC%s" % (zone[0][0],), zone[0][1]))
        self.ulist.columns_autosize ()
        self.ulist.thaw ()
        self.ulist.select_row (self.old_ulist_row, 0)
        sw.add (self.ulist)
        tzBox.pack_start (sw)
        box = GtkHBox (FALSE)
        align = GtkAlignment (0.5, 0.5)
        self.daylightCB = GtkCheckButton (_("Use Daylight Saving Time (US only)"))
        self.daylightCB.set_active (self.old_use_dst)
        align.add (self.daylightCB)
        box.pack_start (align, FALSE)

        align = GtkAlignment (1.0, 0.5)
        align.add (systemUTCCopy)

        box.pack_start (align, TRUE)
        tzBox.pack_start (box, FALSE)
        tzBox.set_border_width (5)
        self.tzBox = tzBox

        mainBox.set_border_width (5)
	nb.append_page (mainBox, GtkLabel (_("Location")))
        nb.append_page (tzBox, GtkLabel (_("UTC Offset")))

        def switch_page (widget, page, page_num, self=self):
            if page_num == 1:
                self.ics.setNextEnabled (TRUE)
                self.view_change (None)
        nb.connect ("switch_page", switch_page)
        self.list.connect ("select_row", self.view_change)
        box = GtkVBox (FALSE, 5)
        box.pack_start (nb)
#        self.systemUTC = GtkCheckButton (_("System clock uses UTC"))
#        self.systemUTC.set_active (asUTC)
#        align = GtkAlignment (0, 0)
#        align.add (self.systemUTC)
#        box.pack_start (align, FALSE)
        box.set_border_width (5)

        return box