by David H. Silber pilot@orbits.com
  v0.5, 17 August 1997

  This HOWTO document explains how to use your Pilot with a linux sys�
  tem.  Although HOWTO documents are targeted towards use with the linux
  operating system, this one is not dependent on the version of unix

  1.  Introduction

  The Pilot comes with software to synchronize its memory with data on a
  Microsoft Windows system.  There is optional software you can buy to
  synchronize with an Apple Macintosh.  The linux/unix community has
  been ignored by the manufacturers of the Pilot.  Fortunately, a suite
  of free software has been developed to fill this need.  This document
  describes this software, where to get it, and how to install and use

  1.1.  This Document

  The latest version of this document can be read at
  http://www.orbits.com/Pilot/Pilot-HOWTO.html, and is part of the Linux
  Documentation Project (LDP).  See http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/ for
  further information about the LDP and other HOWTO documents.

  Future versions will cover more unix tools for writing application
  programs to run on the Pilot and conduits to transfer data between the
  unix system and the Pilot.

  If you find anything in this document which needs to be corrected or
  better explained, please send me e-mail at the address above and
  specify which version of this document you are referring to.

  This document is Copyright � 1997 by David H. Silber.  It is released
  under the copyright terms in the LDP HOWTO-INDEX document.

  1.2.  Mailing List

  The pilot-unix mailing list is maintained by Matthew Cravit
  <mailto:pilot-unix-owner@lists.best.com>.  Its mandate is:

       The pilot-unix mailing list is for discussion and idea-sharing for those
       interested in using the US Robotics Pilot PDAs with UNIX systems. This
       includes people who are interested in helping to develop tools to allow the
       Pilot to operate with UNIX, and possibly to develop an SDK for the Pilot
       for Unix.

  For more information, including how to subscribe to the list, send
  mail containing the word ``INFO'' to pilot-unix-
  request@lists.best.com.  The subject line does not matter.

  1.3.  Mailing List Archives

  An archive of the pilot-unix mailing list can be found at
  http:///www.acm.rpi.edu/~albert/pilot/.  It is maintained by Chris
  Stevens <mailto:albert@acm.rpi.edu>.

  1.4.  FTP Site

  An FTP site containing an archive of Pilot tools for use on unix
  systems is located at ftp://ryeham.ee.ryerson.ca/pub/PalmOS/.  It is
  maintained by Jeff Dionne <mailto:jeff@ryeham.ee.ryerson.ca>.

  2.  General Information

  2.1.  What is a Pilot?

  The Pilot is a small pen-based Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).  It
  is made by U. S. Robotics, now part of 3Com.

  For those of you unfamiliar with the term, a Personal Digital
  Assistant is one of those small electronic devices which typically
  contain various types of personal information, such as addresses and
  telephone numbers, a calendar, checkbook registry, lists of reminders
  and/or memos and is designed to be conveniently carried so as to be
  handy when the information is needed.

  The more adaptable PDAs, such as the Pilot, allow for the data stored
  on the PDA to be backed up to another computer and for data and new
  programs to be loaded onto the PDA from another computer.

  2.2.  Different types of Pilots

  There are four versions of the Pilot.  The earlier two, the 1000 and
  the 5000 have 128k and 512k of RAM, respectively.

  The more recent two, the PalmPilot Personal and the PalmPilot
  Professional have 512k and 1 Meg of RAM, respectively.  They also have
  a backlighting feature for the LCD panel and version 2.0 of the
  operating system.  The Professional also comes with a TCP/IP stack and
  a few extra programs built-in.

  It is possible to upgrade any Pilot by swapping out the memory card,
  which includes both RAM & ROM.  Of course, this doesn't get you
  backlighting for the older pilots.

  2.3.  Hardware Installation

  Pilots come with a ``cradle'' for exchanging data with the desktop
  computer.  This device is actually a serial cable with a custom holder
  for the Pilot end and a `HotSync' button.  Plug your cradle into a
  spare serial port on your computer.  When you run each of the stand-
  alone programs, you will need to place your Pilot in the cradle and
  push the `HotSync' button so the Pilot knows that it has to
  communicate.  If the Pilot happens to be off when the button is
  pushed, it will turn itself on.

  For convenience, create a device, /dev/pilot which will be an
  alternate name for the serial port to which your Pilot cradle is
  connected.  As the root user, enter the following at the shell prompt:

       ln /dev/cua0 /dev/pilot

  Replace cua0 with the name of the port to which you connected your
  Pilot's cradle.

  3.  Sharing Pilot Data with your Linux System

  3.1.  The pilot-link software

  The pilot-link suite of software tools allows you to download programs
  onto your Pilot, and transfer data for the Pilot's various built-in
  programs between the linux system and the Pilot.  While these programs
  are not quite as seamless as the desktop software that comes with the
  Pilot, they do allow you to copy your data in both directions.  In
  general, each separate program in the pilot-link suite manages one
  type of data.  The PilotManager software is built on top of pilot-link
  and provides a more integrated solution, which typically includes full
  synchronization of the various types of data.

  3.1.1.  Installing the pilot-link software

  The prepackaged versions will inevitably lag slightly behind the
  master distribution, but will be easier to install and not require
  configuration.  The master distribution might be a better choice in
  those rare occasions when you have been waiting for a particular
  feature or bug fix.

  You can get the Debian Linux port of pilot-link version 0.7.2 from
  link_0.7.2-1.deb.  Install this file in the normal manner and skip to
  Using the pilot-link software.

  You can get the RedHat Linux port of pilot-link version 0.7.6 from
  Install this file in the normal manner and skip to Using the pilot-
  link software.

  For other versions of linux or unix, download the version 0.8.2 of
  pilot-link from ftp://ryeham.ee.ryerson.ca/pub/PalmOS/pilot-
  link.0.8.2.tar.gz.  The version number is likely to change, but new
  versions should end up in the same location with a similar name.

  Once you have the software distribution, unpack it with:

       tar -xvzf pilot-link.0.8.2.tar.gz

  This will create a directory (pilot-link.0.8.2) containing the source.

  Run ./configure.  This will search through your system for information
  needed to compile the software.  configure will set things up to be
  installed in /usr/local by default.  If you want to change it, run
  ./configure --prefix=DIR, where DIR is replaced with the name of the
  directory to which the software will be installed.

  Run make.  This will compile the software.  The software will not be
  installed until later, so that you have a chance to try it out first.
  (If you are replacing an older version with a newer release, you may
  wish to check and make sure that no functionality that you need has
  been broken.  Generally, this is not a problem.)

  As the root user, run make install.  This will copy the software into
  directories under /usr/local (or wherever you specified with the
  --prefix option).  If you can not log in as root, you can install the
  software to some directory where you have write access.

  Don't forget to add any new directories of executables to your search

  3.1.2.  Using the pilot-link software

  Most of the programs in the pilot-link suite are conduits, that is
  they transfer data into or out of your Pilot.

  Each time you use of one of these programs, press the HotSync button
  on your Pilot's cradle.  This will initiate the Pilot side of the data
  transfer.  Note that not all of these programs prompt you to press the
  `HotSync' button, so you may have to remember to do it yourself.

  For more details, and other options to these programs, view the
  corresponding manual page.  For the pilot-xfer program, for example,
  type man pilot-xfer at your unix shell prompt.

  If you are going to use PilotManager, you may not need to bother
  learning to use these (more primitive) tools.  pilot-xfer

  Possibly the most useful program in the pilot-link suite, pilot-xfer
  allows you to install programs on your Pilot, make a backup, and
  restore that backup.

  To install a program:

       pilot-xfer /dev/pilot -i program.prc

  To backup your Pilot:

       pilot-xfer /dev/pilot -b backup-directory

  This will copy all of the databases on your Pilot, (including pro�
  grams?)  to a directory called ``backup-directory'', creating it if it
  does not already exist.

  To restore data to Pilot:

       pilot-xfer /dev/pilot -r backup-directory

  Generally, you will only need to do this if your Pilot loses power or
  if you have to do a hard reset.

  To list the programs on your Pilot:

       pilot-xfer /dev/pilot -l  install-memo

  Install a linux file onto the Pilot as a memo.

  To install a memo into your (already existing) project category:

       install-memo /dev/pilot -c project project.memo

  The name of the file will be inserted into the memo as its first line
  and will appear in the directory of memos on your Pilot.  memos

  This program grabs each memo from the Pilot and prints it out in
  standard mailbox format.

  To view your memos:

       memos /dev/pilot  pilot-addresses

  pilot-addresses Transfer the address database to or from the Pilot.

  To write your address data to a linux file from your Pilot:

       pilot-addresses /dev/pilot -w storage.file

  To read your address data from a linux file onto your Pilot:

  pilot-addresses /dev/pilot -r storage.file

  3.2.  MakeDoc

  One short-coming of the Pilot's built-in memo program is that it does
  not deal well with large documents.  To compensate for this, Rick Bram
  <mailto:rbram@concentric.net> wrote Doc, a document reader for the
  Pilot.  (See http://www.concentric.net/~rbram/doc.shtml).  Documents
  can be converted to the Doc format with MakeDoc, by Pat Beirne

  3.2.1.  Installing MakeDoc

  MakeDoc can be downloaded from
  http://www.concentric.net/~rbram/makedoc7.cpp.  Compile it with your
  C++ compiler and install the resulting executable as ``makedoc'' in a
  directory in your search path.  There seems to be a small bug in
  makedoc (version 0.7a) in that it does not output a newline as the
  last character displayed to the user.  This does not seem to affect
  the resulting document file, but it is annoying.

  There is a new version out, but it requires Java.  Take a look at Pat
  Beirne's MakeDoc web page at

  3.2.2.  Using MakeDoc

  Use MakeDoc as follows:

       makedoc data.txt data.prc "Data to display with Doc"

  This will create a file data.prc, which can be installed on your Pilot
  with pilot-xfer.  The text "Data to display with Doc" will be dis�
  played in the directory of documents that Doc manages.

  The syntax for MakeDoc is as follows:

       makedoc [-n] [-b] <text-file> <prc-file> <story-name>
       makedoc -d [-b] <prc-file> <text-file>

        The file that you wish to convert.

        The name of the resulting file.  (End the name with ``.prc''.)

        The name you want displayed in the Doc or Jdoc directory of

  There are also options to decode the resulting .prc file and manage
  various compression options.

  3.3.  PilotManager

  PilotManager is a generalized tool which allows multiple databases to
  be synchronized in a single HotSync session.

  I have not been able to build and install PilotManager in time to
  write about it for this version of the Pilot-HOWTO.

  A few links that might be helpful:

  �  The PilotManager package:

  �  A patch:

     This patch for PilotManager is only intended for use with
     PilotManager version 1.009 Beta 3 when used with pilot-link version
     0.8.0.  Install the PilotManager source and apply the patch with
     the commands:

       tar -xvzf pilotmgr,v1.009-BETA-3.dev.tar.gz
       cd pilotmgr,v1.009-BETA-3
       patch -p1 < ../pilotmgr,v1.009-BETA-3.patch

  I hope to be able to install this software soon and report about it in
  a future version of this document.

  4.  Tools for Developing Pilot Software

  4.1.  prc-tools

  The prc-tools package is a complete development environment built from
  the FSF GNU utilities, compiler and debugger with the addition of a
  few special tools.

  There is not much in the way of documentation, but you might want to
  look at the Pilot Software Development web page at

  4.1.1.  Installing prc-tools

  Download the most recent version of prc-tools from
  ftp://ryeham.ee.ryerson.ca/pub/PalmOS.  The GNU tools can be retrieved
  from ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu.  Get binutils-2.7.tar.gz,
  gcc- and gdb-4.16.tar.gz.  The version numbers specified
  for the GNU tools are correct as of prc-tools release 0.5.0.  Later
  releases of prc-tools may require newer versions of the GNU tools.

  Put all of the distribution packages in one directory.  Unpack only
  the prc-tools distribution.  The prc-tools Makefile will take care of
  the other packages.  By default, prc-tools will be installed in
  /usr/local/gnu.  If you want them installed somewhere else, you need
  to change the value of INSTALLDIR in Makefile.  The steps are:

       tar -xvzf prc-tools.0.5.0.tar.gz
       cd prc-tools-0.5.0
       (Edit Makefile, if necessary.)
       make doeverything

  4.1.2.  Using prc-tools

  One good reference for general use of prc-tools is the example
  directory, particularly the Makefile.  Documentation for PilRC is
  provided in the file pilrc1.5/doc/pilrc.htm included as part of prc-
  tool version 0.5.0.

  E.  People

  Kenneth Albanowski <mailto:kjahds@kjahds.com> Maintains the pilot-link
  suite of tools.

  Donnie Barnes <mailto:djb@redhat.com> Packaged pilot-link suite as Red
  Hat RPM files.

  Rick Bram <mailto:rbram@concentric.net> Author of Doc.

  Matthew Cravit <mailto:pilot-unix-owner@lists.best.com> List owner for
  the pilot-unix mailing list.

  Jeff Dionne <mailto:jeff@ryeham.ee.ryerson.ca> Original author of the
  pilot-link suite of tools.  Manages the FTP area for the UNIX
  PalmOS/Pilot development project.

  Mark W. Eichin <mailto:eichen@kitten.gen.ma.us> Ported pilot-link
  suite to Debian Linux.

  David H. Silber <mailto:pilot@orbits.com> Author of this document.

  Chris Stevens <mailto:albert@acm.rpi.edu> Maintains the pilot-unix
  mailing list archives.